
Comments by Rick999 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?
    I noticed txtitty. Posts not showing up when trucido appeared.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?
    I was glad when founder added the ignore function but if he ever does another site change and if it's not much work or cost, adding categories to ignore or not ignore could be a benefit in my opinion. Strip clubs topics, then other topics like politics, music, art, money, which I think is strip club related anyway, stocks or Bitcoin, etc. plus a delete thread option. Of course I'm not sure who would delete or move threads posted in the wrong section. I'd like to see more picture threads. More tits etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is the real reason we like for girls to shave down there?
    I like seeing pussy, not hair. Of course if it's a topless only club, seeing a landing strip up above the bikini is like seeing her pubic area. Smooth feels better.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    45% taxes and penalties for early Ira withdrawals though I estimate. That sucks if I go that route.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    Actually my IRA did go up about 9000 in less than 24 hours this week. I could have done a lot better though but was probably taking on too much risk. All that after watching a free webinar on how to turn a 5000 account into 60,000 in 6 months. You have to do a lot of things right to achieve that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    I learned you just suggest you got money and some dancers will latch onto you especially if you start talking like it. I told one dancer I was unemployed and she left immediately after saying I don't know why guys come into a strip club broke with no money. I had $500 in my wallet at the time. I didn't tell her that.
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    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    Overall though, I risked too much early on and trump said he was going to unleash fire and fury so trump decimated my accounts really bad. In one respect it seems like playing poker. I got trumped by trump. I took him more seriously like everyone else earlier in his term.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Attraction to a customer
    I remember I was talking to a dancer thinking I figured out a method to become a millionaire trading stock options with enough time. A dancer nearby must have overheard the word millionaire and immediately sat down next to me after I had dances from the girl I was with. Then said how about giving me a hundred dollar bill? I acted like she was crazy. She thought I was a millionaire. She let me know what she wanted right away. I need to work on risk management because if I made 9000 in 24 hours , I may have too much at risk. Sad thing is, I could have made a lot more and that part bothers me. I would have preferred lots more over a longer stretch. I had too much at risk.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Anyone short Tesla?
    Tesla not thesis
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Anyone short Tesla?
    I got long thesis but sold 2 or 3 days ago. Made money on the trade. I see tesla as more of a battery company instead of a car company. The quantity of cars sold so far is pretty small compared to the big 3. A Chinese version of tesla may give serious competition. I can imagine electric cars as the future of cars though. Costs are going down. Major car manufacturers agree with electric cars as the future. Tesla has the lead. Almost every new major tech development starts off expensive and gets costs reduced with time until it becomes a mass produced commodity like computers, cell phones, etc. people once thought having electricity, phones, a car,etc in every home was a luxury for the rich when they first came out. I remember reading when cars were first built, some thought it was a fad and shouted get a horse. Electric cars run much more efficiently than gas. I thought hydrogen fuel or natural gas had promise but all alternative transportation requires infrastructure for mass adoption. Our government could determine what gets adopted across the nation. So are you currently short tesla? I doubt anything posted on this web site will affect stock prices. I don't think warren buffet is going to buy or sell based on what we say.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    How many dancers have said they were on a strict budget? I don't remember any, zip, zero.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    Yes that's true,anon, very simple. Most Americans spend a lot when they make a lot.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    Add in a extra work night every so often in the above example for the dancer to make ends meet. The extra nights might be slow nights where the dancer has trouble breaking even. When it comes to stock trades, I don't mind mentioning big wins sometimes unless it seems too big, but then I really mention losses. I've had large losses and big wins. I don't like telling anyone about the losses. My younger brother invested in an inverse ETF a couple years ago and may still be holding a position in it. It was a triple inverse of the Russell 2000, ouch. That money is mostly gone. I know he doesn't go around telling people about that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    Another example, a dancer talks about making 400 a night. Guy thinks that means she makes 7*400 a week. For the dancer the reality may be she only works 3 nights and pays a hotel fee of 400 each week, tip out fees of 100 a night, gas expenses, food expenses, etc, etc, of 200 a night and ends up with only $300 a week which might just barely cover the rent which I didn't mention.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Self deception? On the part of dancers?
