
Comments by rickmacrodong (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    ^ you didnt even address my points… Berbers were Arabs who immigrated to Africa. Saying they have African blood is the equivalent of saying White Americans have native american blood Its a fact that at some point or another, israel has attempted to take additional land from all its neighboring countries. Golan heights.. south lebanon.. parts of egypt. Its no coincidence Hahahah… you should see what middle eastern Christians say about israel. Just watch that tucker carlson interview for starters…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Again there was a Palestinian Christian guy interviewed by Tucker Carlson months back. The guy repeatedly made the point that the biggest problem for Palestinian Christians is Israel, not Hamas. Israel literally wants to wipe out the middle east and take all the land of its neighbors. As evidenced in the yinon plan which seeks to establish the Biblical greater Israel. Its funny though because the Bible only promises the land to Abrahams offspring- not Jews specifically. So you can technically interpret those Bible verses to apply to either Jews, Moslems or both. Jews are from Isaac, Moslems from Ishmael. Greater Israel included basically all of Israels neighboring countries and, i believe even parts of Iraq… hence why Israel constantly creates issues in these countries under the guise of security, in the hopes of eventually stealing additional land.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Israel kills more gays and more Christians than Hamas does. One of the oldest churches in human history- in Palestine- bombed by israel. Its ironic, israel is the largest terrorist group in the middle east. They don’t discriminate either- they kill middle eastern people of every race/religion. All the Christians in the middle east hate israel. All the middle eastern Christians who come to the US, likewise hate israel. American Christians have been brainwashed- but the middle eastern ones, whether Palestinian, Syrian, Egyptian, Lebanese, get bombed by israel regularly. The Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews are Arabian, not African. Ethopian Jews are separate and are actually discriminated against in Israel, despite being Jewish. The Berbers were white skinned Arabs. They are literally why countries like Morocco, Algeria, and even a large portion of Egyptians are white skinned and basically look Italian, Greek, etc. anyone telling you Berbers are “brown skinned” has no idea what theyre talking about. A simple read of Berbers on wikipedia would explain otherwise, or, just look up what Moroccan and Algerian people look like. The brown African people in Morocco, Egypt, Algeria, are explicitly NOT Berber people, thats why theyre darker.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Whats does the vip come with
    Ask them what they would want to meet outside the club or ask them what you can do in VIP. If they have cheaper, single song dances you can get a cheaper lapdance first and ask if you can eat her pussy
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Puddy, im not sure majority of americans support it and regardless support os much stronger on the right due to religion. In fact even the support on the left is probably coming from the religious left. There are still many Christians of all races who are left wing, and many Jews also. Nope you threatened violence daring me to come see you in boston. Yup, utter coincidence lad. The “ghetto zoo animal” is a term I personally created so there is no “traditional usage” for the term. The other term is a german word that can be used to insult any race, in fact even its traditional usage you speak of, it was used to describe anyone inferior, not any one specific racial group or religion or anything else. So yup, no traditional usage, and i invented one of the terms myself personally. I told you to research fighting words. I dont have to do your work for you
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    9pm to 3am i meant
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    Sir Rick also keep in mind clubs operating hours are only 9pm to 6pm… the rent cop may only be there friday and Saturday nights
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    Its not that ghetto, it just looks kind of ghetto from the outside area. It has mostly latina girls and some black girls working. The clientele I would say likewise are mostly latino, with a minority of white, black sometimes indian customers. I heard dancers may actually be employees and paid a small hourly wage? Otherwise the ways to make money are from stage tips, or some dancers perform lap dances out on the main floor/seating area for $20 per song (dancer keeps all), or the VIP dances, customer pays $20 house fee to bar, and pays dancer $30 per topless song and $40 per nude song. Dancer only keeps half that money the customer hands to her. From what i see most dancers on fridays saturdays only manage to sell a couple private dances but some dancers are good at selling and sell 10-15 songs on fridays/saturdays. I havent gone on a weekday yet but heard its very empty. Even if they sell 10-15 songs thats only $200-$300 earned by the dancer so i think most dancers here must need to work a day job unless they also do OTC or have someone helping with bills.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Whats does the vip come with
    Whodey that’s completely not true… A mcdonalds 8 hour shift will pay like, $80 before taxes and probably $65 after taxes. If a dancer is keeping $200, from half an hour or an hour, that is good income. Who do you know that makes $200 an hour, bro? Lawyers, doctors, executive positions/directors/partners. That mcdonalds comparison is completely incorrect. But heres why i wouldnt do in the club extras no matter how much negotiating is done beforehand. You can easily get scammed. Unless you are able to pay her after. Now i dont consider a handjob to be a worthwhile extra. Its not worth any money and not something I would look out for or accept. Id rather have them grind on me than do the HJ. If youre asking questions like what does the VIP come with youll end up getting taken advantage of
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you lie to dancers about your day job?
    If a dancer is stalking you does that mean you could get free or severely discounted OTC from her?
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you lie to dancers about your day job?
