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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
I recall a lot of people saying South Carolina is one of the best states. But maybe that's just because of Juice having infamous stripper powers.
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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
@Nidan It sounds to me like everywhere in Illinois except Chicago is good? Is two way touching lap dances common outside of Chicago?
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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
Seems like the South and the Mid-West is getting covered pretty well. Looking forward to @Skibum's rankings, he should know more about the New England area.
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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
Can you guys just answer like rl27 did to the best of your ability?
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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
I feel weird about putting Nevada in the don't bother category given that it is the only state that literally has legal brothels. But I think "mixed bag" is fair because the prices are so ridiculous they border on "don't bother." Lumping Colorado and Utah together doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean Colorado was the first state to legalize marijuana and Utah will probably be the last lol. I think I feel pretty safe putting Utah in the don't bother category lol but the jury is still out on Colorado.
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4 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Ranking by State?
@desertscrub I used to be much more active on this site, I'm not nearly as active now. You can look at my discussion history if you don't believe me lol. @Muddy Yeah, states can be really big. But that's why I'm curious about it is because there's too many cities to get a good idea about how good the scene is in each one unless we are talking about very well known cities such as NYC, Detroit, and Miami. So I'm thinking more in terms of states specifically to highlight what the "good" ones are and the "don't bother" ones are. If a state is a don't bother one then there won't be any point in doing research on its cities. If its a mixed bag then you will have to ask more about the specific cities, and if its good, you can feel pretty confident going anywhere. So far, I think RL27's reply is the best one. Although I'm surprised to hear anywhere in Tennessee is good, I've mainly heard very negative things about the mileage there.
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4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Have sex harassment laws gone too far?
Another thing worth noting is that part of how we make women respect men more is through reducing the incidence of sexual violence directed towards them. In my studies of the radical feminist community, I have come to the conclusion that many of them have been raped or abused in the past. While they are mistaken in believing they are oppressed, they are justified to some extent in their anger against men whether one believes it to be rationally based or not. The human mind is not rational and will react strongly to traumatic events. One could easily claim that my own fear of women is not rational because men commit more violent crimes, nevertheless, other young men have not harmed me to anywhere near the same extent as women my own age have. Thus, I have developed an intense fear of women my age. This does not apply, interestingly enough, to older women. If a woman is older than 30 or so, there's no fear at all, but girls in the 15-25 age range, I am very afraid of. So how do we prevent society from raising women who hold contempt for men? Well, to do that, we have to prevent them from coming into contact with contemptible men. Young women in the 15-25 age range are terrible at choosing male partners. After 25 they are usually much smarter, but young women have an extremely poor judge of character. But it goes beyond that, our progressive sexual norms today are actually encouraging men who may have been decent men to become contemptible. The promotion of violent sex acts such as BDSM, "rough sex," and anal sex is manipulating young girls' minds to become dependent on violence in order to turn them on. And this is being fueled by the proliferation of violent pornography that young men are imitating. I have no problem with softcore pornography, and it is completely natural and healthy for teenagers to masturbate to softcore pornography, but there are currently no regulations whatsoever on what young people consume. Pornhub has everything from romantic sex to extremely disturbing acts. This is normalizing violent sex to a frightening extent to the point where boys raised on violent pornography just expect those acts to be available in real life. While rough sex has always existed, there are probably more expectations for both men and women to engage in it than ever before. So in order to solve this, we need to make it extremely difficult for teenagers to get a hold of violent pornography but make it easy for them to view and masturbate to softcore pornography that is romantic and promotes monogamy. If we do this, they grow up with healthy expectations for sex, but it will not be necessary for us to infringe upon freedom of expression laws for adults.
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4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Have sex harassment laws gone too far?
