
Comments by TheWholeEnchilada

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Is Ivanka the hottest first daughter ever?
    Finally, something all voters can agree on. I'm looking forward to seeing her in the spotlight for the next four years. Even her name is sexy.
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    8 years ago
    Breaking News: Trump Resigns!
    Thank you. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Supermoon tonight
    I remember there was a super moon in the late 90's, around 1999 I think. I remember driving home and seeing it out my window. It was impressive. Huge. Last night, the moon looked bright, but not all that big. I wonder if it will appear any larger tonight. This Hong Kong girl I saw over the weekend. Wow. Now she had a super moon and I got a lot more pleasure out of that one. Touching is more fun than just looking.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    SJG, I've heard that a lot of the street girls have drug addictions. There's a site called TJAmigos.com that discusses the whole TJ scene in great detail. It may interest you. I only hang out at Hong Kong and don't approach any of the street girls, but I've read about other people's experiences with the street girls. Some have told stories about getting set up by the street girls, after they leave. Like the street girl tips off a thug friend of hers, the thug robs the guy, and the girl gets a kickback. The bar girls seem to drink a lot, since guys are buying them drinks all night, but the street girls seem to be addicted to drugs more frequently. Some of the bar girls smoke weed, but the street girls are more likely to be into heroin and other hardcore drugs from what I read. Just an fyi, because you seem to be putting the street girls on a pedestal, and I wanted to give you some reality about the situation. Plus, that discussion forum has mentioned that some of the street girls have pimps, while the bar girls are there of their own free will. I know some of the Hong Kong girls take vacations, go visit their families for a while, etc. Some work there just for a very short period of time to save enough money for college and then leave Tijuana and return to the part of Mexico that they came from to go to college full time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    RIP Leonard Cohen
    RIP Leonard. Loved his music and lyrics, especially Hallelujah. http://qz.com/834895/leonard-cohens-death-a-playlist-of-songs-and-lyrics-from-the-hallelujah-singer-to-help-you-make-sense-of-the-world/
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    Tiburon, seeing is believing. If you make the trip to TJ and Hong Kong sometime, especially on a slow night, you'll see a bunch of hotties standing around looking for a customer. Women travel from all over Mexico to work at Hong Kong in TJ & often times supply is much greater than demand.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    I took an old fav back to vip once and she knew we were about to get busy, so she asked if I washed my hands. I had a while ago, but not recently, so I poured half a vodka shot on my hands and rubbed them together like Mr. Miagi in the Karate Kid. She was satisfied and away we went.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    When's the TJ meetup? No more procrastination. Let's do it already.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    Also, if you want to stay in touch with a girl from TJ, they seem to like using WhatsApp for communication. It seems to be their app of choice for texting internationally.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    Yeah, at Hong Kong, you'll see dozens of girls by themselves, just waiting for someone to approach them. Same thing at Adelitas or other bars too. Even when it's crowded, I think there are always more women than men. The street directly behind HK, Cascadas, and Adelitas is lined with street girls. Not my thing, but sometimes you'll find some very pretty ones. I've seen guys take street girls right into Cascadas through the back entrance, get a room from the hotel clerk working the 2nd check in desk at the back of the hotel, and go upstairs. I didn't know Cascadas would allow that, but apparently they do.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    Your Spanish is very good. Quit wasting time and go down there already.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    The girls that I've come across prefer dollars, but will accept either. Some are more up to date on the exchange rate than others. Some will whip out their phones to run calculations, to quote you the right amount in pesos. There are SO many girls working that often times they are standing around or sitting around by themselves for hours on end. I was with a woman who was about a 9 who told me she only made like $6 one night the previous week. She said she could make about $700 on a Saturday night, but on slow days they struggle.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    Truthfully, it probably depends on the girl. Most won't really give a mierda. One girl I was hanging out with at HK & Cascadas playfully teased me for being formal with everyone. She laughed when I addressed the hotel staff as senor and suggested I say amigo. Usually when a HK mesero or limo driver recognizes me, they call me amigo. The people down there are very friendly and helpful for the most part. Just be careful on the streets, alleyways, etc., especially after dark. I've heard about pickpockets targeting drunk tourists stumbling around la zona and even some shady cops shaking down drunk guys for bribes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    A little of both. Pesos at the restaurants and local businesses. Either at Hong Kong. Pesos are a better deal, but sometimes it's easier to just use dollars at Hong Kong, so I have the correct change on me. Cascadas has all their room rates posted in dollars. The VIP card is definitely worth it for both HK and Cascadas, as are the online coupons for HK.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Go to Tijuana before there's a wall :)
    Never mind the Trump wall/fence or whatever. Go to TJ while the exchange rate is 20 to 1. Hong Kong has a printed drink list that they have been using for a long time. It's based on a 16 to 1 exchange rate. Change your dollars into pesos beforehand and get a nice discount.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    Rumor has it that you better use correct Spanish grammar or they won't accept your dinero. BWAHAHAHA!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Learning Spanish
    Why don't you go to Tijuana and find out for yourself?