
Comments by CC99 (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    Nice try. At IQs below 90, people are partially illiterate and have trouble following written instructions or learning from written materials. I've wondered before given the number of times I've said things in as plain English as possible, how they are still unable to comprehend what I'm trying to tell them but that opened my eyes a bit.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    White privilege is....
    @Papi_Chulo The white man really held him down with his $12.4 million dollar salary to literally play games and throw a ball around.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    @TwentyFive You're either not paying attention or you don't want to. The Democrat Party has become openly racist against white people. They think the color of your skin determines your moral worth, determines what things you're allowed to say. They are mad that the state constitution of California doesn't allow them to discriminate. In their own words... president of the University of California Student Association, wrote, "Today, colleges can consider whether you’re from the suburbs, a city or a rural area. They can consider what high school you went to. They can consider your family’s economic background. They can look at virtually everything about you – but not race. It makes no sense – and is unfair – that schools can’t consider something that is so core to our lived experience. Repealing Prop. 209 will not create quotas or caps. These are illegal under a Supreme Court decision and would remain so."
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    "What exactly have Democrats done to show a hatred of white people?" Well for one thing, they want to literally legalize racism in California now... https://ballotpedia.org/California_Proposition_16,_Repeal_Proposition_209_Affirmative_Action_Amendment_(2020) The Democrats are now calling national parks racist just because more white people work at them than black people. https://www.eenews.net/stories/1063447583 The fact that the Democrat Party supports BLM and BLM protestors hold up signs like this... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaXQ77KXsAA93x_?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EaXP36gWsAABaz2?format=jpg&name=360x360 And you can just tell whenever you listen to the rhetoric by Democrat politicians. They say "white man" like its a curse word.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    @TwentyFive I have trouble seeing how anybody could be a legitimate swing voter/independent and not be seriously alarmed by what the Democrat Party is doing right now. Simply saying AllLivesMatter now can get you fired from your job, how can anybody be okay with this? You're supposed to be able to hold minority opinions in this country without feeling like your ability to earn a living is in jeopardy.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    White privilege is....
    Black privilege is literally being above the law, being able to riot in the streets, destroy businesses and assault people and not get arrested or if they do get arrested be released hours later so they can do some more rioting. Black privilege is being able to be openly racist and not be called out on it or canceled because of it. Black privilege is having entire institutions dedicated to handing you jobs and admission into university despite poor qualifications because of your skin color. Black privilege is being able to lie about a "noose" in your garage and then have 15 federal agents come out to investigate it, meanwhile, "kill whitey" can be spray painted all over the walls of our inner cities and not a single cop is allowed to do anything about it even if they saw the person spray paint it himself.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Is this the Democrats Endgame?
    @twentyfive Biden is not really a true candidate anymore in the sense that we typically think of a candidate. He has no independent positions. He is basically just a talking figurehead for the Democrat Party. Soon after he is elected they will probably invoke the 25th amendment and let his Vice President take over. You are not voting for “Biden” you are simply voting for the Democrat Party by casting your vote for him. And the Democrat Party wants to defund the police, defund the military, abolish the second amendment for sure but probably the first as well. Papi_chulo is right. The extreme left has officially declared war on the country. The left always pushes further to the extreme, supporting them is extremely dangerous because if at any point you decide you don’t want to be on board their train anymore they will viciously attack you.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Getting hard with condoms
    "When I have such difficulties I just start reading past SJG posts and problem solved" SJG's posts get your dick hard?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Less horny and less satisfied
    It is true that I always seem to be significantly hornier in the spring and summer months when I see all the hot girls walking around in their tiny shorts. There may be a mix of pheromones and other mental processes that cause you to become hornier upon being in the presence of hot girls that wouldn't happen simply looking at them on your computer screen.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    And this is why i dont sleep with younger men...smh...
    "first off who the hell uses condoms anymore..." It seems reckless to me to not use one unless I were planning to make that girl my wife. I believe any prostitute would insist on one and I have never had any opposition to it. It is probably to my own benefit to be unaware of how pleasurable unprotected sex may be. Otherwise I may start insisting on it. A side bonus is also that I can feel like I am giving something special to my future wife without being required to stay a virgin which I had no desire to be.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have you ever been called a nice guy?
    My interactions with women lately have been so limited I don't think it is likely something like this would come up. Some of my political and social views, a lot of women would likely find repulsive. No matter what my views may be on the way the world is and how the world should be run though, I treat all people I interact with in daily life with consideration and kindness.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    And this is why i dont sleep with younger men...smh...
