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Comments by Virgo62

review comment
9 months ago
avatar for Sammy63
Mission accomplished- tension reduced in under an hour
If it’s the same Selina who used to work there years ago and left, she’s a very sweet girl who I took out OTC. Nothing happened, just dinner and a movie. Not the best in the back. She wasn’t handsy, but she’s very nice to talk to. If you’re looking for action, skip her and go with someone else, unless she’s changed.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for JohnSmith69
layin low but staying high
Airport layover
Just an FYI, there were no PH dancers when I was there last Thursday between 6 to 8:30. I’d love to know where they went.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for metalek2000
A very Hot and Sticky afternoon.
Mercedes is a light completed Puerto Rican. She also used to dance more at the 19th Hole. I haven’t seen her in a while. I’d like to know if she’s friends with Frank and not just Billy?
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Stripper Draft Needed!
Yes and they’d make more at McDonalds! A few of them were so ugly , it looked like Stevie Wonder is in charge of hiring. This place has really fallen off talent wise from its heyday. The old crew is just that, old and tired. Not inspirational at all. Damn shame....
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for kingcripple
Do strippers ever get emotionally invested in a customer?
Wow! Interesting story gawker. I have yet to see anyone have a “happily ever after” ending to any stripper relationship. Sure the dancers view it as a job, and will rarely become involves, but in small occasions, they will develop strong feelings for you. However, unless you love being a human atm, of which I’m not, then it’s simply not worth it, unless you have money to burn. Most of us have been in some type of “relationship” with a dancer at some point, and rarely look back on it fondly.
discussion comment
6 years ago
avatar for kingcripple
Do strippers ever get emotionally invested in a customer?
Besides, as many a monger can tell you, if you do have a stripper who may develop some type of feelings for you, it opens up at Pandora’s box of nightmares (drugs, poverty, kids, mental illness and more). Once again, all of these issues are mentally and financially soul sucking. It’s best to keep all of these women at arms length regardless.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
Normal strippers?
They all have issues much like many women out there. I have dated 4 strippers. All of them were on the pole for a reason. I am still dating the last one. She’s a good person, but she’s had many dysfunctional things happen to her in her past. She’s in counseling now to work through it. Just know this, when you date a stripper, the fantasy is over and there’s a lot of heavy lifting psychologically on a man’s behalf. I must have issues as well to deal with the onslaught of daily/monthly mental issues.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for larryfisherman
When a stripper tells you....
They always lie. Enjoy the moment and forget anything you’re told. They’ll get that money with their virginal stories, and you exploit them for the rest.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for TXbananas
Trucidos got hacked today?
He’s got issues.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Sugar Baby Advice
Thanks all. It appears the strip club route may continue to be the best option since it seems to be a pain in the ass otherwise. My experiences seem to mirror most of your comments.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Sugar Baby Advice
Thanks Sal69. That’s been my experience as well. I tried one seeking arrangement site 3 weeks ago, and if that’s how it is, then it’s way too much work. I’ve had some great times in the club and otc, but some of these strippers want way too much money. I have an ATF who is wearing on me due to a nasty drug habit.
discussion comment
7 years ago
avatar for gentleman6555
New York
Getting over an ATF
I’ve been down that road before. I’ve always found that having a plan B or C is always good. Let’s face it, you’re dealing with the most fickle, crazy and money obsessed women you’re ever likely to meet. I know it’s tough to keep your heart out of it, but always know that a crash and burn situation always sucks. I prefer the chase over catching feelings, these babes just aren’t worth the madness,5
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for a21985
Falling for a stripper: Please snap me out of it
Great comments from different perspectives, but the basic advice remains the same. Keep having fun with her only if you can afford it mentally and financially. Dropping significant sums of money, smashing her regularly, and knowing she has a boyfriend will lead to you possibly catching feelings and getting hurt. There are no receipts or guarantees in this game. When I was new to the scene, I dated several OTC, but it was just the long con. Requests for money outside of OTC for every bullshit reason you can imagine. I withheld my money, and they all went away except one. I stayed with her for 2 years, and then I discovered a ferocious opiate habit. She's in rehab now, and the fun and fantasy is over. Bottom line...Keep it in the club, or see someone else if she's pulling at your heartstrings.
discussion comment
9 years ago
avatar for Timex345
Just Curious
Yes, I have dated 3 strippers over the course of 6 years. All of them had crazy issues. The first one was bipolar, and had anger/rage issues, but the sex was awesome. We lasted for about 18 months. The second one was a very sweet person, yet also bipolar, and always had serious issues with her relatives and was always broke. We lasted almost 4 months. The third one had 5 kids at age 27! She was the most stable of all, but over time, her issues with her kids, and unfortunately a bad habit with percocets got the best of us. She just got out of rehab, so I don't know what's going to happen. We've been dating for 3 years, and she quit the business 2 years ago. It makes me wonder what my strange attraction is to strippers, but it's been a blast overall, but inevitably you know all of the "relationships" are doomed to failure.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Mark2005
Saturday night
All of these comments are quite true. I rotate throughout clubs occasionally in the Philly and NYC metro areas. I have noticed many dancers actively encouraging otc, and other mongers going to Asian massage parlors. It’s a shame with what’s happening with PH lately, as that used to be my favorite spot.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for ClassicManz
Vanity Grand was a no fun rip off palace for me. I’ll check on more reviews before I venture back. That place was a no fly zone for me.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Very Nice!
Damn! Good to know! My faves were Tatianna, illianna and others. Don’t see their names on the roster anywhere. I hope PH improves or it’s going to be a sad state of affairs.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Very Nice!
No this visit was a little over two weeks ago. I had not been there in so long I did not even check the schedule. I started reading all of the reviews after my visit and I can see that this place is nowhere close to what it used to be unfortunately. I would love to know what bar many of these dancers relocated to
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Very Nice!
No, not the way she used to. Just a lot of over the pants hand movement, crotch and ass grinding. Things are definitely different these days. Sad to say, but some Asian parlors beat PH now.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for nappy
Took a ride with Mercedes
I can tell by the most recent comments that this is indeed Mercedes, the Puerto Rican from the 19th Hole. She seems to have stepped up her game, but it appears that FS is not yet available.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Water the Purple Orchid
She looks to be in her early to mid 40s, clearly the oldest dancer there. She’s brown skinned on the slender side with a nice ass and a small rack. She clearly is a pro who will try to get you in the back ASAP. She was fun to talk to, and a good pick unless there are some younger prettier dancers available.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
Water the Purple Orchid
I will next time. She’s very aggressive, but I’ll deal with someone else when I return.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for nappy
Took a ride with Mercedes
I wonder if this is the same Mercedes who works at the 19th Hole?
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Mark2005
Saturday night so
Is Mariah a rather thick sandy/brown hair Puerto Rican dancer? A few years ago, there was a dancer named Mariah who left to go to Just Enuff in King of Prussia. We’ve since fallen out of touch.
review comment
6 years ago
avatar for Virgo62
The Pic is Just Okay
Yes there was a $10 cover when I arrived. I went early evening around six to 6:15 PM. Maybe it was just a bad night but it was 100% on remarkable.