
Comments by ei8ht_Ball

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    Beauty is a definite plus,. All else equal, the 10 before anyone else. But flagooner opened my eyes on this one. Beauty itself will not make up for bad sex--it's the equivalent of a restaurant trying to make up for bad food with an attractive waitress--but in this case the menu is so expensive that I decided not to order anything without a sample, regardless of how appetizing the pictures of their entree are.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Advice needed for a dancer that has rejected me twice (She initiated)
    It is childish. If you're not interested in her for whatever reason, then when she sits on your lap let her know you're not interested. If there is a girl you're interested in, ask her to send that girl over. She'll get the point. And if she doesn't remember you the you can use her for this again in the future.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    Flagooner - I think you've given the best response yet. A 10 in physical appearance is not the same as 10 in the sack. There is a trophy aspect to it, being able to see her at the club later on and think to myself "I nailed the best looking girl here". But you're right, there's no guarantee that she'll be any better at sex than a 6 or a 7. For the money she wanted I think I can get four or five 7s into a hotel room at the same time. I think that might be a better use of the funds, should I ever decide to drop that much on a single experience. Thank you!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    "Not sure how it's being read that makes it confusing. People who have enemies have to use discretion, or those enemies will drop a dime (rat out) someone who seems o be living way above their means." Gotchya. I read it to mean that someone could get ticked off that I spend so much as a dime on the girl (like a boyfriend) and then say something about it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    Jeff - can you show me something (maybe an IRS publication) to support that the threshold was reduced to $5,000? Everywhere I look still reads $10,000. Just curious. I don't have any reason to believe that her income hasn't been taxed. And what do you mean by "but discretion is important to avoid people who don't like her dropping a dime on her"? Is there a typo in there?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    DC9428 - this is very common. My CF is starting to make investments and she's concerned that if she deposits too much money at one time it could attract attention from the IRS. My understanding is that financial institutions are required to report all transactions of $10,000 or more, and will generally file a Suspicious Activity Report if multiple transactions are made just under the $10,000 threshold. I don't think my CF has anything to worry about. But a withdrawal is also a transaction. I wonder how many PLs are attracting IRS attention just by withdrawal cash for the hobby? Two-bits might have known.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    DC9428 - this is very common. My CF is starting to make investments and she's concerned that if she deposits too much money at one time it could attract attention from the IRS. My understanding is that financial institutions are required to report all transactions of $10,000 or more, and will generally file a Suspicious Activity Report if multiple transactions are made just under the $10,000 threshold. I don't think my CF has anything to worry about. But a withdrawal is also a transaction. I wonder how many PLs are attracting IRS attention just by withdrawal cash for the hobby? Two-bits might have known.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    georgmicrodong - any idea why would they would target adult entertainers and not the marijuana industry? This too strikes me as a tool for discrimination. Though banks are required to close accounts if they find out that the business is in the marijuana industry. Perhaps there's enough money there that most banks don't want to find out, where a stripper depositing her tips is different, and listing this on the drop-down menu shows efforts towards compliance.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    It was definitely in alphabetical order. But why include adult entertainment and exclude education?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    "They also excluded pimp." I believe that would fall under adult entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    Is this a sign of acceptance or a tool for discrimination?
    Are the banks required to include adult entertainment in the list of industries? My surprise doesn't pertain to why they are asking the question, but why this would be included where industries like education and research were excluded. They also excluded drug dealer and paid assassin.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why are strippers like Thanksgiving turkeys?