    I can see that happening with some people. I am younger than he is though and I am very gentle. I am generally much more interested in the sensual/foreplay nature of sex than the pumping and thrusting part. If possible I generally prefer the girl being on top for that part so I can touch her boobs and thighs. Penetrative sex is also not really anymore interesting to me than being grinded to orgasm. Although that may be due to my never having had unprotected sex. I've only ever penetrated with a condom on. Sometimes girls actually try to get me to be rougher with them but I don't comply with those kind of requests. On an instinctual level I am incapable of and have no interest in physically aggressive actions unless I were to be pushed into it by an attacker. That being said, I don't think my behavior could accurately be considered to represent any group of people because I am a very weird person. So I trust that despite me being an exception, other young guys are probably, as a general matter, too rough.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as
    @BabyDoc Well I love masturbating so I will happily take that suggestion. The amount of time I put into knowing all the ins and outs of world societies is comparable to a part time job. Anyway though, any criticism launched at Japan for “racism” seems laughable right now considering we’ve got what essentially amounts to a mild version of kristalnacht against white people right now with countless businesses and livelihoods destroyed. White people who have so much self-hatred that they are apologizing for being white. Even if the Japanese are a bit fearful of foreigners, at least they don’t hate you and there’s no where in the country where you’d feel unsafe. A bit unwelcome, sure, in danger of being beaten or killed because you are white? No. Our own country is more hostile towards white people than a lot of non-white countries are at this point because of the nauseating levels of guilt we’ve been programmed to have over things nobody alive today even did. Since you know Arab countries so well, you should know more than anyone else here how minority ethnic groups can still oppress another group even if the marginalized group are the majority of the country. Japan is the best example in the world of a right-wing society done correctly but mainstream American conservatives are too proud to admit that we fucked up and we should start taking advice from them on how to run a society rather than thinking we are in any position to impose our cultural norms on them when we have objectively failed by comparison.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as
    Hey @BabyDoc Remember when you made fun of me for saying that the political divisions in America are almost as bad as an Arab country? I think you ought to apologize.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    America is a Failure Nothing to Celebrate
    @chessmaster I wouldn't say picking and choosing each issue, but its more nuanced than being 100% the individual's fault or 100% society's fault because individual actions are often driven by society's directions. So if the directions that society gives people are wrong then their individual actions will be wrong too. Often times I think the directions society gives are too simplistic because people don't actually know what works. In Founder's front room thread I gave examples of how individual action can prevent people from getting girls but also how the things society tells people to value come into that as well. That's pretty much the case with everything. There's some individual action at play but society certainly has a large influence.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    @Cristobal To a certain extent, that is true. I know a lot of guys who are in a similar situation to me and I have actually been a bit more successful than they have because I have been a lot more determined to change the situation than they were. A lot of people have said I haven't tried but I actually have been to a lot of parties and clubs. Even when my depression was at its worst I still tried every now and then thinking "maybe this is the night it all changes." It doesn't work 95% of the time but if you go enough times you do encounter those 5% nights. I was also willing to put a lot of effort into my summer jobs to pay for strippers and hookers. When I talk to a lot of other guys in my situation, I bring up how helpful going to prostitutes can be, and I try to tell them that they should go to bars or clubs some. You don't have to go every week or even every other week but you do have to do something. And I admittedly find that a lot of other guys in my situation simply won't do it. But as far as the hookers go. I think that's because we've made seduction too important to men's egos. A lot of men aren't even approaching sex from a perspective of pleasure or of desire seemingly but rather from a perspective of self-esteem and self-worth. This is probably the mentality that is really holding a lot of people back is the idea that "if I don't seduce a girl myself, then it wasn't worth it." People should be approaching it more from a personal happiness standpoint because romantic relationships and sex with girls do make you happier. But instead a lot of people just seem to want the reputation boost that seducing a girl gets them. As far as the clubs and bars go though, its because a lot of people go a few times and find that it doesn't work well so they give up. Should they be a bit more persistent, yes, but it still ignores the fact that even if you are a persistent person you run into a tremendous amount of difficulty. A lot of guys in my situation will look at me telling them to go to clubs more often and think "well you've gone to clubs a lot and I don't see you with a girlfriend." And in that sense, they are right for seeing my persistence and saying "well that didn't really work for you." It works some, but they may think the time commitment is too much to be worth it. The truth is that the dating scene today is not what it was 10-15 years ago. In the pre-2014 era, if you had enough persistence and dedication you could do it. Now its not that simple anymore because dating apps has given all girls access to 8+ guys who give them a little bit of validation through sex without actually tying themselves down to any girls. That's why rates of sexless men have risen from 8% in 2008 to 28% in 2018.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    America is a Failure Nothing to Celebrate
