
Comments by Bandit5160 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    White strippers-black boyfriends
    Because I can't deal with the thought of that black dick in her mouth, pussy and asshole
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    White strippers-black boyfriends
    Well I do care. Once I find out, I withhold my money from that girl from that point going forward. I won't even spend $1 to tip her on stage.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    White strippers-black boyfriends
    Oh, and before anyone asks me how I know this- I see black men picking up and dropping off the strippers constantly. I assume they ain't brother and sister...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Fuck The Police
    All I know is cops shut down Platinum Plus and I'm pissed as fuck about it. They also put Lust girls in pasties and now they are trying to zero in on the Trophy Club by taking away skybox dancing. I used to have so much fun at these clubs. Now it is becoming harder and harder to get hard in them :). I don't like that my fun is being compromised, and if that makes me a stupid fuck, then so be it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gwen :)
    I too used to know Gwen. She was beautiful and busty and was always really very nice to me. She texted me quite frequently and called me "honey bunny bear". She told me her name was Jill, she really loved animals, and she was originally from Michigan. I never penetrated her...I just don't do that in clubs... but I remember her sucking my dick until I came quite a few times...she said she always wanted me to go home happy! Other dancers told me she was on drugs but I really didn't care since I was only seeing her in the club anyway. I miss her. If she really is in Detroit, I'd love to go see her again! I travel a lot for work and I'll try to get to Michigan this fall. Hell, I might even plan a summer vacation trip!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    Fuck The Police
    Don't you guys understand that as a strip club lover, the cops are enemies because they stop extras? All of you love getting extras in strip clubs, right? After all, that's why you go to them, right? If it were up to these cops, you'd no longer be able to get those extras. Think about that before you sing the praises of cops.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What incentive do strip clubs have in strictly enforcing the no-touch rule?
    Because they are scared that the fucking pigs will try to shut them down
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    8 Strippers Reveal The #1 Indicator A Man Is NOT Marriage Material
    The number one indicator that a woman is not marriage material? She's a stripper!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    Wow, so many racists here who think all potential black customers at strip clubs have criminal records! It's just crazy how many sheep there are. Don't you idiots realize it is the COPS that cause pasties and non-contact dances at some clubs? Why the fuck should I go somewhere and pay $25 for an air dance when I can go down the street a couple of miles and suck on tits for the same price? I wondered where the dumb ass people that kept these lame ass police affected clubs open were. I wonder no more. Wow, honkys are crazy!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    It's FUN to piss off thin-skinned pussy ass cops! Don't be square!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    If I were a cop I'd only enforce the NEEDED laws, like murder and rape and child endangerment. Victimless crimes like showing nipples, consentual sex acts between Tow consenting adults, and smoking bud would get ignored!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    Okay, I gotcha. Yes I agree the club is entitled to that right. I just don't understand why they wouldn't want to play that song. The police have probably taken money out of the pockets of all that club's employees, including the DJ, with their antics. So I would think they'd WANT to blast that shit loud and proud! Damn I hate pigs! I really bonded with that girl last night by swapping stories with her of why we both hated the police with such passion! Her dedicated police hate gave me such a boner! All she then had to do was take my back to VIP and touch it and it skeet skeet skeeted like a damn fire hose! But then a cop got behind me and followed me for several miles on my way home. I WISH he'd DARED to try and pull me over without cause! Shit would've went DOWN!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Seriously?! No "Fuck Tha Police?"
    Yeah, a family strip club. "Now taking the main stage, Minnie Mouse.". Seriously, this is a another sure sign of the loss of free speech in our country. Any kind of arrest for playing thkis song would be in clear violation of the First Amendment, would it not? Sorry, but I just ain't up to catering to these thinned skinned pussy ass cops. DJ should've blasted that shit.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    I went to the club tonight. According to several other dancers, this girl has been gone for three nights now and her dad is indeed in the hospital. She was telling the truth. They also said she was grateful to me for helping her out and that I was the nicest guy she'd ever met in the club. That made me feel nice.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    She's SOL if she asks me for $6000. I don't have that kind of scratch. Besides, I'd ask her what happened to his Obamacare?! Sadly, I'm probably already paying for his operation under that disaster.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    Someone asked my age? I am 23 years old and she just had her 22nd birthday last month. I have decided that, much as I like this girl, either I get my discount on my next visit or I never deal with her again...I am a nice guy, but she will not play me. And if she is lying to me, karma is a bitch and she will come down hard on those who make up stories about their loved ones being sick/injured. If she needed rent money, just say so...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    Sorry, but I can't be gay like you. It's not in my DNA. I hate the sight of another man's dick and my ass says "exit only"
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    I called her and I am going to arrange for her to get the money. She's agreed that she's going to take the $60 off of a 30 minute private VIP session, so I think she's on the level.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    South Carolina
    Am I being taken for a sap and used? What should I do?
    I'd like to add that one of the reasons my "alarm" went off is that I thought strippers made lots and lots of cash.