Awkward meeting in a strip club

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About six years ago I played in my son’s fraternity’s golf fundraiser. As one would expect there were several coeds there who were driving the beer carts and helping with other assorted things to put on the event. After the golfing there was a cookout and party at the fraternity that everyone was invited to attend.

Many of the girls had introduced themselves to me as my son was one the frat’s officers. It was clear they were not flirting with me as much as trying to earn brownie points with the brothers. It was very obvious that several of the young ladies had piercings on parts other than their ears. I spoke with a couple of them for a while as they were telling me how they wanted to go to law school and asking me about life as an attorney. One of the girls, Lily, my son had dated freshman year and she had even come home with him a couple of weekends.

After a bit I said my good-bye and decided I’d leave the young folks to enjoy their festivities. I I still remember my college days and knew my attendance was appreciated for the fundraising part but not needed for the after party.

A few weeks later I had some business with clients in the area. After dinner one of the clients insisted that we hit a local strip club. I did not want to but it was one of those clients that I enjoyed working with so I agreed. This was before I really started going to strip clubs and had only been a handful of times since my college days. On the way over he was telling me about the girls at this club (Thee Doll House) and how while nothing happened in the club he had met a few who were open to OTC activities. This client did not live in the area but probably spent 3 months a year there.

We arrived around 10:30 or 11 so the club was pretty crowded. It was not summertime but late enough in the Spring that the golfing was nice. The three of us got a table and sat down to enjoy the entertainment. A couple of girls, Summer and Madison or Megan I think, recognized my client and immediately came over to join us. After some small talk he was quickly off to the VIP area. The other dancer convinced my client’s partner to experience her in the VIP as well so I was left to my lonesome.

I started to watch the girl on stage when it struck me that she looked very familiar. I knew I had seen her somewhere but could not figure out where. As she was finishing my client returned with Summer. I asked Summer who the girl just leaving the stage was and she said it was one of the newer girls and thought her name was Savannah. Summer left us to get ready for her stage set and my client told me he had been trying to talk Savannah and a friend of hers into OTC for a couple of weeks.

I went to the bar to get another drink and saw Savannah coming out from backstage. She spoke to a couple of customers and went to join another dancer at a table. The other dancer I recognized immediately- it was Lily. “Savannah” was actually Jordan who I had met at the golf tournament. At this point I had no idea what to do, just knew I felt awkward as hell.

I went back to our table and said I was going to have to leave. I just got a call that I needed to fly out early tomorrow so I was checking out of hotel and driving back that night. My client was at the stage tipping but I did tell his partner that he may want to let him know Savannah was still in college. On my way out I ran into Lily. We both froze and she had more of an “oh shit” look than I did. I told her that I was never there so I had no idea what she did in her spare time. She looked relieved and thanked me.

A few months later I happened to ask my son about his golf tournament. He said it went well and the cart girls were shocked at the tip money they made. I asked how Lily was doing and if she decided on law school. He said she was taking a gap year to save some money. When I had another meeting with my client I asked if anything more happened with Savannah. He said not yet but she told him she had moved to the area and was dancing full time for a while and then starting grad school.

A couple of years later Savannah’s name came up in conversation again. Turns out he was a sugar daddy for several months and hadn’t heard from her since she went back to school. He did say that he was never able to get together with her hot friend. I just laughed and told him to ask my son about her.


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