    @TwentyFive I don't think we are right now, but we are headed that way if we don't address the root causes of many of the issues plaguing us. The biggest one being the rage a lot of people have towards one another right now. It gets worse every year, and it absolutely will cause our downfall if we don't find some sort of compromise between the groups.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    In Japan I'd have $100 hookers that are hot and easy to find, group dating parties with the explicit purpose of getting people dates, and a larger number of marriage minded women who haven't been taught to view men as responsible for oppressing them. Not to mention how the women there are noticeably more proactive in pursuing romance. Whether I would experience these benefits being a non-Japanese person is an entirely different question. But if our society was similar to Japan's, I doubt I'd have had much issues. With group dating parties, the whole "approaching people" thing is already done for you. You're in a formalized meeting for the express purpose of finding a romantic partner, no pretenses to the situation at all. There's an even number of guys and girls and the crowd is kept relatively small (like 5 guys, 5 girls or 10 guys, 10 girls) so there's a high chance in a situation like that that somebody at least will pick you. We don't have anything like that over here. In the US, guys are expected to either compete with literally thousands of other guys through dating apps or approach a girl in public and seduce her. Both of which you soon realize if you're not an 8+ guy are incredibly ineffective.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    America is a Failure Nothing to Celebrate
    "This country had been on a rapid decline since 2000. Trump actually has been making it better. But you're too busy listening to CNN news bites to notice." I actually thought the US was in a very good place in the 2000-2012 era. I recently binged on comedies from that era and its easy to forget just how much has changed since then. Particularly its incredible how much political incorrectness you could have in movies and television just 10-15 years ago compared to now. I do somewhat agree with IceyLoco in the sense that how much I like any country in the world is conditional. Its purely based on who I think has created the best society. Whether its my country or not doesn't really come into play. However, objectively, the US has done a pretty good job. We are the strongest economy in the world. The constitution is a work of brilliance that continues to keep our country safe despite ideologues who have tried their best to defeat it. The US government is generally a force for good in the world, keeping authoritarian regimes in check, and despite some flaws in our foreign policy we generally try to treat other countries fairly. During wars, the US military goes to great lengths in order to not kill civilians. Terrorist organizations are aware of how much the American military does not want to kill civilians which is why they use human shields. If ISIS was fighting the Iranian military, they probably wouldn't bother with human shields because they know the Iranian government wouldn't care how many Iraqis died. Overall the philosophy of individualism is good for libertarianism and keeping authoritarianism in check. However, individualism has its flaws which manifests itself in US society. One of the biggest flaws being that many people become self-absorbed and stop caring about the quality of life for the people around them. The US has too much of an attitude that "all your problems are your fault, and the only way to fix them is to fix you." This is essentially a cop out so that none of the issues in our society can be blamed on society itself. Despite our individualism, there's a major lack of common sense in US society which manifests itself in our prostitution laws, in the increasing levels of bureaucracy, the refusal to address the root causes of the school shooter phenomenon (its not guns, its rage), and in extreme helicopter parenting. We have a tendency to simply ignore the harmful effects of things we are doing to our own country until the problem gets completely out of control. Depression, anxiety, and suicide rates among young men are at an all time high and nobody seems to want to address this fact other than to say its young men's fault for being "losers" compared to previous generations. Overall, our extreme individualism and self-reliance ethic is going to be our downfall because humans are simply not meant to live that way. We are a tribal species that requires group cohesiveness in order to work. At some point we're going to have to acknowledge that we're not just a bunch of people living in our own bubbles but that our actions all have profound consequences on one another even if those actions seem small to us.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “This f-ing country is hopeless. The political divisions in the US are almost as
    Appreciate the sentiments @founder. @TheeOSU Yeah Brazil and Mexico are really throwing a wrench into the weather theory. Its true that South America is going through its winter season but Brazil doesn't really have a true winter. The coldest the temperatures get in Sao Paulo is a high of 73 degrees in June and Mananus, the city that is really getting hit hard has an average temperature of about 87 degrees around this time of year. Mexico City has an average temperature of about 81 degrees in May and 78 in June. Still though, I can't see any other explanation for why Africa is being spared and South America isn't. If COVID 19 was going to spread anywhere I'd think Lagos Nigeria would be a prime spot. Considering the population density of India and Pakistan, I also would've thought the virus would be much worse there by now. @JamesSD I mean, the Democrats tried to charge an innocent man with treason (General Flynn). Treason is punishable by the death penalty. That is truly terrifying. The Democrats are right about the lockdown, but in many other ways, they scare the hell out of me.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Beer is masculine, wine is feminine.
