Red Flags On Seeking
Quick article on Seeking. I like to switch off and on it when I'm not strip clubbing. I found some good girls on there but also there's a lot of scamming going. Let's look at some of the stuff if you've been on there a good while, that you'll see again and again to the point where you see it coming a mile away. And maybe even some stuff you just want to stay away from in general.
-Take a look at those blue icons on the left of her profile. You sync various social media to your profile and I would be a lot more trusting if I saw facebook checked, instagram checked, even linkedin, photo verified and id verified. If you see none of those, it's possible some people don't want anything connected but I would be more careful. Usually people with multiple checks are good money.
-Always look at that join date. Did she just join the site yesterday? And no above verification checks? Tread carefully. Most BS profiles last a couple days then get deleted. I would give more credibility to profile that's been around a few months.
-The profile pic itself. After you've seen enough fake profiles, you can kinda develop an eye for it. Is it like some super high def, professional photos, she's on the beach in the bahamas and she's a supermodel. Mean while your searching in po dunk hillbilly country. Something probably ain't right with that. Those bathroom mirror selfie photos may not look pristine but they are usually a sign of a legitimate person. You want some unprofessional, normal photos on there.
-She immediately asks you for your contact info. Or gives you a number to text right away. Alarm bells should be ringing. Usually girls don't give it out right away like that.
-She ask for your snap chat to be friends on there. You'll give it to her and accept her as a friend then you'll get bombarded with snaps from phony account.
-Use google voice phone number for trading numbers at first especially if your unsure. Once this person figured this person is real, you can give a real number if your comfortable with it.
-If you trade phone numbers, check the area code. If it's from like Bay area and your both in Florida and your still not sure about this person, just move on.
-If you talking with her over a few days. Pay attention to her location. If she's in NYC one day, then Miami the next day. Then Los Angeles etc. etc. It's probably bullshit.
-And on that note there are quite few girls that will not be anywhere near your area, somewhere off in Latin America or Europe looking for sugar daddies. They really may not have them where they are. So they will put their location in the states. Unless you plan on flying them out or going there which is kind of crazy for somebody you haven't met, I would pass on that. Check their recent location if they show it, if it was Venezuela it means she is still in Venezuela.
-Sort of an obvious one but not everyone is a mongering vet and may not know. But if she ever, ever, ever asks you to send her money, especially with out meeting this person, do NOT ever send money. Ever. You are talking to a dude on the other end who wants your money. Do not ever do this. Block the number.
-You can't ever seem to get her on the phone. You can text, yeah. But she just won't pick up the phone. Ever. Move on.
-Always insist on facetime. It is a valuable tool. If she's real and serious, she'll want to do it too, she wants to see who she's meeting before hand anyway even just for a little bit. Insisting on this makes scammers drop out immediately. I insist on it otherwise I can't proceed and it's amazing how many fake profiles will drop out or then unfriend me on snapchat. This is the best tool for screening out 90% of all bullshit.
-If you know your meeting up with a hoodrat girl. Yeah we've all been there and let's be real, your trying to save some money, hey nothing wrong with it. But meet on your terms, in a public place. Don't be going into the hood or in some ghetto ass motel it could all be a set up. Set ups do happen I just read about one in the Bronx, if she won't meet at Mcdonalds then fuck it move on. If you insist just make sure you go armed, head on a swivel. Ahhh the life of a monger on a budget, how romantic those $40 dollar blow jobs are.
-You'll notice on her profile, I've seen this one a lot but the part where you see what she is seeking, it's below the About Me section. That section is blank. Big red flag there. A girl who is serious will want to at least get that filled in. Also if the About me section is just some general non descript bullshit is another one to look out for.
-Check the profile name as well. Many phony profiles have some general non descript names BeutifulitGirl, CreativeDancer stuff like that. Most girls put more effort into their name.
-If you disregarded any of the above. You have her on her way, she just needs money to uber to your hotel room. She wants you to cashapp her the uber money. That's a big no.
-Also you actually left to go pick her up without facetiming or verifying and now she wants money after you drove all the way there just to prove your serious. Don't respond just turn around and head back home.
-I've noticed early on when I was doing this thing. They will want you to get a hotel room first. So you got skin already in the game. Your invested. Then they ask you to send them money. You already spent all this money on the hotel, what's another $20 bucks to send her way you might think. No. Just don't get the hotel in the first place. I've learned before getting seeking from strippers flaking out on me to never ever get the hotel first so I would lie and say yeah I got it. Then the $ ask came right after. Watch for that.
