My OTC Career, Part 2: A Veritable Shit Storm of Chaos

avatar for MrDeuce
This is the second in a three-part series of articles on my checkered OTC career. In part 1 I described my unpromising OTC beginnings: two dinner-only dates with strippers and three dinner + BJ (or BJ + brunch) dates with one in particular. In this article I will describe an unbelievably bad first attempt at an overnight date with a stripper. I call this date “a veritable shit storm of chaos” for reasons that will soon become evident.

I was introduced to D, a very attractive 38-year-old blonde career stripper, in summer of 2015 by my long-time favorite at a certain club who was planning to move away and, because she likes me a lot, wanted to fix me up with one of her best friends that she thought I would like. Little did she know that she was creating her own competition, as she hasn’t actually moved and now has to share me with D when they’re both working.

D has danced for me only three times over the past year and a quarter, the first two resulting in lapgasms due to her very sensual style (along with some OTP stick-shifting). The last time, in summer 2016, she was a wild woman, pulling Deuce Junior for some HJ, TF, and “the cameltoe slide” before an overzealous new bouncer shut her down.

Build-Up to the Main Event
After our steamy dances in July I asked her for her number (which I used to have), explaining that I had lost my burner phone and all of my contacts earlier in the summer. She couldn’t remember her number at the moment, so I gave her mine, not really expecting ever to hear from her.

Three days later she texted me, stating that she had suffered some financial setbacks recently and wondering if I could transfer $200 to her. The next day I wired the money using Walmart-2-Walmart, a service that costs $9.50 and requires the sender’s name, address, and phone number and the recipient’s name, state, and phone number and takes only 10 minutes. We agreed by phone to meet OTC for some “quasi-sexual activity, not sex per se”.

A week later she texted me again. This time she was in even deeper financial doo-doo and wanted more money. This was probably the time to draw the line, but I did some negotiating by text, asking her how much (“$150”), whether she would spend the night with me (“Yeah, for sure”), and whether she would be willing to do two BBBJs (“Not a problem”). I asked her if I could trust her to spend the coming Sunday night with me and do what we had agreed to and she wrote “Yes I promise. U have my WORD!”. So I made another transfer and specified the date: Sunday in five days, dinner at the Olive Garden (her choice) followed by overnight with after-dinner and morning BJs.

On Friday and Saturday I texted her several times from a city hours away, where I was attending a concert, to try to pin down the time and place to pick her up, but she seldom answered. Either she was just waking up (at 4pm Saturday!) or she was in the shower or she was leaving for work or she was busy at work or something. However, she did call from her club just before my concert started on Saturday night and we agreed on 6:30 Sunday as the start of our date.

The Date
I checked in to my hotel room at 3:30, went to a movie, and then took root at a McDonald’s with its free Wi-Fi, awaiting further developments. At 6:30 on the dot I texted her, asking “Can I pick you up now?” but she asked for 30-40 minutes because she had just awakened. This was the first in a series of extreme underestimates of time. In fact, I picked her up at her cheap motel at 8:30 (she was evicted from her apartment last spring), two hours after our date was supposed to begin.

We enjoyed a nice dinner with wine at the Olive Garden until it closed at 10. Revelation #1 was that her daughter was leaving at 5am to go on a vacation trip with D’s parents, so we had to go to Walmart to buy a journal and photo album for the daughter ($12, compliments of Deuce) and then to a gas station for smokes for D ($11, again compliments of Deuce). Then came Revelation #2: D had to go to her parents’ house to say goodbye to her daughter but it would only take an hour and her brother would drop her off at my hotel. (I found this weird, too. She simply said “He’s my brother, he knows I’m a stripper, and he doesn’t care.”) Furthermore (Revelation #3), she might need to work a few hours at her club because she had earned very little money in recent days. I asked her how much she needed and she said $200 for trip money for her daughter and $50 for tomorrow’s room rent.

I reluctantly agreed to “buy out her shift”. This was another point at which I could have refused, but I was already deeply involved in this saga and wanted to see how it played out, so I gave her *another* $250 and we shook hands on an agreement for another sleepover with two BBBJs in a month or so.

Of course one hour turned into two hours, so D texted me at 1am from the parking lot of my hotel. Now came Revelation #4: her brother wanted to meet me to see who his little sister was spending the night with. I found this weird and told her so. I insisted that they come into the lobby so that at least there would be witnesses to my shooting or knifing. As it turned out, she entered alone and I merely waved at him as he drove past the hotel entrance in his pickup. He said something like “Take good care of my little sister”. She explained that he was overprotective of her because they had had another sister who was a prostitute and was murdered in a hotel room by a customer. Weird, right? Well, it gets weirder.

