
Comments by BitCoinHodler (page 15)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Fun Wednesday
    Think you might be mixing up Groton Mynx and Harford Mynx. Harford Mynx has a bouncer trolling around. Groton mynx is pretty lax in the LD area. No extras though
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wild Zebra in Providence forced to close
    Yes I can confirm. Whoever runs Desire pays off the right people.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Easily the worst rap song I've ever heard. It was 900k plus views LOL. https://youtu.be/JZYZoQQ6LJQ
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wild Zebra in Providence forced to close
    If you're a regular Desire should be fine. Case in point, after the whole Foxy Lady thing
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Mostly weekday review
    That's a shame about Hannah. I saw her one afternoon and was tempted to do some dances. Tipped her on stage but she went and talked to some other guy for an hour only for them to do 3 regular dances, then she sat with some other guys and talked for a while. Got some other dances instead.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Bitcoin-be your own boss bitch!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Bitcoiners are the type of people who think it's ok for establishments to deny service based on religion or sexuality. There was a time when it was a mainstream idea that it was ok to deny service based on race. If that makes me controlling then so be it. When you live in a democracy you have to accept the decision of the masses. Yes, this means if (MASSIVE if considering all of bitcoins issues)America decides to adopt bitcoin I'll also accept it. Luckily I own real estate and my parents have a paid off home they can also sell if the worst case scenario happens. Bitcoiners are also the type of people who think the revolutionary war against Britain was about high taxes when it was about taxation without representation. We have representation now, we have avenues to change laws. Taxation is not theft. If you dont like it vote in someone who will lower taxes., they would have to cut programs that are more popular than the taxes people pay.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    If bitcoin had a nice pair of decentralized tits maybe i wouldn't be so butthurt about it. And I know this sounds super nerdy but I have actually already asked some dancers if they declare the money they make dancing (all that I've asked don't). I am actually super passionate about taxes :). As for inflationary vs deflationary currency. That's just a difference of "opinion". But inflation and debt is perfectly ok. I understand why people would think its scary, this increased access to loans to purchase assets bas strengthened the economy. Yes there were cons to it in 2008, but the overall system is good. You have to remember it hasn't been around that long in modern terms and we are still getting the kinks out of it. Tearing it down to go to crypto is trading in one problem for a thousand more.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Bitcoin can become anonymous through the use of bitcoin mixers. I hate deflationary currencies too. I can either talk more about it here or you can watch this one minute video on why deflationary currencies are bad. (Bitcoin is a deflationary currency) https://youtu.be/ouNKQ1OUnwc
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Yes, admittedly I have an intense dislike of bitcoin after all of my research on it. Bitcoin has much higher scale to sell abhorrent content than a suitcase of cash. If someone wanted to buy dispicable videos with cash they'd have to meet someone face to face. With crypto it is super easy and much less risky. It is an undeniable fact that crypto makes it easier to make those purchases. I have enough dislike of crypto that I unironically enjoy debating with people who are pro crypto. I feel as if humanity as a whole would benefit if it didn't exist, and wholesomely enjoy listing off reasons not to buy it. I know I most likely won't change anyone who it pro crypto's mind but if even one person doesn't purchase because a pedo peso because of my warnings I am happy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Republicans should not underestimate Bernie.
    @mark94 we already pay so much for healthcare. Compared to other western countries we are getting shafted.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Republicans should not underestimate Bernie.
    As someone who makes a pretty decent income and lives in a high tax and COL area (Connecticut) I think Bernie makes the most sense. Even though I do not own any small businesses some close friends of mine do in manufacturing and they struggle keeping employees because they cant provide healthcare for them. If Universal healthcare would pass it would make it easier for them to keep quality workers. I would also be more likely to start my own business if I knew Universal healthcare passed and I would be covered mo matter what.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    You are incorrect if you think I've made up my mine on bitcoin. I've done my extensive research and feel very confident in thinking its either overpriced and/or my morals would stop me from getting involved in it. The biggest thing holding me back is real use cases for me where bitcoin would be better than fiat or plastic. The only true use case for someone in a stable aestern country is illegal transactions. As for what bitcoin is and how its created...etc, there are plenty of YouTube videos on it. The one below seems perfect. https://youtu.be/41JCpzvnn_0
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    So I completely forgot about this thread but bitcoins recent price surge reminded me of it... Once again I'll say as a member of a stable country bitcoin is useless for me unless I want to do illegal transactions. I dont really care if bitcoin can be used by Venezuelans because they dont trust their own currency. Do you think bitcoin will still be used when it's more stable?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Sorry I've been kind of busy- I'll give a more detailed response when I can. There are definitely pros with bitcoin and yes alot of illegal activities occur in other payments too, but bitcoins is the preferred method of use for dark web transactions among people who do not need to meet face to face. If you use cash and meet face to face to purchase illegal things there's much more risk involved than dark web bitcoin transactions. Cash also doesn't scale as well as bitcoin for purchasing terrible content on the dark web.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    While browing r/bitcoin I happened across this thread about someone trying to hide away his bitcoin. To your point about the govt being able to catch people buying horrible reprehensible things on the dark web., there are work arounds to tracking bitcoins. Who knows what this guy is about to buy and/or who or what was harmed in the creation of that content :(. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/et82ak/need_help_with_anonymizing_my_bitcoins/
