
Comments by Timex345 (page 12)

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    9 years ago
    Post Lapper Tristesse
    Fight the urge to only visit with a few entertainers. If you truly enjoy showclubs, don't give them up. If you feel regret after a lap dance, don't. I assure you the young womandoesn't as she counts her money and moves on to her next customer. If you find you are developing feelings for a girl, take a break from her, and buy dances from a new girl.
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    9 years ago
    How My Tastes Have Changed
    I have changed over time. I am more selective on who I spend my money on. I have known several dancers over the years. I currently have a thing for Asian women. I live in the Midwest which is a problem. Not a big Asian population like out west in California. I got my heart broken several times at a showclub. But, I would never trade my experiences or what I have learned by being a customer. I know how to talk to a woman. It doesn't matter what you say. Just say something. I learned how to touch a woman and have a lot of fun. I learned that there are a lot of beautiful women in the world so don't waste your time getting hung up on one girl if she is unobtainable. I have learned that beautiful women have problems too in their life. No one's life is perfect. I have learned that taking a break every once in awhile from visiting a showclub is good for me personally. I am older now. So, I tend to walk away from a dancer who treats me badly. If she invests time with me. I am more likely to see her again. I don't do the "wanna dance" routine anymore. I hate when a girl stops by and asks for a dance out of the blue. Then doesn't sit with me but goes and sits with her regular for hours who may buy her drinks but doesn't drop any money on her for dances. I have learned I don't want to hear abour a dancer's boyfriend and what vacation they are going on. I hate hearing about any topic that jolts me back to reality that reminds me that this woman will never be mine completey. I love the fantasy of the Strip Club. Also, I hate hearing about items an entertainer is purchasing such as a new car, appliances for home. It makes me feel like a loser because obviously she sees more money in a week to a month that I could only fathom. My tastes have changed but now I am more sefl -confident and not shy at all in a showclub. I go right up to a girl and say hi and see where it leads.
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    9 years ago
    I got laid by a Perfect 10!
    Years ago after a hot session with dancer she offered OTC. She broke my heart this past Saturday. I like to keep things in the club. I start wanting more from the girl if I start doing OTC. Be careful, lines can get blurry real quick as far as relationship expectations. I started wanting more. I can tell it is just business for her. She is rather ruthless and cold about it. For my own sanity, I had to stop seeing her. I did not tell her. I just know it is over. I am sad. But, it is worse living a messed up fantasy. Showclubs suck sometimes. You see everything you will never have.
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    9 years ago
    How I Won – and Lost – My Dream Stripper
    Never fall in love with the talent. They are not worth the low emotional return on a high financial investment.
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    9 years ago
    How I Accidentally became a Stripper
    One of my favorite strippers in Indiana fell into stripping herself. She is a legal immigrant from Asia. On her arrival to the states, she took a job in a factory. She went to a club to pick up a friend. The manager noticed her and asked her to be a waitress. With tips, she made more in one night than working her regular job. As time passed, she slowly got the courage to dance after being encouraged by the staff. She drives a BMW and owns her own home. Anyways, she is probably the smartest stripper I have known. I drive 90 minutes to see her on occasion. So, some women fall into stripping. I have heard rumors that she was essentially a kept woman for a rich customer in the oil business. But, she likes the money and has been in the game for years.
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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    How GACA Got His Groove Back
    Good points. I am thrilled I never got married at a young age. I am 44 and still get carded. I can move in and out of the strip clubs visiting various women without commitment. I love it. I actually learned how to talk and be relaxed around hot women. Strip clubs have taught me a great deal about women. It really doesn't matter what you say. Just as long as you say something.
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    9 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Shailynns Logical System: How To Suceed In The Strip Club
    The strip club is the one place where being a nice guy has actually worked for me. My theory is this. I have been a customer for awhile at various clubs. Yes, I want to get extras and sleep with most of the women. But, being labeled a nice guy in the real world sucks. But, in the fantasy world, it works. These women get treated so horribly and told so many rotten things during their shift that when someone is polite to them and nice, they eat it up.