    Dancer income as reported by dancers to some customers might be similar to a guy talking about his stock trades or big fish catch. He likes to talk about the big wins. He doesn't mention all the losses or bad days, expenses incurred, etc, etc. He might have actually lost money but only talks about successes. If a dancer was bragging about her yearly profit was xx thousand per year after taxes and expenses are subtracted, She might sound like an accountant but possibly very successful.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Just give me what ever you think it was worth"
    Haven't had anything like that happen in the last few years.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    She will do anything but will not suck your dick
    I never met a girl who told me she preferred anal over doing a BJ. No BJ is not an issue if you know another girl whom it's not an issue. Whether you want to keep dealing with the no BJ girl is a matter of how long you enjoy putting up with crap like that. 1 in a 100 guys may not enjoy Bj's. That's the perfect guy for her. You're not for her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Are you as cheap in the club as you are in real life?
    Definitely a lot cheaper IRL. If I never made an exception for strip clubs, might have never visited because of cover charges or the high cost of beer. I tend to negotiate deals on occasion. I've had more than one dancer say I'm a good businman when it comes to getting good deals on lap dances. I once talked someone at little Caesars into matching a competitors cut rate pizza price and deliver a pizza when they typically didn't deliver. I recently got my satellite bill dropped from 189 a month down to 25 for one month and only 106 going forward and I only dropped one channel after talking up a deal. Getting two sets of movie channels for free for 6 months. Threatened to drop the phone company and am getting 3 or 4 discounts. Might still go with a less expensive option. Found out my phone p,an allows hot spots and dropped a data only 30 a month plan. All those monthly expenses really add up. Maybe when I'm a multi millionaire, I will stop caring that much if I'm wasting a little bit of extra money each month. I like getting a great deal. I watched a show on tv called extreme penny pinchers or something. Some people resorted to saving a few bucks by searching for supposedly good food thrown out in garbage dumpsters or limiting toilet paper per day per person by only alotting a few pieces of toilet paper per day. Crazy. Makes all normal people look rich and possibly wasteful. However I am willing to pay for food safety and will not search for food in a dumpster and want everyone in my house to be clean so I won't skip what I consider to be necessities. Maybe the show was extreme cheapskates. I had a boss that never paid for cable or satellite. He had a big antennae up in his attic. If you are happy with less services, the more you can save and retire early. I see nothing wrong with that. When I visit strip clubs, I routinely tip 2 dollars as a stage tip and sometimes spend 5 or 7 with tip just for a single beer. I can buy almost 6 for that price at the grocery store. If I applied normal budgets or normal value to strip clubs, I'd probably never visit unless beer was one dollar , cover charges were free and lap dances were only 5 bucks and a stage tip was typically a quarter and making it rain involved 8 quarters raining down on a stripper.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    2018 Resolution for TUSCL users
    Happy New Year!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wishing I could Celebrate
    Happy New Year. I'm starting the new year with 5 beers,, just to make sure my stomach was settled. Then I got hungry. I got the munchies.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Every man's dream... a threesome!
    This is like a Friday the 13th movie for sex porn.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Drunk Posting
    My story was probably based on a dream I had where I engaged in combat with this species. http://adventofdeception.com/insights-zeta-reticulans-grays-alien-groups/ I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed the combat. I didn't take over the ship though. I accidentally ran through an emergency beam out hallway while chasing a couple terrified aliens. They initially ticked me off by taking me aboard their ship without permission while I was asleep. I think the stripper forgot I said it was a dream. It was a very detailed vivid dream.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Drunk Posting
    One time I must have told a really good story involving aliens to a dancer one night in a strip club. Unfortunately, I couldn't remember anything about it one week later when confronted by several strippers wanting me to repeat the story. Drinking affects memory unless you blame it on aliens or MIB. I haven't tried the secret ops story yet on a stripper. I don't think anyone would believe me unless I parked a gigantic mother ship over the strip club and told a dancer I raided the alien ship and took it over, don't tell anyone or I'll have to kill you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Drunk Posting
    If I drink a few drinks, I might watch the next YouTube recommended video. Called Interview with Reptilian female Lacerta (With Clear Audio and Subtitles) or maybe pick one of the others like the one with a picture if sexy female aliens called These Are The 13 known Extraterrestrial Races Living On Earth Or I could log into a conspiracy web site where someone posted or claimed that I was part of a secret military ops space program where even the participants don't even know it because their memory got wiped.