Knight of the Round Table Dance
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 184)
discussion comment
5 years ago
I had been going to see my ATF DS for two years, basically seeing her a few times a week before we had a falling out and she "broke up" with me. After not seeing her for about three months I start seeing her post to her social media that she misses me. I wait another three months and then visit her again, and wow did she show me that she regretted losing me and she started doing everything I wanted in a strip club visit. Our falling out was from her assuming that she could do a few quick dances with others before spending time with me and my limit was only one. When we reunited she changed for the better. From that point forward she made me #1 priority as soon as I arrived and would not entertain any other customers until I left. And she flat out told me that I'm her #1 customer by far. So ultimately that's when I learned and experienced the power of being a regular. Strippers get used to the regular income and don't want to lose it. It's not unicorn level but it is still rare and valuable.
discussion comment
5 years ago
@TFP we must embrace san_jose_creep's repetitive and predictable nature! He's a cautionary tale to all married PLs. What happened to him could happen to any of them if they fall so far for SS that they forget reality and lose their minds.
His privacy wall is simply a wall of complete denial into his miserable real life which he is trying desperately to shut out. He doesn't want to face the fact that he's homeless and destitute, he ruined his entire life and marriage by excessive mongering with strippers and AMP whores, and he's completely creepy to women and they don't want him. So any action or even thoughts that remind him of his current reality is met with extreme denial and deflection. It's like when someone doesn't want to listen and they plug their ears with their fingers and start singing "la-la-la, I'm not listening" because they literally don't want to hear anything. He'd much rather think about dead squirrels and oozing grey matter and literal head bashing instead of thinking about his present reality. And personally I have fun with it!
discussion comment
5 years ago
@Cristobal I double dog dare you to ask san_jose_creep when was the last time he "civilianized" a stripper or AMP whore and saw her OTC regularly. Make it a triple dog dare.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Although san_jose_creep also posts to the TJ forum, I still submit that the forums with the least ignored threads are the ones that he can't post in. And if he could post in the VIP forum, he would. Hence bringing more ignored threads to it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
@Cristobal duly noted. I've never once entered that forum but now I just tried and see he's got some threads in there.
discussion comment
5 years ago
There are more threads on ignore in the front room because that's the only forum that san_jose_creep can post to. It's this simple.
discussion comment
5 years ago
@Cristobal yes it is.
discussion comment
5 years ago
"I am not that willing to get involved with them because I have other things which I value more than social conformity."
^ translation -> I can't get a date with these civilian datable girls because I'm a creep in denial so I'll blame their culture instead of myself.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I put all the OT threads that san_jose_creep created to talk to himself on ignore.
discussion comment
5 years ago
"But most of those girls are perfectly civilian datable, they are just quite difficult to deal with, their own conformist and materialistic culture."
^ translation -> I can't get a date with these civilian datable girls because I'm a creep in denial so I'll blame their culture instead of myself.
As mentioned, he's a master of embellishing.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I always run with the things they say as it plays to my advantage. "Oh, I have a big dick AND I'm so handsome and sweet unlike most of your customers?" Sure! Then tease my big dick and enjoy the pleasure of my company. "And you're the hottest and sexiest stripper I've ever been with! It must be destiny that we met tonight!"
Don't hate the player. Hate the game.
discussion comment
5 years ago
And the only reason he has me on ignore is because I expose his reality in real life and he wants to stay in denial about it and live in his DELUSIONS.
discussion comment
5 years ago
LMFAO he pulled his wall of privacy schtick just like I predicted.
discussion comment
5 years ago
@Cristobal san_jose_creep merely projects his FANTASIES and DELUSIONS on how to interact and supposedly "civilianize" a stripper whore. As per his last post, he can only surmise about Viet coffee girls but he's NEVER been able to actualize a civie relationship with any of them. By all accounts his last interactions with women IRL were with AMP whores back in 2015. Here is an example: And in this example at the end you can see that he failed yet again to "civilianize" the AMP whores that he visited. And now if you press him on this reality he will deflect and maybe even respond violently to you as if his "privacy" is being invaded.
So no, he doesn't have decades of experience. He just has years of being in denial that women just don't like him for being a creep. And years of using TUSCL to live and post of his FANTASY world of being with strippers and AMP whores. All this and he's a master of embellishing his statements.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Just like with all women, there's no formula for getting her to choose you as a BF. Best not to be a creep that thinks it works this way.
LMAO san_jose_creep has NEVER 'civilianized' a stripper or AMP whore IRL using any of his supposed methods.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I think PLs in general are a dime a dozen but a reliable regular is more rare. I have followed my ATF DS to several clubs and I only saw a handful of regulars like me that came in to see just one stripper on a regular basis. And both my ATF DS and backup CF give me priority over other PLs whenever I'm in the club. And they give me discounted dance rates. I also distinguish myself from other PLs by giving an awesome massage. For all of this, I'm a rare PL. But yeah I see more typical PLs all the time in clubs.
discussion comment
5 years ago
New Jersey
Not hitting a woman shouldn't be something that requires thought. Especially if it's your wife.
discussion comment
5 years ago
New Jersey
My wife and I learned, over time, that it is counterproductive to get to the point of yelling at each other and exchanging "cunty" texts or words. For us it's best NOT to seek out ways to attack or even counterattack each other. All differences can be calmly and rationally discussed. If we find ourselves getting heated with each other, we step back and take a personal timeout before we reengage each other.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I used to frequent AJs and the Brass Rail a lot. If they haven't changed, at AJs besides the $1-5 stage tip you can elect to tip enough, forgot how much, to have the embarrassing privilege of sitting in a chair on the stage and the dancer will give you a massage and an up close air dance, the whole time in front of the club. I think I did it once after numerous visits and decided it was stupid. At the Brass Rail there's just stage tipping.
LOL and still the bikini bars are a better option than San Jose strip clubs.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Did Jesus die for ET's sins or was Jesus ET?
discussion comment
5 years ago
I thought SF clubs were awesome until I went to ones in Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Portland.
discussion comment
5 years ago
LOL @Cristobal based your last post to me, how does san_jose_creep even know you were talking about him?
discussion comment
5 years ago
@RKS don't forget to check out the Sacramento/Reno scene. It's not too far from SF and a little cheaper.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I'd bet TFP's left testicle that san_jose_creep hasn't been to a Bay Area strip club since the 90s.
discussion comment
5 years ago
^ and shitty air dance / bikini bars in San Jose.