    Nope, i tell them the industry and general info. I dont say the exact position nor the company. I’ve never had anyone ask which company, other than an escort one time i believe… I told her a different company name It is info they can potentially blackmail you with or cause drama at your work
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Money Talks
    Its good to have a positive influence to look up to, Puddy. Better than idolizing gangstas or thugs or criminals. Superheroes, athletes, other celebrities can be a positive influence. Also which average guy wouldn’t rather want to be a celebrity? Most people would rather be a millionaire athlete than what they are currently. Comon now
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Trump DOESNT have people skills or judgement to be president? Completely false. He has both decent people skills and judgment. Its part of how he became president
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    And im not clicking those unknown links boy…
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    The N word argument was literally that the N word itself was considered a “fighting word” and was a threat. It seems to be the one racist term/insulting term that you cant actually legally say towards someone. Even if you dont get attacked, it’s considered hate speech. And if you do, you used a “fighting word” supposedly
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    No, I don’t need a “citation” you simply need to examine how many on the right signed the anti semitism bill plus how many want anti holocaust denial laws and even look at i think it was a statue of Virgin Mary, i think someone made one out of animal dung and the religious right wanted it banned. The entire socialistic support of Israel is literally rooted in religious right wingism. And I know you may claim to be atheist and look for “logical” reasons as to why US taxpayer funds should be given to israel, but at the end of the day an atheist non religious person will always be an outlier on the right so it doesnt matter what your outlier opinions are. The ghetto zoo animal term was first used for you when you threatened violence, and later used for your friend who got out of prison. So yes it absolutely is related to you and your friends character. Its you who wants to assign those terms to specific races, meanwhile i use those terms to describe people with poor character. Your israeli friend happened to be an extremist with poor character who wanted to wipe out the Middle East.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    Also what about the nearby bodyshop? Wouldnt that place have the same expenses. Yet its usually empty. Barely any dancers, barely any customers. A dancer told me theres not even a house fee for the $30 topless dances only the $40 nude ones
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    But how sir rick? A dirty lil warehouse out in a back alley in a cheap part of maryland is that expensive? If his costs are that high he might only be going home with 60-70k earnings
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Owner is greedy as hell… do OTC whenever you can
    Funontheside its easily doable. Its called getting a loan…a mortgage. I never said you have to buy it outright. Someone pulling 100k can easily put 3-4k, even 5k a month towards rent or a mortgage
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Advice: Wife Found Out About OTC, How Should I Proceed (Pussy Pic of OTC )
    To add to your point CMI, it may not be righteous anger in this case. The general rule of thumb is whoever is the breadwinner, and paying most of the bills, gets to have multiple partners. We see this with strippers and escorts who have the stereotypical stay at home boyfriends who play video games all day. The guy has to stay loyal, while his stripper/escort girlfriend has many partners. And the opposite scenario, the rich businessman who has a stay at home housewife. The stay at home wife has to be loyal, whilst the businessman can have many partners since hes the breadwinner. So in this case it all comes down to who the breadwinner is. Or there may not be a breadwinner. Maybe both are high income earners. In that case, if the OP cheated, he can just give his wife permission to cheat too, and that evens the scales.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Puddy, probably 75-85% Running for office is one thing. Over 70% on the right dont think we should have free speech or religion. Show me some examples of Europe doing that to people critical of Moslem immigrants. And even if that is correct, it just means europe is even more anti free speech than I previously thought. Yes, threatened is the key word but the point is you can be legally attacked if you say Hey N word to a black person. Because they can say they felt threatened by you saying Hey N word to them. I dont have articles on hand, i just think there have been incidents where they claimed it was a fighting word and akin to threatening physical violence. They felt threatened solely because of the use of the N word, not any other factors. I never directed those terms at a black person at least not in conversation with you, hence it makes no sense why youre asking me to “go to baltimore and say it”. Yes you arent black or jewish and i directed the term to you, and so? Youve done my work for me. Also, it looks like you are doing my work for me again you are claiming i “made threats” because i said your extremist friend is an untermensch. So by your own admission you dont support free speech, and you believe any racial insult or insult that appears to be racially descriptive in origin, is threatening language. So you believe the terms untermensch and zoo animal can only apply to some races not any race? That is racism. You also believe certain races, if those words are said to them, will behave violently in response. That is also racist you are basically saying those races are violent. And thats why so many on the right want different rights and rules dependent on peoples race, religion, sexuality, nationality, and immigrant status. It all comes down to the belief that some orientations, races, religions, nationalities, are better or worse than others.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Could Donald Trump lose the popular vote but “win” the presidency twice?
    Okay, its most on the right. It is a number. Yes… they want to have different rights dependent on your race, nationality, immigrant status, sexuality, religion etc.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    Smash or Pass?
    Her body is nicely shaped. Her face is a 5.5/10 or 5/10.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Wife's Pussy VS OTC hook ups pussy (With pics) Rate scale of 1-10 and why.
    Cant see either picture. I did see the OTC one you sent earlier. It looked nice and fresh, smoothly shaven
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Joe skipping Barry and Kammy's speeches
    Misterorange you may be correct however, the right wants to be able to fuck any immigrant men in the mens locker room