1 Franklin Sq Providence, RI 02903


But not too old!
Monday, November 25, 2019 4:39 AM
Everyone knows that the smart girls here (and the better looking ones) will develop a few regulars that they can count on to come in regularly and provide a steady income. Some of the girls in an effort to secure or keep a regular will provide "upgraded services" but some treat everyone the same. I have a particular girl that I have been seeing for over three years and we have a great relationship. If she is there when I am, it's all about her but if she's not there, I explore the other options. My question is, how do you feel about having a "regular" girl? What do you see as the positives and negatives?


  • bullzeye
    5 years ago
    I’m the same as you. I have one or two regular girls at some of the clubs I visit. And if they are there, I’ll get dances with them. The positives are that we know each other and what each of us likes and dislikes. If you are into conversation (some are, some aren’t), then you can have better ones because you know stuff about each other. Another good thing about having a regular girl is that you usually don’t have to wait for a dancer; if you contact her, often they’ll make sure they are available for you when you get in. I’ve gotten some very warm greetings this way. And after some time with LDs or VIPs, they’ll hang out with you if you want. One last thing they can do for you is that if they’re not going to be in, they can set you up with one of their friends. I have not taken advantage of this last perk but it has been offered to me multiple times. As to the negatives, there are not many but there are some. Some girls get a little territorial; some don’t. Some will be fine if you get dances with other girls; and some will tell you off in the middle of the club if you spend time with a girl besides them. Some will be ok if they’re not there yet and you get dances with other girls before them; with other girls, that’ll piss them off. And if you are a guy who likes variety (and I think most of us are this way, at least a little bit), this can lead to awkward moments. Another downside, is you might start modifying your clubbing to avoid either seeing your regular girl if for some reason you don’t want to OR to evade a situation where two of your regular girls are there at the same time. I have read mention of both of these last two situations by some posters in here. Overall, for me, the advantages of having a regular girl far surpass the negatives (I.e. gawker, OWG,..). But that may not be true for all (thinking Papi, rick, and Nidan here).
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I have had several regular dancers over the years. it’s the type of SC experience I want for the reasons stated above. Since my last regular left stripping some 10 months or so I have been on the lookout for the next one. So far still looking.
  • bullzeye
    5 years ago
    Fish, always gotta have a Plan B ready. Just simmering on the side. We can’t have you going 10 months again without a regular. Unless, of course, you want it that way.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Bull eye, I appreciate your concern. I am sure I will find my woman sooner or later. In the meantime I am enjoying the search.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    The advantages of having a regular dancer(s) is consistency - you know what to expect and what you will receive, vs having to deal w/ ROBs or o/w substandard dancers via sampling - this can be specially advantageous in a club that perhaps may not have a lot of options in terms of the talent (not many girls or not many good looking girls; or perhaps a club where mileage is hit or miss and a fave may provide better/more-consistent mileage) - but seems to me many PLs, especially those that have clubbed for a good while, seem to prefer what a regular offers despite the M.O. of the club - seems many PLs enjoy/prefer something close to a civvie style relationship w/ a dancer which includes a lot of 1-on-1 time/attention beyond dances/VIP like if it was a date. As for me, "familiarity breeds contempt" applies, per se - I'm more intrigued/excited by what (more specifically who) I haven't experienced, than repeating what (who) I've already done and know.
  • Kelly755
    5 years ago
    My husband and I really liked our regular Emory but dint know what happened.. she has been gone for months
  • anthony6613
    5 years ago
    I like a regular. This way I always knew what to expect. No haggling,etc. if she wasn’t in, then I would try other dancers. I would ask my waitress if X was in and send her over. More convenient for me. We all know all CFs have a life span and then they move on.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I had an atf for a very long time. Much much better in most ways and the occasional waste of time and money pales to the amazing feeling of new.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    5 years ago
    I have generally had a "prime target" at a club but never scheduled around her being there. For a while, I had a five girl rotation at Desire and danced with the one that was there or if more than one was there, danced with whomever I hadn't seen the longest. The girls all knew the situation and some would come by and say hello, give me a kiss and tell me so and so is in the dressing room and it's her turn. I'll tell her you're here. After I met my ATF, the rotation gradually stopped. The experience at Desire and Lust definitely turns the experience into a "date". You meet her on the first floor, take her upstairs for lunch, go up to the third floor for some pool or "Beat Bobby Flay" and then to the CR for some up close and personal time. There are those times when I'm there and she is not that give me the opportunity to experience that "new car smell". Strippers, what would we do without them?
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    I will be finding out shortly what I will be doing without strippers because lately I find it almost unbearably boring.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Yeah, the clubs in Phoenix have gone in the crapper lately. I haven’t been to a club in a month and I suspect that will extend to a 6 month hiatus. In the past, that’s been the time needed to recover from a surge in LE attention.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Metamucil is great for keeping your regular
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    For me clubbing just isn't as much fun as it used to be. Sort of like golf. In 2004 I played 98 rounds and wanted more. In 2019 I played 8 and it was enough. Feelthe same about strip clubs.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    5 years ago
    @ skibum609: Got 52 rounds in this year and that was about enough. Did 75 VIP's with our friend and that wasn't nearly enough!
  • BitCoinHodler
    5 years ago
    I don't come here enough to gain a regular but one con I'd think is that its expensive. I have tipped some girls when they're on stage usually anywhere from 15-25 and asked them to see me after I'm interested in some dances but been told multiple times they're too busy with their regular. I'd assume it's because they make enough from their regulars to afford all their expenses.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    OWG I have been having thoughts about her lately and plan on seeing her (not on thursdays lol). Skiing has overtaken golf as a drain on my bank account, but this year I did go back to walking and carrying so next year I will try to get out 50 times.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Damn you guys in snow country got a lot of golf in I generally get once a week all year round
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