The Main Event
By the time we got to my hotel room, it was 1:30am and she made Revelation #5: her brother was babysitting her other two daughters but had to go to work at 4am, so she needed to leave in the middle of the night to watch her kids until an aunt could take over at 7 or 8am. WTF! I agreed – what choice did I have? – and she did a magnificent job of relieving whatever stress I was feeling. It was really marvelous: we both got naked on a king-sized bed and engaged in some adult fun time culminating in an epic BBBJCIM, then just lay there cuddling and snoozing until she had to leave at 3:30.

The plan was for both of us to get a few hours of sleep until the babysitting aunt arrived and then rendezvous in my room or hers for round two. D thought *I* was taking her back to her motel (10 minutes away), but apparently her brother hadn’t gotten the word, because from about 2:30am on he was calling and texting my phone over and over. My phone was on “Do not disturb” so I didn’t see his texts until 3:30-4am. At first they were normal things like “You can tell my sister I’m dropping the kids off at our moms” but later turned into psycho shit like:

“If she dont get back to me I’m going to come up there and talk to her okay and I really don’t have it all that way she has a phone but she’s not responding to it”

and eventually:

“Tell before that you just suck your dick you got a blowjob ever give you a ride home. [She] better stop calling me from the hotel she’s at the place you got your dick sucked.” WHAT THE FUCK???

The Aftermath
At 9am I texted and called her, stating that I wanted her to come back to my room for round two – I did NOT want to hang out in her room! No response. At 11 I sent her a series of texts from a nearby brunch spot, pointing out that I enjoyed *parts* of our date – the dinner and the hotel room time – but that the rest was “let’s be honest, kind of a shit storm of chaos”. No answer all day!

The next day I texted her again, reminding her of her solemn promise, asking her if she was a woman of her word, and proposing a kind of payment plan (though it sounded nicer than that) whereby she would meet me two more times for double- BBBJ sleepovers and an incentive tip each time. That way she could pay me back without any outlay of cash and in fact would get some cash tips from me. If this all works out, I will get a series of wonderful hotel room BJs for about $150-200 each, not cheap but I’m trying to salvage something from this fucked-up situation.

She responded with a text stating that she will call me soon to discuss the details and that “U have my WORD and once I explain this text you will understand. I appreciate u and will make it up to u.”

Stripper shit? We’ll see. In my usual sunnily optimistic way, I think this will eventually work out. Or she could disappear and I could be out lots of money. Or I could be murdered by her psycho brother. Who knows?

To tell the truth, I don’t have any big regrets. I made a few crucial decisions (the first $200 transfer, the second $150 transfer, and the additional $250 cash after dinner and before our hotel time) that may prove to be questionable, but I’m intrigued to see how this all plays out!

My take-away from this saga is that D is a well-meaning career stripper with an extraordinarily disorganized life who got into financial trouble, found herself hundreds of dollars in debt to me, and panicked. When I kindly and generously proposed a payment plan that will allow her to pay me back without any outlay of cash on her part, she came to her senses – maybe.

The “shit storm of chaos” date described above was in early August. At the end of August I returned to her city and gave her a chance to redeem herself and to “work off” some of her debt. I must say that this second OTC date with her went *much* better. She was only 45 minutes late to be picked up, we had a lovely dinner at a fine Mexican restaurant; and she spent the entire night in my hotel room, blowing me most memorably at bedtime and again around 9am. We ended the date with a nice brunch. This time there were no two-hour delays, no departure in the middle of the night, and no interaction with the brother.

On the other hand, almost every week for the past two months I have wired money to her because her life is in perpetual chaos, lurching from one crisis to another: she has no money to pay for her motel room, she’s homeless or hungry for a couple of days at a time, she suffers a health emergency of some kind, etc. etc. Whenever something goes wrong, she turns to me for money. She now owes me the equivalent of several overnight dates, so much that I doubt that she’ll ever got caught up.

I suspect that I’ll keep seeing this girl. She has quite a hold on me and she owes me a lot. She has told me repeatedly that she is deeply grateful to me and even that “I literally love u”. However, at this point I think I’m done giving her money – which could very well mean that she will soon be done feeling grateful.

The latest development is that D has somehow acquired an old beater of a car, is getting her driver’s license reinstated, and has offered to drive three hours from her home to mine on a monthly basis to “work off” her debt! This is utterly astonishing to me – a stripper who is willing to make long-distance house calls!! Despite the very chaotic nature of her life, she retains a sense of responsibility for her debt and gratitude toward me that may very well result in a series of overnight OTC dates. Our next date is tentatively scheduled for about two weeks from now, so by the time this article is published, it will already have taken place – or not!

