Comments by Virgo62 (page 2)
review comment
6 years ago
Yes, I know Monica. Not much you can do in the back with her so don't waste your money. Please heed my advice!
review comment
6 years ago
That’s pretty damn good! I have heard of a blonde Brazilian named Mel who works by day usually. Do any of you know her costs for extras? By the way, there’s a WOC named Nina who works at night who has the full menu for the cost of the dances.
review comment
6 years ago
Is this Brazilian Pamela a dancer who used to work at the 19th Hole in Glenside? If so, we had some good times together, but you have to barter her down on the BJ and FS prices.
review comment
6 years ago
Las Vegas
Has anyone ever danced with and/or seen Mercedes lately? I’ve heard you can get good mileage in the back, but I see no comments about her at all.
review comment
7 years ago
Anywhere from a 4 to a 6. Nothing spectacular at all. Just try to look at them from the neck down.
review comment
7 years ago
954 (South Florida)
Leticia is totally not worth it in my opinion. She takes too long to get down to business, and she talks way too much. Leah and Tatianna will get down to business ASAP and you’ll be good in 2 to 3 dances max with a helluva sensual time. Leticia is a money grabber who takes too much time chatting. She’s nice looking, but that’s where it begins and ends.
review comment
7 years ago
I would agree. DV is at the bottom of my list. No real action at all. Just a place to grab a drink, watch a few women and leave. To each his own, but this place has no allure for me at all.
review comment
7 years ago
Wow! You must’ve cracked Sugar’s rule about extras! Trust and believe that was never down on extras of any kind.
review comment
7 years ago
Great review! When I was reading your comments about Leticia, I thought you were talking about the old Leticia, the olive skin beauty who worked there years ago. I am familiar with the new Leticia, but she is a relative dud in the back. No HJ, no FIV, at least for me. Much better choices there.
review comment
7 years ago
How is Jasmine lately? I found her to be tame in the back in the past. Maybe she’s loosened up lately?
review comment
7 years ago
Anyway the wind blows...
From my prior visits there, stick to the Brazilians. The white and black dancers can be a mixed bag of disappointment at times.
review comment
7 years ago
No Pamela is a thick but not fat light caramel completed Brazilian. She has big tits, and possibly a surgically enhanced ass. She has dark hair, and she stands about 5'7" with her shoes off.
review comment
9 years ago
Your experience has happened more than once. Bobbi is a ROB and that's why she can't keep regulars. Also she makes promises about extras and doesn't deliver. Other readers, consider yourself warned. Not worth it. Typical stripper bullshit.