
Comments by Thick-5-Incher (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    Trumpism is melting faster than the polar icecaps --- CRY HARDER, Orange Fagg!
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    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "keep bragging about the "popular vote" which means nothing" Hillary won in 2016 by 4 million votes. Mighty Joe won in 2020 by 9 million votes. PROOF that Democrats are winning the hearts and minds of America -- MORE and MORE every year. Suck on that dick, MAGA Cunt.
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    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    Orange-Fagg, No, asshole, FUCK YOU. A mighty Democrat like me owns you like a little pet. You follow my orders, bitch.
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    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Stripper Bar Dive
    Funny clip, but honestly --- where can I find cute spinners totally nude and dunking drinks on their head? Sounds like a fun place!
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    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    CFP / College Football Play-offs
    Georgia, Michigan, and TCU have their spots locked up regardless of whether they win or lose this weekend. The only debate is the #4 spot between Ohio State and Alabama and I think Ohio State gets it because on paper, a 1-loss team is still better than a 2-loss team regardless of margin of victory or whatever bullshit stuff happens in college rankings. Yes, the Fuckeyes did get spanked in their own house by Michigan, but it was their only hiccup of the year and they deserve a playoff spot. Plus, it will be hellaciously sweet to see them get beat AGAIN by Michigan in the playoffs!
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    2 years ago
    Best Music Videos of All Time
    "Man in the Mirror" is the most powerful to me" Probably the most meaningful music video of the entire 80's, a decade that was focused on vapid and vain pursuits. I can still remember my senior year English teacher in high school talking about the video with tears in her eyes. She said "Michael Jackson is right, we can only change the world if we start by changing the person we see in the mirror". I just hope a narcissist cocksucker like Commie Trump can look in the mirror one last time before he dies and realizes how ugly he is, both inside and outside.
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "a Trump/Kanye duo would be great" They'll only be great as prison shower princesses --- sucking all the dirty dicks they can handle! Quite honestly, that's about the only useful purpose I can think of for these two extremely low IQ, mentally ill, racist pieces-of-shit
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    2 years ago
    Your tax dollars at work
    "Trump’s promotion of American energy severely weakened Putin" Wrong, stupid. China Don's over-reliance on American oil caused Putin to become stronger as Europe increased reliance on Russian petrol and natural gas. Now that we have a competent President Biden in office, we're opening up our production to our European allies so they strangle Putin's income streams. Has anyone in here ever seen a Trump Cuck as stupid as Tetra-Fagg? I've only been a member for a month but he's one of the dumbest conservatives I ever met.
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    2 years ago
    Your tax dollars at work
    "What is our strategic interest in Ukraine?" It's called "domino theory", nitwit --- you either contain Communist aggression or you get steamrolled by it and become Putin's bitch Just thank your lucky stars we got a strong President Biden who will stand up to Putin and not lube his butthole for him like China Don
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "for someone complaining about whiteys and racism, you seem to be speaking like a racist whitey" I love pointing out the cringey hypocrisy on the right. Founder is Mexican and Vietnamese, and those are two ethnic types that China Donnie would deport out of America in a heartbeat. That alone tells you how much conservative brainwashing affects weak minds.
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    2 years ago
    Best Music Videos of All Time
    Michael Jackson's "Thriller" set the bar for the entire 80's that followed Van Halen's "Jump" was the best example of "less is more" --- just rent a room with a black background and let Diamond Lee do amazing flying kicks! Guns 'N Roses "November Rain" is probably the best example of showing an epic 3-hour movie inside a 5-minute song I recently re-discovered Madonna's "Take A Bow" video and it's very compelling --- probably the peak of her artistic genius
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    2 years ago
    Concert Bucket List & Ticket Prices
    "I've grown up since then and I now view bruce as a has been who happens to be a leftist shill" All of us in here would agree you're a rightie nobody with a pathetic life --- and Springsteen is a fabulously rich Democrat who lives in your head 24 hours a day
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    2 years ago
    Concert Bucket List & Ticket Prices
    "I’ve spent huge $$$ to see acts like the Eagles, Elton John, Billy Joel, and the Dead in the last couple of years, and sadly it’s not the same for a middle aged responsible citizen like myself" It basically comes down to being objective and evaluating the artist talent based on live concert footage. I saw my heroes Van Halen on their glorious 2007-08 DLR-reunion tour and it kicked all kinds of nostalgic ass. Eddie could still bring the fire with those mighty strings! I also saw Guns 'N Roses in summer 2021 and even at age 60 both Axl and Slash can entertain the fuck out of a sold-out stadium, although Axl does lapse into "Mickey Mouse voice" sometimes. But I would never waste money seeing Billy Joel or Elton John since they are way past their expiration dates. Even seeing "young" artists like Mariah Carey would be a waste of money now.