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Do you expect all of these in a definition of bitcoin? Any time someone asks you what bitcoin is do you really answer all of these questions or do you give a basic overview? Lol. If a coworker asked me what bitcoin was I'd give that explanation. If they have more questions I'd answer it. What would you say if a boomer coworker asked you what it was? I'm not sure you'll get more converts if you jumped straight into the inner workings immediately. You say "more usage = more electricity from mining activity. That is just plain incorrect." Then you give examples of how that's wrong sentences later lol. I thought libertarians factor in human greed into everything. Simply put if bitcoin didn't exist that electricity would never have been used in the first place. Saying bitcoin uses 70%+ renewable energy means the areas bitcoin is mined uses 70%+ renewable energy. Same information but if you were trying to convert someone to bitcoin which would you prefer to use? I'm also sorry for quoting Elon Musk, I did it mostly because you were linking other people who were successful to prove a point just because they think one way about bitcoin it isn't right. You used the winklevoss twins as a pro to bitcoin so I guess we can scratch that off as a pro. I will refrain from citing successful people's opinion on bitcoin if you do the same and we can focus on bitcoin itself. Either way the main point of it's only practical use is illegal activities still stands. There are transactions that are made legally using bitcoin however they are taxable since the IRS considers it as you selling bitcoin for cash. How many people actually follow that? If you dont, you are breaking a law. @max bubbles can happen such as beanie babies and the tulip bubble. However, bitcoin is alot more useful than them in dark web transactions so perhaps this isn't a bubble. However I'd rather not be involved in something that supports dark web transactions. Also I'd rather not get into grammar, however, you yourself make mistakes like using "gonna" and "wanna". This is the last I'd like to speak on grammar because it really adds nothing to the main topic.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Warning-My definition of bitcoin is going to be based on why I dont like it. Bitcoin is decentralized so it doesn't run from one server, because of this user's computers are used to process transactions. Mining is not required to own bitcoin. In exchange for using user's computers bitcoin rewards them by giving them some bitcoin, this is called mining. This mining uses alot of electricity and this is before mass adoption, you could imagine the electricity usage when more people use it. www.bbc.com Because it is decentralized it is impossible to police bitcoin transactions. This means the government has no control over it and can't block certain transactions would be common on the dark web. Elon musk even says that bitcoins only use case is transactions you would like to hide from the govt. And he's been saying that since 2014. www.forbes.com I am vehemently opposed to dark web transactions. Of course alot of people who dont like the government telling them what they can or can't purchase get pissed about that (libertarians). Which is why alot of people say bitcoin is a right wing tool.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Page 8 "Our main assumption is that miners, wherever they are located, utilise the same mix of power generation (fossil/nuclear or renewable) as the average reported in their region." So the writers are saying bitcoin is heavily renewables focused because the electricity in the region they are mined is heavily renewables focused and they want to use that as a pro to bitcoin? Lol.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Warning-My definition of bitcoin is going to be based on why I dont like it. Bitcoin is decentralized so it doesn't run from one server, because of this user's computers are used to process transactions. In exchange for using user's computers bitcoin rewards them by giving them some bitcoin, this is called mining. This mining uses alot of electricity and this is before mass adoption, you could imagine the electricity usage when more people use it. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/technology-48853230 Because it is decentralized it is impossible to police bitcoin transactions. This means the government has no oversight on it and can't block certain transactions would be common on the dark web. Elon musk even says that bitcoins only use case is transactions you would like to hide frhttpsom the govt. And he's been saying that since 2014. www.forbes.com/sites/ktorpey/2020/01/23/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-on-the-future-of-bitcoin-and-crypto/amp/ I am vehemently opposed to dark web transactions. Of course alot of people who dont like the government telling them what they can or can't purchase get pissed about that (libertarians). Which is why alot of people say bitcoin is a right wing tool.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    If I write something out that explains how bitcoin works you'll just say I googled it. If I dont then you'll think I dont like bitcoin because I don't understand it. Could it be possible I understand bitcoin and flat out just dont like it? R/bitcoin had a tagline that reads "A large percentage of Bitcoin enthusiasts are libertarians, though people of all political philosophies are welcome." And you think bitcoin doesn't have political leanings? This is coming from somewhere you yourself linked to. I've been an active member of r/bitcoin and r/buttcoin for years. I think I do have a solid grasp on it I just like fiat more. Bitcoin would solve some problems but it would raise alot more.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    https://beincrypto.com/bitcoin-designed-for-liberals-most-utilized-by-conservatives/amp/ I just googled bitcoin political leanings and this was the first article not behind a paywall, feel free to post links to articles that contradicts that bitcoin is mostly used by right wingers. Also something to note, Trump thinks bitcoin is stupid so I think it's mostly fringe right wingers who think taxes infringe on human rights.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Yeah bitcoin is pretty right wing. There are some left leaning people who enjoy it but right wingers like it due to the power bitcoin has of unregulated transactions.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled
    Wow that link came put weird, it's an article about bitcoin SV price manipulation
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    [OT] Bitcoin's Price, Modeled