-Watch out for looking for online first then potentially could become in person, intimate relationship. Newsflash: The latter ain't never coming.
Non scamming, other stuff to look out for...
-Crazy ass biaaatch shit to avoid. When in her profile description, she is ALREADY yelling at you. Just a wall of text of an ass chewing. You haven't even contacted her yet. It would be best just to move on.
-Only face photos shown. If your going to try it just make sure you facetime her first. I've met up with a couple girls where they had nice faces but below that, not what I was looking for. I pass on no ass.
-Anything with FinDom. =Finacial Domination. Looking for a slave. Penny pig bitch to do what I say. Daddy to send me money whenever I want. Yeah they actually talk like this. Anything along those lines I stay far, far away from. All huge cunts, they just told you who they are, believe them
-GPS to stay away from. You'll see girl bragging about how awesome they are, how many suitors are just lined up so you better stand out. She'll want you to pick form her gift wish list. Identify that GPS immediately and move on. Why deal with any of that?
-The children section. Do I discriminate based off how many children she has? Yeah I do. It's not a deal breaker but it is factor. "Prefer not to say" is a funny option to list. Multiple kids, ehh. She might be looking for more than just a sugar daddy, she might be looking for a real daddy. Not interested.
-You always want to evaluate how much of a ghetto bitch this person is. Is her grammar all fucked up? (Yeah as if I'm one to talk on that) Neck tattoos? Wrong crowd with her in her photos? Ghetto bitches will often bring ghetto bullshit. There was a couple hood rat chicks one in Brooklyn and one the Bronx. Same shit both times, deja vu, type that sounds like Cardi B, both times I hit traffic, running a little late, they were screaming at me on the phone with this temper tantrum. It's like yo lady are you fucking serious, who the fuck are you talking to. Turned right around. I'll just save the money and live to fight another day.
-And finally, the always classic: She's looking for platonic. LOL
I've had some good success on seeking. I recommend it depending on where you live near. If there's enough people around, plus your willing to drive it might be a really good option. I switch on and off with it between the strip club adventures. And I rather like the fact that you can actually monger from the seat of a shitter. Anyway that's what I got for now. If I think of something else I'll try to add it in the comments. Thanks for reading.
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last commentGood advice for any online encounters.
Good stuff Muddy. I’ve never tried Seeking but have considered it. All this is too much. I’ll stick to SCs.
Another comment on cell phone numbers. I was on Adult Friend Finder a while back when I set up a meeting with who I thought was a married woman in the area on business and looking for a hook up. We had a few DM exchanges and then she asked for my cell so we could firm up arrangements. A short while later I got a text with copies of pics of my wife and son from facebook. She said that if I did not delete my AFF account she would pass on my AFF pics (dick pics) and our text exchange to my wife. I deleted the account and never heard anything else but it was fucking scary. I NEVER give out my cell phone now unless I've met in person. I have given it to a couple dancers that I've been with multiple times. I use my cell for business so a simple google search will turn up my ID.
other tips
I guess you can't trust people nowadays!
This is good stuff. I’ve been on and off for years. The spamming profiles are like 66% of the profiles on there. The OP’s recommendations are great for shifting through the nonsense. Generally, if the profile is too good to be true then it probably is.
Also when setting up your profile (if you’re married) put open relationship. I’ve found putting “married but looking” turns off a lot of people (cause it implies your cheating which you are of course) and putting single sets unrealistic expectations for availability (I have to plan my sugar dates and can’t just drop my work/family obligations to meet someone) I just say I’m in an open marriage but my wife and I don’t discuss the details and that I keep my sugar life separate from my family life. Works most of the time. Some girls do have hard limits when it comes to married guys.
Great Info, Thanks 👽
Thanks for this. I'll just continue to get pussy the old-fashioned way: from professional escorts.
Agree with most of the above.
Regarding uber..... I've had several girls ask for uber. You can use your uber to request the ride for her. If she declines this and just wants money for gas or uber.... run.
I do a reverse image search on every potential sb. Found a few scams.
Also reverse search their phone # Most girls use an app like Google voice too, but occasionally they give a real number.
I am skeptical of new profiles..... but you might find a diamond in the rough.
I've also started searching average and curvy body style. It's amazing what some girls will call themselves. Especially girls early 20s will say they are curvy when they really are pretty hot.