    I don't mind drinking either one but with beer, its more of a ritual I guess you could say. Like there's something much more fun about drinking beer while watching TV then drinking wine while watching TV. Maybe its simply having more liquid, the fact that beer is in a bottle or can instead of a glass. But I've come to find I like the taste of beer better.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    @UprightCitizen Yeah I don't disagree with you on that. Financially they're in a bit of a tough spot right now. I think that's why Abe was likely very disappointed with the Olympics having to be cancelled. But I do think their advancing robot technology could help the labor shortage. @IceyLoco Everyone fakes a certain level of niceness but the thing is, if you fake it a lot and get used to faking it, it does become fairly genuine. There's an added layer of consideration that a lot of people here just don't think about. A couple friends of mine who've gone talk about this. Like how used goods are always in perfect condition, people still buy DVDs a lot there because internet piracy never took off making innovating in that sector essentially unnecessary. There's other stuff they told me but I can't remember they all. One of my friends is in frequent contact with people he's met during his yearly trips to Japan and he said he does believe there's a lot of genuine niceness and acceptance. Almost, but I have a talent for making stupid decisions with girls 😂.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    @BabyDoc Yes because the clubs they are talking about are run by Nigerian mafia dudes. So by definition, it was non-Japanese people who are doing that. They've been closed off for a long time, so a lot of people are not used to foreigners. And I don't particularly blame them for showing a higher level of suspicion to foreigners because foreigners are more difficult to understand from their perspective and there's a strong perception, which isn't exactly inaccurate, that foreigners are more dangerous than native Japanese are. If anything, I've heard a lot of men there are somewhat subservient to their wives wishes. A lot of wives control all their finances and give them allowances for what they're allowed to spend their own money on. There's a lot of people putting women on pedestals in various ways in Japan. You could argue there are different problems with that, but its certainly not in the realm of "psychological cruelty." Perhaps you are simply hostile towards female domesticity. Our suicide rates are pretty much the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_suicide_rate Clearly the culture of the country doesn't mix well with you. I see blogs with commenters like you all the time and I always think to myself that you should've just stayed away rather than becoming a bitter gaijin.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    Alright if personal examples are fine then. I was walking around my campus once, and an Asian girl approached me, asking for directions. I gave them, then she started talking to me and eventually asked for my phone number. I could tell she was foreign because of her accent but she later told me she was from Tokyo Japan. When I was talking to her it was like I couldn't do anything wrong in her eyes, if I said I stayed up late, it meant I was a hard worker. I told her I wasn't staying up late because I was working but because I couldn't stop playing games on the internet and then she said I was humble. She even setup a date with me. So basically I got approached in broad daylight, and picked up. I've never had that happen before in my life. I've been approached by drunk girls at nightclubs but never when I was just walking around. And I've never had a girl put in so much effort to get to know me and make me feel good about myself. Unfortunately I was a dumb freshman and ended up fucking it up but at least in her case, I can say with absolute certainty that I was the one that fucked that one up. She was a total sweetheart but I was thinking with my dick and not even in a smart way. Obviously Japan, China, and South Korea are very different countries but of the three girls I've encountered from those countries. All three of them were incredibly friendly towards me. And three consistent examples is enough to show a pattern that girls from that part of the world on average are more friendly. Its not like girls like them don't exist in the US, and its not like unfriendly girls don't exist in the East Asian countries. But there is a noticeable pattern of girls simply seeming to like you more when you talk to them. They smile at you more, they ask you more questions, they try to make conversation with you. Most American girls seem to think its all the man's job to make them feel a certain way. But with these girls I got more of a feeling they really wanted to like somebody and were open in a mental way towards it. The overall vibe just feels so much nicer because you don't have to bend over backwards just to stand out from the 1,000 guys hitting her up on Tinder.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    America is the Best Country
    I'm not saying every person is going to prefer the culture of Japan over America. There's always going to be a large number of people who don't fit in to or are otherwise dissatisfied with their country. Especially given that individuals grow up to value different things more. There could be one specific thing about Japan that he simply couldn't stand and had to get away from. I've heard of people (mostly guys) leaving the US especially in recent years specifically because they just said the dating scene is so toxic here they couldn't stand it anymore. And that's a big issue, I mean its enough for a decent number of guys to prefer impoverished third world countries over the US. Japan's biggest social issue is probably the shame culture, people in Japan, compared to the US are really worried about being embarrassed. The kid you talked to probably was glad to come to the US and probably felt like he didn't have to worry as much about that. So the easiest way to measure quality is to simply look at things we can actually measure and determine. And by measured data, Japan looks far ahead of us.