Post Lapper Tristesse

avatar for Meursault
I assume that the core audience on a strip club forum is 99.99% male (and possibly .01% female poseur) so i think that many of you will recognize a version of the plight I am experiencing. I am suffering from a kind of non-sexual version of the common male problem "post-coital tristesse" (PCT), the feeling of regret immediately following an orgasm. I call it Post lapper tristesse and I think it is sign that I should retire or at least take a break from the strip club scene.

I think most men are familiar with the phenomenon of post-coital tristesse. Maybe it will sound odd to women. I am capable of acting (and thinking) at a level of dirtiness and aggression that is difficult to explain while building up to climax. Immediately after, it's like that version of me punches a time clock and the everyday me checks back in. All through my youth I could tell how much I cared for a woman I was with by the level of post-coital drop off. If I only came down a little bit from my pre-orgasm troglodyte self, then I just didn't care that much for her. With my wife (I was married for 22 years) I would turn into a spineless milquetoast before the last of my seminal soldiers could make it out into the world.

Now I find myself on the horns of a similar dilemma vis a vis my ATF (or maybe just my CF). When I travel far from home, I have no problem seeking and accepting extras and really experience no regret from it whatsoever (apologies to the women of the forum, if there actually are any). Close to home I go to only a few clubs in a relatively nearby city. At these clubs I only get conversation and lap dances. Increasingly those lap dances are from one particular dancer at one particular club who provides an excellent grind but by no means the dirtiest lap dance I've ever had. Now I find that as soon as I leave the club I have the same feelings of regret and melancholy I associate with PCT.

It is possible that I have just become the dreaded Regular in Love but I fear that it goes deeper than that. I fear my strip club visits are no longer driven by carnal lust and that a man behind the curtain is now directing these expeditions with a different motive in mind. It may be time to hang up the white polyester suit and learn to be content with the women who will date me and the Internet trollops who can't see my perverted old man glare. If I can't keep my heart out of it (which I think this problem clearly demonstrates) than it is only a matter of time until I get completely fleeced by my ATF or some other fine young entrepreneur.

I think Post Lapper Tristesse (PLT) is just early onset Broke Pathetic Loser. Hopefully I will heed this warning while my children still have something to inherit, but I can't be sure I will.


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avatar for Phoenix133
9 years ago
Hmm didn't really no that happens to guys like that. At first I was confused but the more I read I think the more I understood.

Coming from a females perspective I'd say your regret is probably either from knowing you were only having a one night stand and a true relationship isn't going to blossom from it or t could be guilt even? (Assuming your still married, or maybe guilt because you feel bad for the girl)

My other theory is that your lonely and so your getting with these strippers and going to the clubs because it makes you feel loved. You feel like the girls care about you but once you have sex with them reality sets back in and you realize that it was only a one night stand not something lasting and that they just wanted the money. You don't really want just that you want them to stay caring for you and you feeling loved. Might all just be from being too bored at home.

I'm not an expert on the subject cause I'm one of only a few girls on here. But a break away from it might help or even just a break from doing any extras for a while. Wait till you haven't had sex for a long while then go back at it and see if that makes a difference
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
The article was a bit too cryptic for me too fully-understand especially with all the big-words (maybe JS69 sent you some of his stuff); what the hell is “tristesse”; could not find it on

IDK exactly what the deal is; but you are a man and designed to desire women and sex; not dealing with women/dancers is not the solution; learning how to deal with them is a better alternative; living w/o pussy is not healthy for a man and IMO will probably precipitate an earlier death.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Try nutting right before you go to the club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ thanks
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
to OP: Very well written, though I can't really relate. I'm certain that this is the first time I've seen the word "tristesse" on TUSCL -- well done, sir! I don't know how often you hit the strip club, but perhaps a break is in order. If going (coming?) weekly makes you sad, take a month off and I predict you will be both emotionally and physically refreshed.
Papi, mi amigo . . . la palabra espan~ola para "sad" es triste! No es dificile!
avatar for lopaw
9 years ago
Wrong about the ".......and possibly .01% female poseur".
There are a few of us female clubbers that post here on TUSCL.
I'd say the ratio is 99% male and 1% female.

Now you know.
avatar for magicrat
9 years ago
I feel sad because it will be a while before I will be able to nut again...or want to.
avatar for Timex345
9 years ago
Fight the urge to only visit with a few entertainers.
If you truly enjoy showclubs, don't give them up.
If you feel regret after a lap dance, don't. I assure you the young womandoesn't as she counts her money and moves on to her next customer.

If you find you are developing feelings for a girl, take a break from her, and buy dances
from a new girl.
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