Insecure Dancer?
I was chatting with an absolutely beautiful dancer after getting a lapdance. She was asking what I noticed first about a dancer - legs, ass, breasts, etc., what attracted me to her, and so on. She finally admitted she was fishing for a compliment. I was taken back because she was so obviously gorgeous and had such a perfect body. She explained that she had just started dancing again and at 26 was worried she was too old, not attractive enough, etc. I wonder how common this is. I rarely compliment a dancer on her looks because 1) I figure she already knows she's hot, and 2)I don't want to sound like the drunk guy at the tip rail telling every dancer how beautiful they are. Maybe I should change my approach?
I don't think it's ever a bad idea to tell a stripper what you like about her looks. It's the way you say it that counts. The drunk guy at the tip rail isn't the only way to sound.
It feels good to say it, too.
I think women do not see themselves accurately, much the same way as we all do not hear ourselves accurately (listen to a recording of your voice; that's how you really sound, but that's not how you hear yourself, due to acoustic modes in the skull). Telling a beautiful lady she is beautiful is almost always a fine idea, so long as it is done with discernible sincerity.
Not all women have self esteem issues . I am a girl, and i have alot of female friends , and most, if not all of us, are content with the way we look, and are aware that our worth has nothing to do with our physical apearance. THat bieng said, it is an entirely different ball game when you are working as a dancer in a club, because you make money off of how attractive you are. THat doesnt mean that dancers dont think highly of themselves as an individual, it just may mean that shes worried about how much money she will be taking to the bank. It may suprise some of you that alot of women seperate thier work, from how they feel about themselves in the real world. Its a completely different thing when your not working, and people in your life appreciate you because of who you are as a whole peron, looks dont matter that much in the big picture.
You'd be surprised how many truly beautiful women are insecure about their looks...
"You don't have to only comliment her looks, it could be her outfit, her perfume, make-up etc."
God, you are so HOTTT, and you are an absolutely stunning young woman! :)
LOL u smartass! ;)
Other than to annoy the wackos, none. And, why not?
I think that men tend to focus too much on their choice of words and the facts they convey. They find it hard to understand that a hot woman can't just file away the fact that she is hot and be done with it. She likes to get reassurance of it, but she probably doesn't want you to make too big a deal of it.