    grand1511 +10
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Strip Club Attire
    I hear polyester is good, if you don't mind looking like a complete cheese dick.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "what does having kids have to do with the price?" April9424 - any idea what it's like to be with a woman who has squeezed way too many infants out of that once tiny hole? If not, send rickdugan a PM. He can tell you all about it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "I'm curious what you're getting with your current OTC situation. BJ, HJ, DATY, naked cuddles along with all of the above, or is it just that you two hang out outside of the club and have a good time together?" A gentlemen never tells. But you've hit on some of the key activities above, and she does other fun stuff that a lot of girls won't do. "re you currently paying her for the OTC that you're getting, or has that been free so far?" Yes, I give her money.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "5k, and you talked her down to 2500?" You're in the ballpark.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    full service = sex
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "Seems your story is all over the place - is she gonna fuck you OTC, or do you wanna do OTC w/ her in spite of her not fucking???" We've been doing OTC for quite some time now. It's not full service, and from how difficult it was to get her to do OTC in the first place to reaching the point where she's always available for me even at the last minute, it's very conceivable that I'm still the only customer she's seen OTC (not that it really matters). So we've got a 10, presumably not a whore, doesn't need the money, but when we were watching TV and the topic of all girls having their price came up on the show it changed our conversation. It's nothing she initiated. And when I brought it up in the past she simply said she wasn't interested (though we'd never discussed price). "And it seems you're throwing out all kinds of variables to justify (maybe to yourself) why you should pay her an exorbitant amount" No, not really. Just giving honest answers to Rick's pestering. As usual, he wants the discussion to be about something that it isn't. Though his comment about this changing the girl's expectations is good food for thought, so I'm glad he mentioned that. I'm not really trying to justify the price, just curious as to what others have paid for 10s. And the responses I've received are pretty much "all over the place" - from 10s don't exist to here's how to bag a cheap slut.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "I'm just gonna take a guess she said something like, I'd consider it for 10k, and you talked her down to 5k?" Not nearly that high. But you have the right number of integers on each number.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    twentyfive - are you assuming that Jeff didn't spend any money in the strip club while talking to the girl? If this is true, then I see your point. But if he bought her a drink and planned on getting dances, then I'd say he can spend his time with her talking about anything that he wants to talk about. If he's paying a reasonable "in-club" price for her time and wants to spend it refining his negotiation skills, then I think he's at liberty to do so.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "I see that the OP will keep shifting and embellishing this story until he succeeds in angling this into a never-ending trip down speculation lane." Actually Rick, I simply asked the question "What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?" and for whatever reason you keep responding to the post without answering the question. Should we assume that you've never been with a 10? It's as if you think I asked the question, "What's the cheapest way to bag a desperate slut?" And though I don't require help in this department, I do understand that it's a topic of discussion that is straight up your alley.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    troll agenda
    DC9428 - it's way too easy to get a rise out of you! But I agree with your response 100%. Good for you for sticking to your guns.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "She doesn't have her shit together as much as you believe." I helped her set up a brokerage account and execute trades. Trust me, she has her shit together and she's earning plenty at the club. She doesn't have to do full service. She knows it and she knows that I know it. "Or you can act on the desperation that you falsely believe she cannot smell and pay her the pie-in-the-sky number, though once you do you'll have trouble getting her down to an easily repeatable number in the future." It's not desperation. It's do I want to eat lobster instead of steak just this once. But you do make a very interesting point. I'm never going to pay this price more than once. But will her expectations change in a manner that I'm not expecting? My assumption is that we'd return to our normal arrangement (non-full service at a lower price), but hers might be different. That's a serious consideration that I need to put some thought into.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "That seems to be a bit of a dick move , why bother?" I agree. But when my CF told me her price my first inclination was that I was never going to pay it and the negotiating started just for fun. By the time I had cut her price in half, I actually started to consider it. If I do procure that specific service, it would be a one time thing, then we'll go back to our normal arrangement, which we both seem to be very happy with. I see it as ordering lobster just this once when I usually order steak. No one on here has quoted a price in the ballpark of what this girl is asking. But most of the prices quoted were tied to much shorter intervals of time. She generally hangs out for six hours or so when we get together, which wouldn't change.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Still don't know what I'm doing here . . .
    What's the most you would pay for full service OTC with a complete 10?
    "She's quoting you a pie-in-the-sky number" This is true. But she's also miles ahead of the other girls. "no doubt in part because she smells your desperation." I disagree. She knows I get offers from other girls, and I've shared with her what some of them were asking. She knows I have a preference for her, obviously. But she also knows she isn't the only game in town . . . "a 23 year old stripper usually spends money as fast as she can earn it. She'll invariably run low on cash for Xmas gifts and regular bills at just around the same time that her club income decreases in the lead up to the 25th." This one is actually really smart and has her shit together. That, and I'm really busy during the holidays and probably won't get to see her. I'm thinking my chances for a better price will get better when her car breaks down, rather than during the holidays.