1 Franklin Sq
Providence, RI 02903
Club Lust benefits?
I've tried asking about what club Lust is all about and havent really gotten a good answer. I'm thinking about doing it for October to December does anyone know all the details about Lust?
If that doesn't answer your questions, try sending a pm to OldWhiteGuy with your questions.
"The private club upstairs is Club Lust. Cost = $300 per quarter and any money added to your account is credited at 125%. The money can be spent on food (a full menu) or drink (including champagne as a substitute for the $160 one-hour CR fee). The $300 is quarter to quarter. You can buy a one-night membership. Any money added (like loading a debit card) is credited at 125% and it carries over into the next quarter. Club Lust has TVs couches, coffee tables and a pool table. The Champagne Rooms upstairs cost the same $40/$100 per fifteen minutes but are larger, quieter, and more private than those in the main club downstairs."
Also, if you would prefer to buy a bottle of Champagne ($175 and up) rather than spend the cashh for an hour of VIP ($160) you can charge that to your account as well.