@BabyDoc Philippines is a completely different situation. I don't know enough about the Philippines to make a full judgment there but I'm swinging towards a negative one. What I do know though is that they have a really really high rate of crime in comparison to the rest of Asia and that their government slaughtered thousands of people for using drugs. I actually think the Phillippines situation is more representative of societal moral decay than China's situation because the people in China have absolutely no choice as to what their government does but the people in the Philippines actually knew what this guy would do and they chose him anyway. At least when Bolsonaro talks about being tough on crime and shooting criminals he is referring to actual, violent criminals and Bolsonaro has had tremendous success in reducing crime whereas Duterte just had his thugs kill anybody who possessed drugs and actually increased the homicide rate because all he cares about is drugs. @Dems_Rule, @RickDugan and @BabyDoc I wrote way too much so I will just say this instead. No society can operate on the principle of 100% meritocracy lest they become the law of the jungle. Otherwise known as might makes right. The purpose of society is to give advantages to those who help it function the most. Part of this is profit incentive and another part of it is sexual access. If we wish to continue becoming a more ethical society, then our society will need to reward the men who are ethical and help it run the best. The greatest measure perhaps of how much somebody has helped our society grow is how much money they have legally and fairly obtained. Therefore, if we wish people to continue aspiring to help society, then we need to make this society hospitable for men who are like that. And right now it is becoming inhospitable because the way we demand men behave in order to secure sexual access to females does not match up with the personalities of men who tend to be ethical and help society grow. Men who are ethical and help society grow benefit the most under monogamous mating systems where the method of which they meet women is through matchmaking done by friends and family. Rampant norms promoting promiscuity, however, benefit unethical men the most because they both care less about risk and also care less about whether their actions harm the woman they are directing their interest towards. Monogamy promotes ethics, promiscuity has been proven time and time again to create instability which eventually leads to violence. It is unnecessary to practice the strict monogamy of centuries past, however, serial monogamy is still very much necessary of our day and age if we do not wish to suffer from civilizational collapse.
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4 years ago
avatar for Dave_Anderson
Have sex harassment laws gone too far?
We can argue that its the sexual harassment laws, or the divorce laws. But the main crux of the issue is that women raised in the progressive west are socially conditioned to lack respect for men. I'm sorry but there is an extraordinary difference between interacting with a girl from Asia and interacting with almost all American girls. The one and only time I ever got approached in broad daylight and actually had a girl get my number and try to court me was a Japanese foreign exchange student. I've also talked to two other girls, one from South Korea and the other from China. Both of them were so sweet that you don't feel any anxiety talking to them at all. The Chinese girl, after I hadn't seen her in like a year or so I saw her in the dining hall at my school and she gave me a smile that was so warm and friendly that even though I was anxious about trying to talk to her, after she did that my anxiety vanished and I immediately went over to talk to her. During the conversation, you can just feel that there's a massive difference. Its easy, its friendly, its kind of awkward but cute. That's what all my conversations with native Asian girls have been like. And I walked away realizing that's how it supposed to be. But American girls are so cold that a lot of young men are subconsciously terrified of them. Every once in awhile you meet an American girl who gives off a similar vibe but its not very often and its pretty much never as intense. Cute native Asian girls practically bask you in a blanket of warmth. You don't mind approaching them because they're so warm and friendly that you just instinctively know they're not gonna hurt you. Approach an American girl and you feel like you're breaking into a high tech security facility turned into an obstacle course that has laser traps and guns laid out for you at every corner. Its a fucking miserable experience trying to court American women. Its so miserable that even the promise of sex is not rewarding enough to go through it and I'm an absurdly horny guy. An overwhelming sense I get from young men everywhere is that women are not worth it anymore. Republicans especially should realize that young men are a seriously untapped source of support right now. Gender relations is easily the biggest problem we face. Stop talking about the goddamn economy. This is the US our economy is fucking fantastic, we don't fucking need more economic improvements. This is as good as it gets as far as economies go. We need social improvements because our country's social relations are absolutely horrible. Everyone fucking hates each other. Promise to take us back to a world where women treat us like the girls from Japan and China do and make fixing gender relations an explicit part of the Republican platform and young men are going to flock to the party like bees to honey.
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4 years ago
avatar for TheeOSU
They’re coming for our guns (really)
Why the hell do people dislike Trump so damn much? Trump is fucking awesome. Trump literally turned the Republican Party into the Libertarian Party in all but name.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
Quitting and giving up would be taking your advice.
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5 years ago
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I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
I am risking a lot. Someday the anonymity of the internet may no longer exist. It is very well possible that everything we post online is going to be revealed through advanced technology someday. In which case, I am absolutely fucked, I will probably lose my job and everything. While I am relying on the anonymity to some degree to not cause immediate consequences, I am well aware of the fact that there could be consequences much further down the line and I am still risking everything to tell people the truth because if I don't stand up for it now, it will be much harder to reverse course later. Getting a sex doll is not quitting on life, it is boycotting a terrible system that needs to be fixed.
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5 years ago
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I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
Bullshit, your acquiescence is what is hurting us. Your refusal to stand up for what is right is unmasculine. Did the Founding Fathers not see themselves as victims?
