
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 78)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    Lol Icee, you keep committing fraud in your argument also. A stripper who honestly refuses to do otc is not a scammer. Shes exercising her right to fuck or not fuck someone, which everyone has the right to do. Icee, if anyone offers anyone a service, and doesnt follow through, but takes money, its fraud. If you offer to mow a lawn for $100, take the money upfront and dont do it, its fraud. Its the same thing that also applies if you offer sexual services or any services for money. Its not “selling a fantasy” “finessing” “hustling” if a stripper engages in fraud or theft. If a dancer is only willing to do lapdances with no extras, its her duty to be open and honest about what her services are, and let people decide if that’s what they want. Im sorry nobody taught you about this. Not all of us were raised with morals unfortunately Icee, most big companies aren’t engaging in fraud. Its going to be smaller no name shops, usually, that engage in deception. You need to provide a specific example of the deceptive corporate marketing you’re talking about. If a company was offering extras for buying their products, and not following through, that would be fraud too. This fraudulent behavior happens more in illegal industries. Illegal drugs, or escorts or strippers. Because if you get frauded in those industries, you cant go to the cops, or if you do, you’ll have to get punished yourself in order to get the other person in trouble.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    You cant fraud someone on services, like offering a massage for $100 and not delivering. It only happens with escorts or strippers because most people wont go to the cops over sex services not being delivered. Just like people wont go to the cops if their illegal drugs were robbed.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    Lol Icee ive bought many dances with no extras, and even bought more even with no extras. Anyone can refuse any offer of sex or vice versa. Are you incapable of understanding what a rob is? It isnt “selling a fantasy” if a dancer says shell suck you off if you buy vip with her. That’s called scamming and fraud. Ive done literally nothing to dancers who said they dont do otc. Youve gone as far as saying dancers are superior citizens, everyone else is inferior and that dancers have the right to rob clients. Icee when someone posts on here about being scammed by a dancer or ROB, why do you think its impossible for it to be true? Dancers are as human as anyone else, it may be hard for you to understand since you pedestalize them and spent hundreds of thousands on a single dancer. But dancers being human means they can in fact engage in fraud or theft just like anyone else. Saying no to otc or being a hooker doesn’t mean they’re a ROB. A rob is someone who pretends to be a hooker and doesnt deliver once you pay.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Oh my 👀
    Icee would you say that if the club owner said vote democrat? Previously you said you wanted to rob a club owner for wearing a trump hat. Sad
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    Icee nobody said that. What about someone who pretends to be a hooker but takes your money and doesnt provide services? They’re just finessers or hustlers still not scammers?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    But Rick if they are desperate for money, and also not doing otc, IMO there is more likelihood of them scamming. For an escort or ITC stripper to be a scammer vs not be a scammer, they can usually legally get away with scamming jn these scenarios so it comes down to their personal morals/karma, whether they care about their reputation, and then just concerns over legality of falsely offering otc/extras and concerns over whether club management cares if they’re offering extras or robbing. OTC opens up an additional valve of money to the dancer. Scamming also opens up an additional valve of money. Most of the scams as they relate to escorts or clubs center around extras being offered but not delivered. A dancer who does OTC or extras with clients already, is less likely to scam those things.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The food delivery services become more valuable the more valuable your time is. Rick I’m curious what brand of mayonnaise are you getting for $12 and is it organic, using olive oil? An issue with mayonnaise is most are using soybean oil nowadays, the pricier ones will use avocado oil or olive oil. Regarding maple syrup, cant you get the real high quality stuff from costco for a better value? I think its around $10 for 32oz. With maple syrup, the Amish farm type websites often sell Grade B maple syrup which is basically unprocessed and hasn’t been purified. Its basically more natural and raw, but can contain more allergens. One thing I get off amazon which is also insanely pricy is raw honey, $25 for 16oz. Its priced well above even raw honeys you’d find at whole foods. There was a big article written about how olive oil, honey, and one other food item are the most faked food items in grocery stores in the US. Some olive oils apparently have other oils mixed in somehow and they still bypass the vetting process. Honey also has some issues with it because of honey makers being allowed to mix honey from different sources. The one root brand on amazon is organic, and single sourced only from some mountains in Canada. There are other much cheaper organic raw honeys that are usually from brazil, or uruguay or a mix of Canada and Brazil honey. Some of those honeys like costcos kirkland brand and whole foods store brand, taste horrible even when certified organic and raw.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Docsavage, does your rich friend get a lot of lapdances or something similar for free? Does he get a lot of women throwing themselves at him to where it would be pointless for him to spend on otc or a lapdance?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    There are some high end liquor im into, but its more for collection purposes. I dont plan to drink anytime soon. Materialistic things like watches, cars, sneakers. But as far as luxury that most people consider pointless or stupid, probably milk. I pay a much higher amount ($6 per half gallon) for higher quality milk. I try to eat organic when I can, or eating at higher quality restaurants. More expensive doesn’t always mean higher quality though.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Midterm Election
    Gammanu if no birthright citizenships then how? Each person has to apply for citizenship?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Midterm Election
