Anybody ever take a stripper out of town with you?
Anybody ever a take a stripper out of town, on a weekend trip to somewhere warm,or maybe vegas? I am considering taking one to vegas on her 21st. I'm wondering what you boy's think are the negative drawbacks of this? She is someone who I have done OTC with before or I wouldn't be taking her. Is it worth the cash to have 3 day weekend girlfriend experience???
1. You get tired of her after a couple days
2. She does not share your interests
3. She is ignorant of many things you would like to talk about
4. Guys hit on her right in front of you
in theory your idea sounds fine but there are some major red flags.
1. Her 21st birthday - you know she's gonna go nuts like every typical 21 year old would. Are you prepared to deal with her when she's drunk?
2. Are you prepared to deal with other guys hitting on her?
It sounds like you don't know her that well, and I would be extremely wary with taking a stripper to Vegas that has never been there before. Most of the strippers I interact with (from Midwest, and southern usa) haven't experienced much at all so don't make the trip too wild as it may overwhelm her.
I'd recommend taking her to sonewhere warm and quiet to break her in. On her 21st be prepared to hold her hair while she's hugging a toilet and her getting a lot of attention while she's out. If you prepare for this in advance I'm sure you'll be fine.
At my age, I doubt that I'll ever have another relationship like that with any one. I do know there are some strippers out there that would fuck my brains out for a free flight to Paris and I never bring it up because I don't want to get that involved again.
I'm younger, so I just wanted fucked and left alone, but some of these guys are older, probably divorced and probably a little lonely. They feel more excitement being 60 and around a 25 year old than someone their own age. Can't say I agree or disagree with that but I can understand their motives.
Or maybe the hot waitress at Tilted Kilt you talked into a closer personal relationship?
Case in point: I had an ATF at the Living Room in Dayton Ohio that along with her girlfriend was offered a trip to Vegas all expenses paid to go with a customer. My ATF went her girlfriend was a no show at the airport. My ATF allowed this guy to pay for everything and she just acted as his trophy the whole week he was like 60 she was just 21. She claimed she just hung out with him while he gambled. They went to some shows. He bought her dancers. She had her own room and ended up hitting it off with one of the dancers he bought her and had oral with her all week. (They still correspond with each other I think) She claims she never had sex with him.......i find this hard to believe..........but basically used this guy for all it was worth and came home and rarely even saw the guy again. ## WTF !!!! BIG WASTE of this poor PL's money !!!
At the same time I could go gamble and do whatever shit I wanted while she entertained herself.
Now granted she wasn't a stripper but I thought it was an excellent trade off.