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5 years ago
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I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
If you don't support feminism then why are you blaming men for their problems instead of standing up for them? Why are you perpetuating a dynamic that is rigged against us and acting like there are no problems with it? Being a cuck is being a traitor and you are betraying your fellow men who are struggling in a feminist dominated world.
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5 years ago
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I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
@RickDugan I assure you its not confirmation bias. I really wanted to deny it for years. The very same people on here right now in-fact who are now telling me it isn't true were the same people trying to redpill me before. I guess they didn't anticipate what my reaction would end up being to the truth. But the fact is that everything I've seen these studies say is true. I have never known a smart, good hearted guy who had an easy time with girls. I have also never known a dumb asshole to struggle with girls. The vast majority of guys I've known who had an easy time with girls or thought dating was easy were assholes. The only guy I know who had an easy time and wasn't an asshole was just ridiculously good looking and a musician. From your posts I've gotten the impression you are actually the one who's out of touch. It makes sense that this stuff doesn't make sense to you. You live in a very traditionally conservative bubble and these kind of problems are nowhere near as prevalent in those communities partially because of environment and partially because of genetic selection and more parental control over women's mating choices. The last time you went to college was decades ago and things have changed a lot since then. Dating apps like Tinder and Bumble have unleashed looks based hypergamy on a scale that hasn't been seen in many many decades. Go on Tinder and you are literally competing with every guy in the town/city you live in. @Tetradon 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Never heard that one before (lmao) and I'm not dumb enough to take such advice seriously anymore. You guys are desperate to prevent yourselves from acknowledging that feminism and women are fundamentally at fault. This is the definition of cuckservatism. People who blame men for their problems might as well be feminists because you're not willing to do anything to help out your fellow men in a society that is hostile towards us and is set up to give women every advantage and privilege imaginable at the expense of men. Blame us all you want but don't be surprised when we have no motivation to continue running the world and system that you set up and we hate. Young men are dropping out of relationships at unprecedented rates and right now sex dolls look like a much better option than real women. We keep trying to tell you what the problem is and you won't listen and simply blame us for it.
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5 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Is this the Democrats Endgame?
The idea of Trump being a dictator is laughable given that his opposition hates him so fiercely and viciously. They are allowed to do so with no consequences whatsoever. They can even voice their desire for his death and receive no penalties for their behavior. I'd like to see the people calling Trump a dictator right now say half the things they say about Trump about Xi Jinping instead while visiting China or even try saying all that about the president of the UAE while visiting Dubai.
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5 years ago
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CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Why America can’t escape its racist roots? Slavery was not really abolished in A
Slavery has been abolished unless you commit a crime. But that's the way it should be, violent criminals should essentially become slaves. That's how they atone for the pain they cause to other people with their behavior.
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5 years ago
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CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care
Christianity probably has developed a fantastic moral structure but they lost people by going too hardcore on the faith part. People should be allowed to question their faith and not fear eternal damnation. From what I understand this is rarely taught nowadays though. Christian churches these days are quite tolerant and removed from the hellfire and brimstone past they used to be known for. I almost never encounter aggressive Christian extremists anymore, they usually just gently try to nudge you to behave better or be more spiritual which is well within their rights to do so.
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5 years ago
avatar for skibum609
What will life look like when the democrats Control Congress and the White House
Both the right and the left is wrong about COVID. The left's narrative is that Trump's mishandling exacerbated the virus. The right's narrative is that the virus wasn't a big deal anyway. The truth is that the virus was a big deal, it has killed 140,000 Americans, which is a horrifying number. But it was not really Trump's fault. Everyone, right-wingers and left-wingers, were in denial back in February. I acutely remember it because I was incredibly frustrated trying to tell people to take the virus seriously and nobody was. I knew it was a lot more dangerous than the flu and nobody listened because it apparently takes 140,000 people dying before people will face the facts. Laying all the blame at Trump's feet, however, is ridiculous when the whole nation was in denial. Trump banned travel from China early on. Could he have done more? Yes, he could have, but let's not pretend that the experts were begging him to be more proactive and he ignored them. The WHO was more in denial than anybody. If anyone has seriously mishandled the virus its them. All of that being said, we've got to move on eventually. You can't shut a nation down forever. Things have to go back to normal. I don't see why people are so opposed to wearing masks. If its a matter of discomfort then the clothed masks are a lot more comfortable and less ugly than surgical masks are. But there are also drugs available right now that cut the mortality rate by as much as 60%. None of this, whatsoever, is justification for allowing the Democrats to take control of congress. Because if they do, COVID will be the least of your problems. They will rip up the constitution and violate everyone's rights, imposing a censorship regime the likes of which we thought would never happen outside of China, North Korea, and Iran.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
White privilege is....