Final Words
This tale does not paint a flattering portrait of me. It is intended to show how truly awful an OTC date with a stripper can be – with the PL still wanting to see her again! In part 3 I will close this trilogy of articles with an account of an ongoing series of almost perfect OTC dates with another stripper.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
1. F2F first meetings. It isn't just to check her looks, its to see how you feel about her. And then also if it is a go, to let her see that you definitely have selected her. No dating services or letting people fix you up. You select a girl you have spotted in some public place. And then just make it happen. Your efforts will impress her.

2. There are likely to be lifestyle and work schedule compatibility problems with women who dance in strip clubs. Their lives are just set up differently than the lives of most other people, and especially of most men.

3. All outside relationships will face complexities and challenges.

4. If the issue underlying all of this is trying to keep it hidden from a spouse, then as far as I can see, you are making yourself into a chump. And so the women can instantly see this and they can ring you like a cash register. Giving money to a woman you are seeing is no big deal. But when it gets real complex, that indicates some deeper problem. If that problem is your marriage, then you need either a Marriage Counselor, or a Divorce Lawyer. Best to try the first, and if it doesn't work, then you need the second. You might find a few dancing at strip clubs, but in my experience it is not that many. Really we should be starting a fund so we can send some of these girls to school, so that they can start really helping guys like you with their problems.


Erik Satie: Relâche (Complete ballet) (1924)…
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Thanks for posting. It's fascinating to read about the whirl-wind lives these dancers (may or probably) live. Wow. Again, it's all very useful to read.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"To tell the truth, I don’t have any big regrets."

Well, there you go. A question that comes to mind is: when the next stripper behaves this way, will you respond similarly -- sending cash and hoping for the best, dealing with all kinds of odd situations -- or is this bucket list checkbox and then no more? I know I've made all kinds of questionable decisions with strippers, and one in particular I'm thinking of, so I know it's hard to think straight when you're in the throws of DEFCON 1 level horniness and affection. And I often told myself I didn't regret it either -- but then never repeated those mistakes again and jettisoned any stripper who looked like she'd be the same mess.

I'm sure you realize that, looking at this from the outside, this is all absolutely insane, from all the money being sent, to the (absolutely inexcusable, to me) lapse in security for meeting the "brother", to the crisis-to-crisis that she's involving you in ... ugh! Again, not that I haven't made the same mistakes :) But you're giving me flashbacks to some crazy-bad decision-making I did -- I do NOT miss being hooked on a stripper whose life was a mess, and seemingly powerless to make the smart decisions to GTFO
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Thanks for sharing MrDeuce, it sounds like it couldn't have been easy. When I was single I could put up with a little more SS, but now that I have a comfortable arrangement to come home to I wouldn't think of going to rise depths you've described above. It isn't easy to lay your cards out to otter PLs like us on this forum. We all have our experiences and I've had similar crazy encounters when I was younger and single with the strippers. Alas, no more.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
dang man. this situation is brutal in some ways. butt an excellent bj. that has got to be worth some of the hassle. see if she will kick it up to full sex.
i have a weird otc relationship myself. i loaned her money for a much needed boob job. she had blown out her dds in a rollover accident. i tip her when i have a quick session with her and subtract the same amount from what she owes me. still have about $3k to go.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Good but crazy story, but I got to tell you personally, I would never allow any of these girls to put me through such drama. Your story makes me appreciate the few girls that i do see because I wouldn't find any of this worthwhile.
Truth be told the fact that you guys reward this kind of behavior, by giving money to these types of whores, is the real reason that so many of them behave this way. If they got cut off as soon as they started acting squirrely this sort of nonsense would end.
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Thanks for your comments so far, guys. I look forward to further feedback.

Subraman: I treated this as a learning experience and definitely wouldn't make these particular mistakes again. I fully understand that I made a series of questionable decisions and would know better next time When I agreed to meet the brother in the lobby, I wasn't worried. From the psycho texts that I received a few hours later, I realize that I probably should have been! He really is her psycho brother, by the way -- I've found out a lot more about her and her fucked-up family since this was written. My last advance to her, by the way, is going to be reimbursed by her father next week when he gets his pension check (she says).

To others: I've stopped sending her money and she has stopped asking -- finally! She appears to be willing to drive 3 hours (one way) on a monthly basis for a while to "work off" her debt. Could D be the first stripper in history to make long-distance house calls. Stay tuned . . .
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I will post part 3 of this series soon, so it should appear in 2-3 weeks. It is tentatively titled "My OTC Career, Part 3: Nearly Perfect Boy-Girl Sleepovers"
avatar for Bavarian
8 years ago
38 is pretty damn old to be a stripper hence the cheap OTC

I kind of feel bad for the stripper for being in that situation. You're her lifesaver.
avatar for goosman
8 years ago
Great story. This was both a comedy and a horror movie at the same time.
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
-->"Subraman: I treated this as a learning experience and definitely wouldn't make these particular mistakes again."

