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Joined Feb 2010
Last Seen Jan 2012


My name is Roger and I am a 40 year old, single male. I am a free spirit and sort of a bohemian. I have always loved adult entertainment and strip clubs. I work for the federal government. I love history, martial arts, writing, action movies, swimming, playing tennis and bocci ball. I am originally from Champaign, Il., but I now live west of St. Louis. I go to concerts several times a year and I love Aerosmith, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Ozzy Osborne, Apocalyptica, Type O Negative, and Ramm Stein. I have a warped sense of humor and love Monty Python, The Kids in the Hall, and any British humor. I o like dark humor like Tim Burton's movies, especially with Johnny Depp. I have traveled all over the world and have visited Spain, England, France, Italy, Belgium, Morocco, Scotland, Holland, Japan, and Isreal. My favorite strip club is the Silver Bullet in Urbana, IL.