Mom's basement
Discussions by LecherousMonk
discussion started
7 years ago
just wrote a review as a shameless attempt to get my vip status back. i'm a big boy now....
discussion started
7 years ago
Hey, Mamisan!
Just checked my bank account. What can you give me for $13.65?...
discussion started
7 years ago
Another Shitpoast
TFw you don't realize you have to shit till you walk in the club....
discussion started
7 years ago
Shitting at Starbucks: Classier than Shitting at McDonald's?
Title says it all....
discussion started
7 years ago
I haven't had intercourse since December 2013.
. . . And he didn't even use lube....
discussion started
7 years ago
Nightmare Scenario
The condom breaks on an OtC date. What do you do?...
discussion started
7 years ago
Rate Your ATF!
discussion started
7 years ago
A Haiku
"You have really nice eyes,"
How could she tell from over there?
Eat a dick, lying whore!...
discussion started
7 years ago
Do the Opposite
This is great anti-advice: https://www.puatraining.com/blog/how-to-pick-up-a-stripper...
a year agoby