@oscarlomax Maybe you are more reasonable than I initially pegged you for. I have scoured the internet for every point of view I can find. I've gone through radical feminist forums, Black Nationalist blogs, incel forums, white supremacist forums, and r/socialism. My conclusion is that leftists, including moderate leftists, really don't understand how an advanced civilization works, not only that but they have an extraordinary lack of self-awareness. Extreme right wingers become too hateful as a result of some admittedly factual evidence but their interpretation of it lacks nuance and their solutions to the problems they present are often incredibly lazy or at worst downright cruel. Law enforcement is not responsible for a very high degree of mistreatment. The people who are creating almost all of the black community's problems are violent criminals. A criminal culture has been created in a lot of the impoverished black communities in the US where criminal behavior is glorified and gang members enjoy increased social status. The main catalyst for this proliferation of violent crime is the high rates of single motherhood in impoverished black communities. In places like East St. Louis, over 90% of black men are raised without a father. Now, its true that having a criminal for a father is not going to make them turn out any better than being raised by a single mother. Actually the criminal father would make things worse. But the fact that they don't have a father figure in their lives to begin with is also a really serious problem. It all becomes a vicious cycle though, no suitable father figure means these men grow up to emulate really backward forms of violent masculinity instead of the provider/breadwinner model. So thus, a criminal culture forms and the criminal culture creates more unsuitable fathers who are still reproducing. White people and the police are not the cause of the black community's problems. It is almost entirely internally caused. The only way that the black community is going to get the criminal culture under control is through heavy policing and getting violent criminals off the streets. And I specify "violent" criminals, because I truly don't care about drug users as long as they are harmless. Part of the reason I support ending the drug war is so that prisons have more space to lock up the real psychopaths and killers. Putting non-violent drug offenders in prison is wasting space and violating their personal liberty by treating people who aren't criminals as if they are one.
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5 years ago
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I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
Its not one crackpot study... A study on Swedish criminals found that criminality is literally an alternative reproductive strategy. Criminals on average have more children and reproductive partners than non-criminals. Literally the conclusion of the study "We conclude that criminality appears to be adaptive in a contemporary industrialized country, and that this association can be explained by antisocial behavior being part of an adaptive alternative reproductive strategy." https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513814000774 Female directed violence is positively correlated with greater copulation frequency and greater sexual access to females. https://doi.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fcom0000038 Sexual access to females is a major motivation for joining youth gangs. Statistically, gang members have a much greater number of sexual partners than non-gang members do. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233368360_Sexual_access_to_females_as_a_motivation_for_joining_gangs_An_evolutionary_approach Men are not only consciously attracted to women who are nice, but they are physiologically aroused by it. Women do not usually experience this. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167214543879 An adolescent with an IQ of 100 was 1.5-5x more likely to have had intercourse than an adolescent with an IQ of 120-130. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0146167214543879 IQ ranges in the 80s and 90s are the most likely to commit crimes. https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-91207e6eacbbcf522222bdc853d6335d Male IQ in the 80s and 90s are the most likely to have sex. After 110, the odds of intercourse drop dramatically. https://honestcash.s3.amazonaws.com/honestcash/753eitutuda7c55y6aycw8ah0stpvqvu.jpeg Now, this doesn't mean every woman is attracted to low IQ violent criminals. But it does mean that their basic biology is wired to go after them. To a certain extent, civilization re-wires women's mating strategy. If there is a heavy stigma attached to being attracted to violent criminals, then it will influence women's attractions. It also means that women who's biology is more moderate may not go so far as to be attracted to violent criminals but they may be attracted to men who show a violent side to their personality. The majority of women may suppress attraction to actual criminals because a certain level of social stigma still holds up, but the majority absolutely do seem to be attracted nevertheless to unethical behavior. What society needs to work on is eliminating that biological attraction towards unethical behavior entirely. Re-wire women's biology so that they become attracted to pro-social behavior instead. The only way to do this is through controlled genetic selection. Basically, reproduce only with women who are attracted to pro-social behavior so that those traits become more prevalent. Prevent women with attraction to violent behavior from reproducing with violent men. Basically, throw all the violent men in prison during their reproductive years. Don't release them after three years, if you are a violent person you lose the right to enjoy your sensual youth years. Once we do that, violent crime will disappear because