Oh my đź‘€

avatar for nicespice
So apparently the club owner is telling dancers they don’t have to pay a house fee if they vote Republican.



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avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Predictably, some dancers are very displeased
That's one club to avoid. Hope he gets sued
The dancers should be displeased, regardless of how they intend to vote. They should also report it to the CT election officials, though the club can easily claim it was a gag.

The only way to report it as genuine election tampering is if a dancer who accepts the fee waiver then turns around and reports it. I don't see a huge chance of that happening.

Also, sending this out via text is yet another reminder of the wildly varying degrees of common sense and intelligence displayed by club managers, etc.
That's funny you think many dancers vote ?
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Related topic: being surprised you often get scammed whey you assume a stripper will be a who-haw renter for you.

I any dancer is displeased, they need to seriously think about a new gig. In most commercial activities (stripping among them), you have to make a reasonable effort to earn from a diverse set of customers. In stripping, that means indulging people's fantasies at least to some degree. The ballot is secret, so the owner's fantasy is super easy to indulge.

The only tricky part is whether (in whatever state this is) the owner can check if the dancer is registered to vote and/or registered Republican and/or whether someone actually voted. And whether the owner will check if they can. Note that if you just go down, get a ballot, and turn it in blank, you will be recorded as having voted.

Aha! We've discovered how the election was stolen! Strippers were incentivized to vote, they turned their ballots in blank, nefarious Dems in Philly and Atlanta filled them in for Gropey Joe. Notify Tucker Carlson and The Pillow Guy!
avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
That could be election tampering. He probably went a little too far with that but I like the spirit, it takes balls to put yourself out there as a conservative.

Honestly I'm just so sick of the bullshit of seeing these pro criminal, far left lunatics, constantly releasing violent criminals to continue to do what they do, what they've always done and what they are always gonna do. Torturing the victims of violent crimes and their families. It's some twisted social experiment than anybody without their head up their ass knows won't work. Google Kiera Bennefield. Second chance my ass, the fuckers had DOZENS of chances, enough.

Fuck Hollywood. Fuck these woke assholes. Fuck these elite liberals who put insane ideology over people. As long as it's not them and their families. If it's you, LOL well FUCK YOU, they don't care as long as they stay in power. More moderate conservatives and moderate democrats gotta start speaking and stop the looney tunes from doing all the talking. Enough, it's gone too far with this radical left bullshit, A LOT of people are getting hurt out there. Don't wait for something to happen to you or one of your friends or family to wake THE FUCK up./rant
How is this any different than companies forcing - or at least strongly coercing you - to donate to United Way
Muddy said "More moderate conservatives and moderate democrats gotta start speaking and stop the looney tunes from doing all the talking."

For example, we shouldn't tolerate business owners/managers who compel their staff to vote one way or another. I don't like the spirit. Whoever sent out that text is an asshole. And, yes, I'd feel the same way if he were trying to bribe dancers to vote Democrat. If this thread takes off, I suspect that there's going to be a lot of "But what about..." arguments.
Well all a dancer needs to do is tell one more lie before starting her shift to get in for free. It’s not like that’s too hard for them to get in their correct frame of mind.
Is this the same guy about the Trump-hat u posted a couple of days ago?
^ That was in one of the Dakotas.
avatar for how
2 years ago
Votes are PRIVATE. The club owner is either obviously kidding around, or very wrong.
But once, a CLERK at a Voter Registration Office told me she'd let me register IF I promised to vote for Obama. I treated that like a jest, but she had actually been serious (until she realized that's not allowed).
How would they prove that they did ? You don't walk out with your ballot, do you ?
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Icee would you say that if the club owner said vote democrat? Previously you said you wanted to rob a club owner for wearing a trump hat. Sad
Warrior... The screen caps of the messages to the dancers show the manager asking for a picture of the ballot as proof.
"How is this any different than companies forcing - or at least strongly coercing you - to donate to United Way"

I have worked for companies that strong arm their employees way too much to donate to the United Way and it sucks. I even had one upper level manage flat out tell me that anyone who didn't support the company's United Way campaign was considered to be neither a team player or loyal to the company and wouldn't be considered for any promotions. While that may or may not be considered a violation of some type of labor laws, it isn't nearly as serious as bribing people to vote a particular way in an election.

Just imagine if a politician (or even one of supporters) was standing outside the board of elections offering people $50 if they vote for that candidate. This is no different because the club owner is financially incentivising people to vote for a particular party.

I love the way my employer has handled their get out the vote drive for the last 5 years. They give each employee four hours off with pay for voting in any primary or general election. They even do it if you vote early or by absentee ballot. All they ask for as proof is for you to post a pic of you with your "I voted" sticker to be posted to our team's MS Teams channel to help motivate others to go vote but I have seen plenty of people get their paid time off without that so it is basically just them taking you at your word if you say you voted..

I couldn't even imagine the shit storm that would happen if they tried to use their effort to get people to vote a particular way or to get people to take a picture of their ballot.
"Dem Poll Worker Accused Of Pre-Selecting Democratic Candidates, Pressuring Voters To Cast Ballots For Specific Candidates"

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Carmel poll worker removed from early voting site responds to GOP interference allegations, sheriff investigating

avatar for yahtzee74
2 years ago
What a stupid thing for that guy to say. He should have said that he'd pay for their student loans.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 years ago
They can have my house fee.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Say you'll vote for the Republicans and then give you house fee to Antifa.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 years ago
^^ HUGE brain mentality
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