Ah, ok, that's where I was too, with the stripper who was my huge mistake. No regrets, but I also learned what NOT to do, ever again, which is kind of a recognition that you're conflicted, which is good...

-->" I fully understand that I made a series of questionable decisions and would know better next time When I agreed to meet the brother in the lobby, I wasn't worried. From the psycho texts that I received a few hours later, I realize that I probably should have been! He really is her psycho brother, by the way"

Yes, exactly. If you were my buddy, you'd get a sit-down talking to, and a serious one, about how you can make all the dumb decisions you want around $ (Lord knows, I've probably made them all already, too), but poor choices around security just don't fly. If the brother had later jacked you up, you'd be recognizing this better -- "You can't believe what a dumb decision I made -- I actually went down to the lobby!". I wince at poor decisions around personal safety, more than I do around the dollars, even if I totally recognize how difficult it is to make good decisions when you're sexually and emotionally all charged up
avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
Yep, Subraman, I agree -- going down to the lobby to meet the brother was almost criminally stupid on my part. It's one of many aspects of this date from hell that I would never repeat.

One funny thing is that her brother now thinks I'm a good guy because of the help I've given her! One night about a month after this incident he called to tell me that she had been arrested due to an outstanding warrant on a civil charge (some dispute with a landlord) and wanted me to bail her out for something like $400. I refused. Then a few weeks later he called me again early one morning to tell me that she had been taken to the hospital for an unspecified medical emergency and I needed to send $100 right now for her hotel bill or all her stuff would be thrown out at check-out time that day. My response was in the form of a text: "Since you're right there, why don't *you* pay her hotel bill?" Now he doesn't bother me any more.
avatar for ATACdawg
8 years ago
Man, you are unfortunately close to achieving the gawker award for entering the outrageously costly, life-sucking rabbit hole with this woman!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
Shit, not worth all that fucking drama for just a BBBJ - the bigger problem is that one can't help a chick like that no matter how much $$$ you throw at it - plus all those "emergencies" may (some, many) be made-up to hit you up for $$$ for who knows what - and "he's my brother/cousin/friend" is often a cover for the baby-daddy or the guy they're currently fucking.

You've mentioned your new OTCs are much less of a headache thus I don't see having to keep seeing chaos-chick since it will probably be just mire chaos (don't fool yourself into believing/thinking that her life/situation will at some point get fixed and that you just have to hang in there helping her out a little longer) .
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
My hero and mentor @JohnSmith would never be caught with a 38 yr old stripper.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
sometimes the older girls give a damn good bbbj. allways open to an attractive woman for that. especially at a cheap price.
avatar for JamesSD
8 years ago
Thanks for sharing.

Sounds like she's an addict.
avatar for dogsun
8 years ago
I think she really likes you!
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
"sometimes the older girls give a damn good bbbj"
Thing is, 38-yr-old women become largely invisible to dirtbag alpha-males (those I won't mention by name). Single women in that age group are desperate to meet eligible men. It's unclear why anyone would be paying to meet women in that age group. I don't get it.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
consider my own perspective. i'm 66. if a younger lady is still attractive... and reasonable... certainly worth considering.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
butt my preference is 18 thru 25.
avatar for bvino
8 years ago
Schandenfreude is fun and great for the ego. Risk taking is also addictive. Glad you had fun but I doubt she will ever make that 3 hour drive. I "dated" a stripper for awhile and this all sounds familiar.
avatar for JohnBuford
8 years ago
Whew.It takes patience to deal with these chicks and you have it in abundance.As I was reading your post I was shaking my head and asking if I would have cut my losses. But,it sounds like it's gonna be ok. One thing I've learned is that rarely do these girls have a " safety net." They live hand to mouth and a setback...say their car requiring a new exhaust a disaster,whereas to most of us,we call our mechanic,bring the car in...etc.Keep us posted.
avatar for Forksbro
8 years ago
Well I'll assume that the head must be amazing to go through all of this. But the one thing that is popping in my head; if you worry that's she'll never catch up on the payments, why not not take the relationship to FS.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
I've also made my share of mistakes dealing with OTC and even civilian girls too. One still stings as an expensive lesson.

But so far I have not screwed up and violated my personal rule of never sending money to a girl. I may help them out but I will only do so in person, while looking them in the eye.
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