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    2 years ago
    Concert Bucket List & Ticket Prices
    I was never a big fan of Springsteen but every single Republican I ever met loves his music. He's one of the best American songwriters of all time. Plus, he really sticks it good to fascist cocksuckers like China Don and Little DeSatan and we all love him for that, of course. Now when you look at a no-talent hack like Kid Rock (poor man version of Eminem) or a pedo draft-dodger like Nugent -- now you see musical frauds in every way.
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    2 years ago
    Your tax dollars at work
    "restore the military mission to one of protecting the US, not being a world policeman for all our “Allies” It's funny to hear Trumpers brag about abolishing NATO and handing over our country to Putin and Kim Jong. Every conservative who preaches this bullshit should be deported to Greenland or hung upside-down in the town square for all of us to mock.
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    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Goldman Sachs Expects “Significant” Decline in US Inflation!
    "will continue to simmer under the surface, popping up in response to the slightest challenge" Inflation will only continue if the global supply chains are strained and the U.S. unemployment remains below 3%. You don't need to take 20 credits of college economics to understand what is going on. Supplies of everything, from food to luxury goods, are in short supply and everyone has a job with wages going up every year, so that means higher prices for less goods with higher demand. Jeez, stop spreading right wing bullshit about "Biden flooding too much money into the system" and just look at the basic facts.
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "You can point out to Founder who he is and speed up the inevitable" Founder is a weird mongrel mix of Mexican and Vietnamese. He's a cowardly MAGA Beta Cuck and he'll even admit it.
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "love to see him run and get on the debate stage" House Negro Kanye is so mentally ill he'd walk out on himself if he started talking to the mirror
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "puking ambiguous word salads trying to support Kanye's incoherent ramblings hating Jews" Kanye is too stupid to realize he's friends with racists who think all black people should be lynched or turned back into slaves for white cocksuckers like China Don
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    "Just a sick, fucked up demented loser, like Donald Trump with no money" Commie Trump doesn't have money, either --- the banks own everything with his name on it
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    2 years ago
    Kanye 2024 or 2028?
    This Dave Anderson fella sounds like a really low IQ Trumper Fagg --- even dumber than the usual standard !!
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    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Trumper Mass Murderer pleads guilty in Buffalo
    "guy is a true POS racist killer" Well said -- we need to make sure these Trumper pieces of shit suffer until they die like dirty rats
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    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Do Not Spend Money!!! - Jeff Bezos
    "Asshole or not, he’s a pretty smart guy" Bezos is a REALLY smart guy, and a lifelong Democrat, too. We're fortunate to have him on my side, the Mighty Dems. He bought the Washington Post for the singular reason of kicking Beijing Donnie out of the White House like a piece of shit, and he succeeded wildly on that. BOTTOM LINE = don't fuck with a fabulously wealthy Democrat alpha like Bezos cuz he'll send your Trumper ass right down the toilet
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    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Indoctrination and brainwashing at liberal colleges is real
    "They don't create stories out of thin air, but they do excel at presenting isolated stories or opinions to create a perception that something is more prevalent and/or problematic than it really is" That's basically the "raison d'etre" of Fox Fake News --- to create phoney controversies out of thin air. Jon Stewart skewered that propaganda network when he went on O'Reilly in 2011 and blasted them for their "selective outrage machine". Stewart also said the entire world could be powered on right-wing hypocrisy and lies. He really slammed them in the gut with that one.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Indoctrination and brainwashing at liberal colleges is real
    "rest of the ivy leaguers at the table proved adept at pretending they were invisible" I would own you so good at a Thanksgiving dinner, Ski-Fagg. I hope someday I can embarrass you in front of your family like the incompetent Trumper stooge you are.