avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices

Comments by MyPoorLifeChoices (page 2)

discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
I think she's a perfect 10
Lvclubber her name is Natalie Hence the handle. I can't post more links coz her profile is private.
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest
The one thing that makes some sex workers see her as flip flopping is when she supported Trump's sesta-fosta legislation. Its insane for Trump supporters to attack her record on prostitution for the one time she supported Trump 😂
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest
Despite what the lying trolls tell you. Harris hasn't flip flopped on prostitution. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/media/calls-decriminalize-prostitution-becoming-mainstreamed-democratic-party-support-harris.amp
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
I wasn’t just a Trump supporter, I was a true believer, I was one of his closest
https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/20/fact-check-kamala-harris-has-agreed-decriminalizing-sex-work/6325987002/ Something pertinent for this site. Harris is for decriminalizing prostitution.
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for Beat100
Why do a lot of guys online resent/dislike Sex Workers?
I think it has to do with the realization that she's only with him because he's paying. Its even how guys go to strip clubs and are cheap hyper judgmental assholes to girls. Because in real life they'd never do it and shed never give him the time of day. Misogyny is a backlash to women's independence
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Missing SJG
Nicole sound like She was the best thing on this site. Heard a lot of great things. There's an urban legend that if you go to your bathroom. Lock the door. Turn the lights off. And say retarded five times sjg will appear https://youtu.be/Zz-ds_RjYC4?si=m8EZ71XarXA18ide
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
Mr Persianality is Icee
They say he hasn't been the same since his wife and kids left him. He drowns himself in cheap whiskey trannie hookers and hunts iguanas
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
Mr Persianality is Icee
Rumor also has it he's been promising to leave the site for years
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
Mr Persianality is Icee
From what I hear 25 has a penchant for alcohol fueled meltdowns on tuscl. But that's just a rumor
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
Not liking her is fine. But obvious trollish remarks are just dumb. I don't get the men who belittle women they'd never have a chance with
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Trump Goes Green!
https://youtu.be/mdLfkhxIH5Q?si=rmInKLBbLGexwIqt Trump imitating his supporters 😂
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
https://www.instagram.com/p/CiH3YiAvmXr/?igsh=MTh3cnpscWFrYmds The trolls don't actually believe she's shaped like an NFL player. That's the dumbest trolling I've seen
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
25 you're everything they say you are. Dolfan you're piggy backing off the troll.
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
Saying she looks like an NFL center is trolling and dumb trolling at that https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg-4D1MrUYq/?igsh=MTBocTV3cTd0d3FieA==
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
Calling her an NFL center is trolling. You're a known troll here now I see why
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
You're just trolling . Her waist is tiny and you compare her to an NFL center ... https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct0Zb4KAN0c/?igsh=MXV5aHZsb3QwNjdncQ==
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for MyPoorLifeChoices
What would you rate this dancer?
25 if you call this fat??? https://www.instagram.com/p/C33SOljSDAV/?igsh=MWExOWRzcnVjNHZ4aA==
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
Cacaplop. The argument that the left is bigoted against bigots holds no ground. Also, Democrats aren't leftist they're liberal. And I hey stand by the same system as Republicans
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
Cacaplop so you're saying fighting racism and other forms of bigotry is communism. And that's bad. The majority of Americans disagree with you. Even the majority of Indians troll ji
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
How is promoting social equality and acceptance a virus? If conservatives, especially Christian conservatives had their way. Sites like this would be shut down. You know damn well that in their eyes men who engage in the pleasures of harlotry as well as said harlots are just as bad an anyone they're bigoted against.
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for funonthaside
OTC Apprehension - Smart or Overly Anxious
"Theres a guy over 70 years old who has an ATF who’s exclusive, and he also only pays her like $200 or $150 per meet! Guy claimed to also be fat, bald, with a small dick" Cacaplop. He sounds as believable as your troll ass
discussion comment
4 months ago
avatar for gammanu95
Have you ever tried to stick a silver dollar into a stripper's G-string?
Go woke go broke; Jack Daniels Edition
Anyways I'm not surprised at jack Daniels doing this. But it's just marketing to them. They couldn't milk one group so they're trying another. There's nothing deep or political to it