    To include something like corrupt judges and corrupt police on a list of most important issues is laughable. The police kill about 20 unarmed white people and 10 unarmed black people per year, and most of those unarmed people still used their fists or other methods to attack them first. The problem with cops is actually that they aren’t catching more criminals, and that the job can promote laziness and unwillingness to pursue them harder. And unless a cop has a personal problem with someone, nobody is getting fraudulently framed for drug usage/selling or stealing. To include corrupt judges and cops (who affect less than a few hundred people per year) in lists of things that affect millions of people, means you just have a personal problem with cops and judges. The people in high school who hated cops and judges the most were wannabe gangstas copying their favorite celebrity musician, or they were drug dealers. Some of these people literally got arrested for dealing or for stealing then complained about how cops are corrupt. There’s so many thieves, so many drug dealers and users that cops just don’t need to frame people for those things.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    Icee, you blew 5k at a strip club but it was after you robbed 10k in the blm riots. Maybe you have a nice lifestyle but it was all from robbing so it means nothing really. Even millionaires dont blow 5k at the club like it’s nothing. Icee its just a natural thing, to the moral man, thief behavior is despicable, so when you post online bragging about the crazy things youve posted, its only natural you’ll get people calling you out. Btw the word is etc, where did you come up with et al? Lol
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Lines that shouldn't be crossed
    Champ the ones who dont do otc are more likely to be scammers and robs. Many dancers are doing the job for money and theres always additional potential money involved from extras, or from robbing. Some even compete and brag on how much they can rob off one customer or in general. Internet info isn’t reliable in general, so any dancer or customer shit talking the other could be out of spite. But in general, any scammer/robber should be named and exposed. If someone’s intentionally spreading an std, or offering bareback while having an std, it should also be exposed whether it’s a customer or dancer. The alcohol also goes both ways. Not doing anything with someone drunk, and customers shouldn’t be taken advantage of or robbed if drunk either. I wouldnt bring someone to my house. I wouldnt do anything with someone who was a rob even if they werent a rob with me. I wouldnt name someone who didnt do anything wrong.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    He complimented himself referring to himself as a traditional family man, provider man,
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Strong Value in DMV Area
    Big daddy, are baltimore clubs considered highest mileage? This place is closer to dc. I have heard this is the highest mileage club in the area and you can get full service extras under $150. Theres a few reviews mentioning this. What made you say its no extras? Also how do the dc clubs even work why would anybody pay for a private dance if there’s no touching. How are the dancers robs if theres no touching allowed to begin with
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    I mentioned that to Icee before and he said its the mans duty to provide for the woman. That’s why he paid her college bills and her parents living expenses. Cause its manly and tough
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    But Icee you always back the dancer even in cases where dancers have killed or robbed people, and youve said you believe dancers should be free to rob clients as they please. So trying to normalize $1000+ otc, tipping thousands on stage fits into that. You really want to help dancers make as much money as possible. But you’re going about it the wrong way. And to refer to people on here as broke tricks when you admitted to stealing over 10k (that you then blew at clubs) is laughable
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    Icee youre trying to normalize odd behaviors like $1000+ OTC , tipping thousands. $1000+ gets you famous girls with millions of followers. If someones paying that much for otc with a dancer, especially on a regular basis, they don’t have awareness of the market or are really in love with the dancer. It really has nothing to do with being broke, more about stupidity and integrity and awareness. You’re encouraging people to be dumb and ignorant and misleading them about the market. Its like telling someone hey this watch is worth $1000 but dont look it up online and dont discuss it with anyone on social media. And in reality its worth $300.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Veteran dancers vs noob dancers, extras dancers vs non extras dancers
    James so you think newer dancers are more likely to overcharge for sex?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Not for me
    How does the landlord or utility company rob her Icee? If utility is overcharging it can be taken care of. Landlords generally dont rob, unless there’s something that needs fixing thats not being fixed. An escort without a pimp keeps her money... OTC strippers keep their money...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Veteran dancers vs noob dancers, extras dancers vs non extras dancers
    $100 tip but what else did you pay her Jascoi how much for the dance? Boomer its too bad she got fired. It wasn’t warranted, they should just have trained her not to do it in public. Was Follies shut down for extras?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    What are some of the randomest things either you or someone else has tipped for?
    Why not rob him like you advised dancers should do to tricks and like you did in the BLM riots? Too scared of cops and consequences?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    Icee youce made posts saying people who dont offer $1000 for otc are being disrespectful, cheap, greedy poor etc. then made posts claiming you apparently tipped $5000 at a strip club for fun. Youre trying to normalize these odd behaviors
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    No Fucks Given
    Pussylicker if you got genuinely scammed the club may not side with the dancer. They may not want scammers in the club. And they dont want girls offering extras to everyone. $500 is a good rate for someone 9/10 or above. The $1000 rates involve some level of fame, or desperation. If she agrees to extras but doesnt deliver, shes just pretending to be a whore, not an actual whore, unless she is delivering for at least one person.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Big Booty White Thot
    Wow i didnt know seattle are all full service i will need to go