I got laid by a Perfect 10!

Long story short - I got laid by a Perfect 10.
Getting laid is not news to me or you - even by an 8, 9 or Perfect 10. The circumstances that got me and P10 between the sheets are a first for me. So I'm sharing to hear your thoughts.
I usually go to strip clubs to have a good time. Wine, Women and Song. Never go for ITC action and am selective about OTC. Have been going to strip clubs for about 3 years.
During my early days a very hot dancer gave me dances and company. Quite enjoyable. As she was putting her bra back on she said - "I also offer takeout" After a pause I blurted - "that's cool. for which restaurant?" Dancer simply said - "Never mind"
Of course, as I wised up - I realized how nice of the dancer to leave that convo with a simple "never mind".
Fast forward to yesterday. I enjoyed a sizzling set of dances from my favorite – P10. P10's side kick dancer also hangs out with us - joins us for shots - and I get dances from her too. It's hard for me to pick one part of P10's body or personality to admire - her chiseled face, or her beautiful eyes, or her luscious lips or her round butt, or her sweet singing ... and them firm and perfect boobs. Yum Yum. So much so - that I never asked P10 for OTC and she never offered to me in the last few months I have visited her. She has a boyfriend and does not seem to be OTC/ITC type. Heck, I'm even careful not to overly offend her with my roaming hands.
As we were chilling out after the dances - I told her and her friend the "take out" episode. She laughed so hard almost choked on her drink. I did add - "I pray to god - please please please bring that day back". Shortly - the dancers left to make the rounds and I continued to enjoy other dancers.
An hour later - a tipsy P10 falls in my lap (not drunk - just aggressive). Small talk and more dances. Very very intimate. I was aroused the whole time. When she went up on stage - I visited her. She pressed her boobs against my chest and goes - "I'm ready for takeout - will you deliver."
Hell Yes!
Having sex and more sex and some more sex with a beautiful woman is heavenly. Every man deserves a night with their Perfect 10.
I usually don't ask women for help, don't ask anyone for directions and keep stupid things I did in the past to myself. So from today, sitting in my bedroom and enjoying the misty canyon view - I'm gonna ask women for help where I need it, gonna ask for directions when I need 'em and share stupid and goofy experiences. Won't over do it - but metamorphosis I saw in P10 was astonishing. I want more of this - and macho ain't gonna get me it.
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last comment“... As she was putting her bra back on she said - "I also offer takeout" After a pause I blurted - "that's cool. for which restaurant?" ...”
That was one of the funniest PL lines I've ever heard - LOL
I'm by far not an expert on women – but some observations I have sorta gleamed (not that it applies universally):
as I heard put once; men are like microwaves and women like crock-pots; i.e. men get turned-on pretty-much immediately and for most women it takes them longer/a-while to warm up – for most men when it comes to sleeping w/ a woman all it takes is her looking hot; but women often take more things into considerations (what kind of guy is he; is he a douche; does he like me or just want to fuck me; does he have a good job or is he a deadbeat; etc) – IMO it often takes more for a woman to do the deed and often times them wanting/initiating sex will just come out of left-field and w/o warning if they feel comfortable w/ the guy
“... I never asked P10 for OTC … I'm even careful not to overly offend her with my roaming hands ...” - this is another observation w.r.t women – i.e. if one tries too hard this often pushes her away in terms of warming up to a guy – IMO if one has a “whatever attitude”, for lack of a better word, and one does not come across as desperate or needy; one has a better chance of the woman warming up to him
I've got to agree with Papi, that is one of the funniest responses I've ever heard to an otc offer.
The first time I was offered otc action I was equally caught off guard. After a fun vip session she told me that she "offers private parties for any occasion." I told her I would keep her in mind if I was ever planning a bachelor's party. She laughed for a few seconds and then leaned in and wispered "I'll just have to be more straight forward, it's $200 to fuck me for an hour at your place." Best $200 I had ever spent up until that point.
Years ago after a hot session with dancer she offered OTC. She broke my heart this past Saturday. I like to keep things in the club. I start wanting more from the girl if I start doing OTC. Be careful, lines can get blurry real quick as far as relationship expectations. I started wanting more. I can tell it is just business for her. She is rather ruthless and cold about it. For my own sanity, I had to stop seeing her. I did not tell her. I just know it is over. I am sad. But, it is worse living a messed up fantasy. Showclubs suck sometimes. You see everything you will never have.
Timex345 - hear ya. I got lucky is all I'll say - just like SamPepys and whodey.
"men are like microwaves and women like crock-pots" "one does not come across as desperate or needy; one has a better chance of the woman warming up to him"
papi - keep writing !!!
I like the unexpected surprises in strip clubs. good lookin drunk women doing silly stuff - i dig it. .
OTC offered me till now were 500+ .. thus I always skipped it..Most premium I can pay for OTC from strip club as compared to outside is $100... (some times I think I should just listen to my men below and not be cheap.. I used to count lap dances in past .. but now I just enjoy lap dances... .. may be one day I will just go with the heat of moment .. and enjoy OTC from strip clubs..)
@PC I wouldn't call it a PL line as he wasn't pathetic enough to be looking for paid sex at the time, but it was definetely hilarious.
I usually thought you MARRIED your perfect 10, not paid for one time sex with her? Isn't that why you marry the woman, because she's a perfect 10 or is settling a norm thing?
@PC explains why woman ALWAYS want me to finger bang them. I almost NEVER act aggressively. the most I do these days is lightly graze their body but never a hard squeeze if at all. Next thing I know, they're guiding my hand in their panties. Of course I won't finger bang them regardless.