I pays to be nice someitmes.

They all started asking for different things and the house mom finally said the buffet was supposed to be Italian so just get some various dishes and shocked the hell out of me when she handed me some money and told me my friend liked and trusted me. (After I left for the food run another bouncer showed up an they sent him after chips salsa etc for the patrons to snack on).
To make a long story short I went to a little place a few miles away I had been to close to my hotel that served big portions, was good and inexpensive,( I had a flier in my car and called in an order on the way) and brought back a ton of food(enough for 12-15 people). I came walking in with pizzas, salads and various pasta dishes, I became a popular guy. I had gotten enough that the bouncers had some too. They took me back to the dressing room and I had dinner with them(this may be partially because I was mid fifties at the time and dressed business casual so I looked a harmless Ward Cleaver dad type). I ended up buying more food than the money they had give me and all started to give me more, I gave the house mom the bill and told her to give me the balance to the nearest dollar. Shortly the place picked up and the girls were going out and back. Have you ever tried to eat while there are multiple girls from nude to g strings to bikinis around. They were also surprised when I told them that I only wanted the balance of the money for the bill. I told them " I am a dirty old man owed a tip, a nice tip of a nipple would be fine"(I though about something funny/racy to say all the way back from the restaurant to the club) They all laughed even though it was a lame joke but needless to say I did not lack for companionship the rest of the time when I went to the club that trip. I did not try to get anything for free but I became the table the girls would stop to chat when not busy. The following Monday the house mom had a pitch-in for the girls and staff in the back and I got invited to that meal. There was, again, lots of eye candy and I found that most of the girls were very sweet, naive, sad, dependent, lonely, desperate while some were jaded. Most of the girls have issues of one type or another but keeping all that at bay we had a really fun time. It made my time in that town go quickly. That food run cost me 40 minutes of my life and I got two meals, naked company, a party at my table and several very enthusiastic GFEs in the vip rooms in return. (yes I paid but I it was well worth it because she liked me we enjoyed each other)
Have any of you done a favor for one girls expecting nothing but a thank you in return. Those girls trusted me with a lot of money to get them food and I think that at least some of them were surprised I came back and were really shocked when I did not expect much in return. But by not asking for anything I got more than I would have been give if I had asked.
I know that not all clubs are run this nicely but to a girl while some had a few gripes none had anything seriously bad to say about working there. Extra service for special customers in VIP was tolerated if it was kept quiet. The place was clean, safe, drinks were reasonable and not to weak or to strong. ROB's were actively discouraged by the house mom. She told me herself that ripping guys off directly or indirectly always comes back to bite the club so she as a former dancer would not put up with it. She was a good manager for the girls because I was in the club off and on when in town over 1 1/2 years and the dancer turn over was noticeably low.
I wish I cloud find a club close to where I am now that was as well run and friendly.
What goes around comes around!
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last commentThe next time it was just for her, and I told her to keep the money. The time after that, it was her and three of her friends. I took their money, but not hers. Well, I took it, but gave it back later.
She'd always give me money for hers, and I'd always give it back, unless the food was just for her, and then I just wouldn't take it.
I don't know if the others ever caught on to the fact that she was always getting hers free, but nobody ever complained, or even said anything.
And like you, there were dividends, though I never got dressing room privileges. :)
And I agree, it does pay to be nice. You always gotta be careful not to be too nice, lest you turn into a sucker, but this appears to be solidly in the sweet spot.
But strip-clubs/strippers are a crapshoot - for every good strip-club/stripper there are more that are not good - as Dolfan mentioned, often times one's kindness makes you a chump/easy-mark for dancers to get what they want out of a PL often w/ not much ROI.
I guess as long as one sees the game for what it is and is aware of when he's getting taken advantage of, then yeah being nice can have it's upside but just as often it can just make you a stripper's puppet w/ not much reciprocity.
So off the top of my head I can't recall a time when I did something out of the typical for a dancer - I also don't get into that type of situation too often since I rarely stick to the same dancer in any club - if it's not been too long since I last got dances from her then on a subsequent visit I will not get w/ them and will turn them down when they approach me b/c I don't like getting w/ the same girls every time I visit a particular club - so me turning them down from time to time kinda makes them keep their distance and not ask me for favors; and when I do get w/ them it's just for a couple of dances and then I move on to other dancers during the visit.
There ain't no such thing as free and if I would have asked for a freebie I do not doubt I would have gotten ONE freebie but because I paid minimal room fees and tips I got extra service. Most dancers are surrounded by freeloaders and the girls are there to earn a living. I could afford to pay something and likely would have spent that same amount for less in the club anyway.
Let us review I was in that town for 3 weeks and visited the 8 or 10 times rather than spend my evening in a hotel room. The incident occurred on the 4th visit and cost me 40 minutes in time otherwise spent watching TV in a hotel room and maybe $5 in gas. I got in return 2 free dinners, the ability to go back to the dressing room, no cover charge, un-timed & uninterrupted VIP rooms visits, and minimum tips to the girls for maximum fun! I recall I spent around $1500 including drinks, tips, lappers, and VIPs. 4 of the 5 VIPs (one was before the food run)were relaxed unhurried no holes barred GFEs that left me drained! So for that amount of money invested I think I received a good return.
Am I a PL... yep and proud of it. I have read reviews where guys spend that in one night, granted my extended VIPs were early in the week early evening when the club was slow with more girls than customers. Beat the hell out of watching TV or internet porn and abusing myself.
The end result, we have been married for 15 years with 2 kids and even though she doesn't have to she still works in a club a couple of nights a week
"But by not asking for anything I got more than I would have been give if I had asked. "
A favor is only a favor if nothing is asked for in return. But often times it's not only returned, but returned and some, which makes it even greater. Best rewards are the ones not expected. Good job on the sportsmanship.
I drive off to the package store pick up a bottle of Captain Morgan and some scotch for me. Back at the club, I realize that carrying booze into a bar is probably not a good idea. (Little head thinking before the big head.) I leave the rum in my truck and go back into the club. I find Miss 19 who hands me the keys to her car and tells me which one it is. I go back out, put the run under the front seat. Her car is a mess. Like I figure her whole life is.
Back in the club, she offers to pay me with a "VIP you'll never regret." The back corner VIP is empty, so she takes me there and in fact gives me one hell of a four song LD that results in a happy ending. She will only accept half the price of a four song VIP from me in return. So, yeah, sometimes it does pay to be a nice guy.