
Cleveland Trip

Avatar for LecherousMonk
LecherousMonkMom's basement

What are the best clubs in a 30-mile radius of downtown Cleveland? Christie's Brunswick is the highest rated, but I've also heard good things about Christie's downtown.


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Avatar for rawhide

some good ones about 40 minutes east of there

Avatar for shailynn

Save yourself a trip and don’t go to Christie’s Brunswick. I’ve always had fun at Christie’s downtown. Not Detroit type of fun but worth the trip none the less.

Have no idea about the current set up but they always seem to have weird rules due to city ordinances. One time they could dance nude until midnight then had to cover up their bottoms. Another time they had to wear clear pasties on stage but didn’t have to during a lapdance. Never made any sense to me.

So what’s the deal with you? Are your parents taking you to the Rock N Roll hall of fame and all that lawn mowing money is burning a whole in your pocket?

Avatar for LecherousMonk

Thanks for the tip, and you guessed right. Is Fight Club better than Christie's? Are they both full nude? I'm so used to pasties I just assumed that was the state of affairs all across the state.

Avatar for shailynn

There is no comparison between Flight Club and Christies. Now, talent wise they are similar but at Flight Club the private lapdance booths where much more liberal lap dances occur are what make Flight Club a far superior club.

Not sure what the current topless/nude situations are at either club, over the years they’ve both gone back and forth between topless and nude on stage. I’ve never had a nude lapdance at Christies and I’ve always had a nude lapdance at Flight Club.

Avatar for LecherousMonk

I'm sorry. I said Fight Club but meant Hustler. I won't be in Detroit anytime soon.

Avatar for DickyDoo2

If I were you I would take the drive to Akron and visit Gatsby's North. Dances are hands on in VIP for $20 a song and the songs are long.

Avatar for shailynn

Depends on what you’re looking for in regards to what DickyDoo2 said.

Mileage - Gatsbys

Eye Candy and nicer club atmosphere - Christie’s

Can’t comment on Hustler - haven’t been there in a good while and only once or twice.

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