Getting Back into the Game (of Wasting Money on Hoes)

avatar for LecherousMonk
Hey, all! Long time, no talk. Looks like I decided to start checking this board again at a particularly harmonious moment in its history.

Planning to club again for the 1st time in months. What are some serious (and non-serious) pointers for how to get the best experience: getting the dancer you want, lapdances or VIP?, extras, mileage, dancer drinks, bouncer greasing, manager befriending, dollar-stretching, LDK-ing, camera-evading, etc. I need a full refresher on The System(TM).

Expect a similar request for SA tips in coming weeks. Oh, and I would also appreciate it if desertscrub would call me a pussy, a cop, or both.


last comment
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
Everything I could say right here…
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Welcome back. Long time, no read.

-- Take a shower and brush your teeth.
-- Be nice to the dancers. They talk to dozens of dickheads and creeps. Don't be one of them.
-- If you want something in particular from a lap dance or VIP visit, ask for it in plain (but polite) language. Don't be vague and don't resort to "male vocalist code".
-- Never be afraid to move on to the next dancer if there are red flags or bad chemistry. Dancers aren't afraid to move on to the next customer.
-- Last but not least, have fun.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
On They System. The white polyester suit might be a bit outdated now.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 years ago
Are you looking for a pep talk, a refresher or how things might have changed since the last time you clubbed? All of it is locality based but generally what strippers have been saying/posting is that the economy and holiday season have made things tough on them. Can be good for customers who have money to spend. In the last few years I’ve realized that I have more fun when I don’t worry about money and getting the best deal. I don’t make it rain, but I do tip more for each drink, stage dance and tip walk. It maybe adds $30-50 to each club visit and maybe it doesn’t come back to me in value but I have more fun. In the clubs where I’m a reg, I also get preferential treatment from the bartenders and managers. Someday that may help if I ever have an issue, but hopefully I won’t need it.
avatar for HungryGiraffe
2 years ago
Playing this game is like riding a bike. I’m sure your muscle memory is excellent. Just go for it! :-)
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago
Always Remember:

“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.”

~ Cuban refugee Tony Montana (Al Pacino) in the movie Scarface.

If you have the money and can afford it, buy it and enjoy it.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
"Getting Back into the Game (of Wasting Money on WOMEN). There. I fixed the title for you. Maybe you could start off with having some respect for your fellow human beings who are sex workers. And if that's too difficult for you, then just stay your ass at home.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
2 years ago
Well is the money really being wasted? Do we "waste" money for vacations, eating out, luxury items, etc? We normally get some kind of intrinsic value out of the experiences we pay for.

It could argued the money we don't spend in our lifetime is "wasted" on ourselves.

avatar for Vicfl
2 years ago
Tip like a gentleman. Tip dancers, bartenders generously.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Interesting post from BY given her tag line. I guess it's another of those don't say it unless you are one things. Just kidding though, good point. Strip clubs would be a bazillion times nicer if PLs thought strippers deserved at least as much respect as wait staff. Then again, it would probably be pretty miserable even just taking a burger with fries order from a lot of the people up in these discussions.

Nothing wrong with generosity. But it should be 100% the decision of each stripper what (if anything) she does with you. Very, very fucked up situation otherwise. I guess I could see tipping the VIP minder to take the risk of not doing what the club tells them to, but I personally have not dealt with that situation.

I never tell strippers they are charging too much. No stripper has never asked me for more than what I'd want to let randos feel me up. I just say it's outside my budget, and sometimes they cut me a break.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
^randos of the opposite sex feeling you up is different. It would be rando women feeling you up, not men.
avatar for LecherousMonk
2 years ago
Thanks for your responses. I had a great time on my first night, thanks to your wise counsel, with only one mild ROB incident that I didn't let throw me off my game. I credit the 111 rules specifically for prompting me to take the initiative and approach a popular dancer on my own. It was a little awkward, perhaps just because she didn't speak much English, but hey, I got my dances, and they were fun; that's all that matters in my book.

To the fellow who complained about my language, you're right: I was trying to be funny and didn't mean any disrespect. Thanks again, bros!
avatar for CJKent_band
2 years ago

You wrote, and I quote:

“(I) approach(ed) a popular dancer on my own. It was a little awkward, perhaps just because she didn't speak much English, but hey, I got my dances, and they were fun; that's all that matters in my book.”

pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.


Good Times, Good Times.

The more you use this “approach”, the less “awkward” it will be for you.
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