there won't be any reward for it at all. Not even in the short term. They won't have any hoes or bad bitches to validate their repulsive behavior. The only life promised to violent criminals will be death or prison. And every good man will have their very own adorable, sexy wife ready to love and cherish him for his goodness and protective nature and not for his dominance and power. That is the future I envision. And every action I take in life is directed towards bringing us closer to that future. People should be thanking me for caring so much about their well being despite the fact that hardly any of them show half the concern for my well being that I have for theirs. Nevertheless, no matter how much I look down on the majority of the human race, I still want them all to be happy and loved (if they are nice) and I hope one day they will overcome the more frustrating parts of their biology.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
Autism and incel extremism
Jeez @RickDugan, spoken like a true feminist right there. Everything is men's fault and if anything bad happens to men its men's fault that the bad thing happened to them but all women are wonderful and don't need to take accountability for anything. What you refer to as "weakness" is not being a violent thug. There is an absolute plethora of research proving that women are attracted to low IQ, violent criminals. And apparently progressive society's answer to this is that that's completely okay because whatever women choose to fuck is their prerogative. How do people think civilization got this far? How do people not see the problem with allowing humanity's base instincts to run rampant? Why do people think Christianity has promoted sexual monogamy for hundreds of years and that since they started promoting monogamy, we have slowly become a better, less violent, and more moral species. It took a long time because humans were so obscenely violent in Ancient Times due to the prevalence of harem style polygamy but their work has paid off and now we are reversing course with the sexual liberation ethics. So are you saying its our fault that we don't want to pursue a reproductive strategy that we know will degrade society? I will only choose a girl who makes the right choice on what kind of guy she wants to fuck. If I'm going to proliferate a certain gene legacy then I need to proliferate the genes of a woman who chooses men like me so that my daughters will go on to date guys like me and my sons will date girls like their mother. Its gonna sound arrogant as hell but I know I am the right choice, my IQ is around 130, I'm above average in looks, I am extremely non-violent (as a kid I'd rescue insects out of the pool), I have a very high sex drive, and I am in a good position to make a lot of money in the future. The proliferation of my genes would benefit civilization by creating smart, non-violent people who are motivated to reproduce and any woman who loved me would be the most cherished person on Earth. If women still aren't attracted to me, then that's their fault and I'm not going to empower their bad decisions by bringing myself down to the level of the kind of men they are biologically attracted to. To do so is to allow evil to win. If no girl becomes attracted to me then I am satisfied with simply getting a robot girlfriend because if I was to take your advice, I'd be deeply ashamed of my moral weakness for the rest of my life.
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5 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
Is this the Democrats Endgame?
@skibum At this point I think a case could be made that the National Enquirer has better journalistic standards than CNN and the Huffington Post do.
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5 years ago
avatar for Icey
I put your ATF on a winning team
White privilege is....
@oscarlomax You cannot be serious right now. Don't pretend you're some curious, objective person while acting like there's no basis for BLM being a hate group. Anyone can see the "kill whitey" and "kill a white on sight" signs that BLM protesters hold up or see graffitied on statues. The demands for reparations, the fact that California Democrats are literally trying to legalize discrimination right now, the fact that a Seattle based company singled out their white employees and told them they should be ashamed of their skin color and "eliminate their whiteness." The fact that BLM protesters are demanding white people apologize for their whiteness. The fact that there's videos all over social media of white people being beaten in the streets. I am sick of dealing with you people. You ask stupid questions pretending to be curious and unbiased like "where does the idea that BLM hates white people come from?" And if anybody actually shows you the evidence you will just call them an ignorant racist so you don't have to address the facts. I've been down this road a hundred times and I know it leads nowhere. If you want people to take you seriously then for the love of God just search up what I mentioned. Its not that hard to find. As you said yourself it takes a minute to tax yourself.
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5 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Is this the Democrats Endgame?
Systemic racism only exists against white people. Police brutality is extremely rare. And yes, BLM and the Democrats are trying to overthrow the US government. I'm sick of showing people the statistics. I've found them many times but its always a major hassle to find them and progressives never listen anyway and will just call you racist because they have no facts to back up anything they say they just spout racist and misogynist and think if keep going back to their same tired old tactic that it makes the facts untrue. Whenever I want to tell people a social problem exists I find statistics to back it up. I do this all the time. The burden of proof is on you Icey.