
Comments by BitCoinHodler (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    F Stock thinking making a big play
    I put 20% of my net worth into Visa last year and even though I'm up 43% I was stressed the entire year and was constantly looking to see if people were using visa at the checkout line. I rebalanced and now Visa is down to 5% my networth and I won't ever go that far deep into one stock ever again
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Well besides doing transactions anonymously you'd rather the government not find out about what else is bitcoin better than fiat for?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Jared from subway is bitcoins target market, completely reasonable to think he'd think it is the future. I shall enjoy my paper funbucks I hope you enjoy your digital pedo pesos.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    It appears as if I missed another jokez apologies again. It is difficult to distinguish between parody and true beliefs when it comes to something like bitcoin. Wish you the best of luck. Say hello to Jared from Subway for me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Apologies if anything I said offended. I was mostly trying to prove the point that investments shouldn't be made on out there hypotheticals, such as millenials and gen z forgoing fiat in favor of bitcoin, by comparing it to my aunt who would theoretically not have a penis or balls. This analogy was made because millenials and gen z have no real use cases for bitcoin besides transactions they want to hide from the government. Investments also shouldn't be made by people you respect making the same ones either. I do not have any contact with Jerome Powell nor have I ever had any contact with him, sorry.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    I apologize if this comes off as rude but an HBO show about something doesn't mean that one thing is going to be a success. If HBO releases a show about mobsters it doesn't mean Americans will suddenly start doing drive by shootings. Also a wealthy smart person (winklevoss twins) putting money into something (bitcoin) doesn't mean that one thing is going to be a success. See Warren Buffet into Teva Pharmaceuticals. When I buy a stock that stock represents ownership in the company which has financial statements that have been audited . I can use those audited financials to determine if the stock is over or under priced. As of now stocks are overpriced most likely, but when everything is overpriced it just creates a new norm. Also as for your mass adoption of IF(big if, if my aunt had a dick and balls she'd my uncle) millenials and gen z just forgo the dollar and use bitcoin..it goes back to my main question of why would they? What's the current issue with paper and plastic that they'd want to use pedo pesos, I mean bitcoin. I've been an active member of the bitcoin community for a couple of years and the only actual use case I can think of is transactions you want to hide from the government. Some people have said that it's supposed to be a digital store of value but its price is so volatile.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    True I guess I should read up on rhetoric, thanks. As for bitcoins actual use cases I only see it as transactions that people would like to hide from the government and/or loved ones which I have my own system for. That $12.2 mill worth of bitcoins that were moved kind of scares me though. Most of the time money changes hands it's a taxable event, so most likely the reason the transaction was made in bitcoin was to avoid paying taxes on some transaction (see my real use cases). I would like some accountability when things like this happen.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    I am really active in investing, strip clubbing can be very expensive. Since I invest a lot of my income I try to read up on different types of investments. I'm pretty active on r/Bitcoin and even anti crypto subreddits like r/buttcoin (subreddit that makes fun of crypto but they have some very good points sometimes). Warren Buffet invested millions into Teva pharmaceuticals in 2019 and the price tanked. Just because some wealthy/smart people put money into something it doesn't mean it's a good investment. I know your "I wonder why they want it..." is rhetorical but I also wonder why anyone would want it. I have no idea what use bitcoin has other than for transactions you dont want the government and/or your family knowing about. As of now the stripper I want won't accept .0185 bitcoin so I can finish in her mouth, and since I play alot of poker at the casino its easy to explain what happened with my money to my family. I dont want to make any other transactions that I want to hide.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Bitcoin does have a public ledger where transaction is viewable but what good does that do an everyday investor? Why should they care about that fact enough to invest so much money into it? Also bitcoin being a finite resource, it can be forked an infinite amount of times. Its supply, through forking, is effectively limitless. Assuming bitcoin does last long enough eventually it will be forked. Also have you heard of tether? Bitcoins price is heavily tied to it however tether can be printed at any moment without any oversight. Actually, the most recent price surge coincided with 500 million tethers being printed. I hope you consider coindesk a reliable resource for crypto news. https://www.coindesk.com/bitcoin-climbs-as-tether-gets-500m-injection-in-5-minutes These things are just too much for me to feel comfortable putting money into bitcoin.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Oh yes! Bitcoin is something I have owned before actually, and I've been an active member of their community since even though I haven't owned it in a couple of years. I got some in 2012 and sold it in 2014. Besides transactions I'd rather the government and/or my family not find out about what other use does bitcoin have? Also if it does have niche actual legal/moral uses I'd still be providing liquidity to people who use bitcoin to buy child porn on the dark web(not saying you do that FTS).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Missed Winter again
    Winter used to bartend at Cadillac Lounge. @BlondeRX- that's exactly what I meant, what did you think I meant? :)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Missed Winter again
    My main reason for wanting to get dances with Winter so bad is because I knew her when she was a "regular" girl, just something that gets me i guess. The petite blonde dancer wasn't Summer. I wish I got her name but I was too busy with Camilla. It was just a little observation I had because she had to reach over us while we were talking. It was on a Thursday night.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    But not too old!
    Quick Review, Sorta
    Camilla would love to hear you call her 22. She's actually 27 :). But yes she can easily pass for 22.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    But not too old!
    I don't come here enough to gain a regular but one con I'd think is that its expensive. I have tipped some girls when they're on stage usually anywhere from 15-25 and asked them to see me after I'm interested in some dances but been told multiple times they're too busy with their regular. I'd assume it's because they make enough from their regulars to afford all their expenses.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    But not too old!
    The Rain is Tess, the fires Joe and they call the wind...
    Mariah is great she's my fave who works days there. Her Instagram is Itsladypretty. Her dances are very sensual and I highly recommend.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Superficial strip club; A miss more often than a hit
    It sounds like you met Amy. She is gorgeous but an absolute ripoff. Most strippers atleast make it seem as if they're interested in you. Thankfully my only experience with her is she gave me a 10 second dance when I told her I didnt want vip. Havent been back to this shithole since.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Former bartender turned dancer
    I'll have to keep an eye out for Milan, Nadia, and Roxy. I'm trying to be in the area to play some poker at twin river sometime in November know when they usually work?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Former bartender turned dancer
    Owg-i forgot her name and only seen her once during a Monday night shift. Pimp-if I have no other options I might try out Dior again. I think that one time i got an air dance from her it soured me from ever trying her out again. She does have an amazing body.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I think she's the really petite girl mid 20s? I think I saw her there on Saturday day shift in late September, assuming that's her.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Club Lust benefits?
    Thanks! I'll copy and paste from the review to make it easier for other users to see. "The private club upstairs is Club Lust. Cost = $300 per quarter and any money added to your account is credited at 125%. The money can be spent on food (a full menu) or drink (including champagne as a substitute for the $160 one-hour CR fee). The $300 is quarter to quarter. You can buy a one-night membership. Any money added (like loading a debit card) is credited at 125% and it carries over into the next quarter. Club Lust has TVs couches, coffee tables and a pool table. The Champagne Rooms upstairs cost the same $40/$100 per fifteen minutes but are larger, quieter, and more private than those in the main club downstairs."
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Surprising visit to Caddy
    I didn't do DATY and I do not partake in clubs. Sorry for being vague on what happened. It was definitely extra though. I just dont want dancers to figure out my profile.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Labor Day Weekend
    I saw you were there for Sunday evening. The dude who got thrown out was really drunk and he kept trying to get alchohol. He definitely had it coming.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Crystal blue cafe
    Nope and the quality of dancer is pretty average. You might have to TOFTT
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Friday afternoon
    Looking at her Instagram now she states she no longer wants to do OTC or even extras. Not sure if this is just a bluff or a phase. I never had the chance to link up with her.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Desires, mid-week day, good visit
    Can I get a translation of what the last line means lol.