Comments by RichardF
discussion comment
6 years ago
Love Canal
Looks like it's 39 seats despite all the gerrymandering on your side.
Also it's "rout" not "route."
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Lol @the free cruises joke!
discussion comment
7 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I doubt that you're trolling @PhatBoy. My overall impression is that you're a young guy who has trouble dating in the vanilla world. I have a preconceived suspicion of *any* guy under 35 who's addicted to strip clubs.
She's there to make money and strippers are masters at manipulating lonely guys. You should find some other place (College campus? Tinder?) to meet girls.
discussion comment
7 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
wrong id. oh, well
discussion comment
7 years ago
Everything written by this member is a fact.
@Subra: " Seriously -- check that sub out, or find yourself some other arrangement forums, there's no reason to guess about this."
I post occasionally to the sub you're referring to and have about 500 up-votes over a period of 1.5yrs. In fact I introduced joc13 to the sub when he sent me a PM a while back.
I'm reacting to your comment about "serial liars" which is lot different in tone than saying my experiences are "overly-idealized." If it wasn't directed at me, then fine. I have a good understanding of the pitfalls associated with sugaring and going online. I don't embellish any of my stories. I've posted here on TUSCL about being stood-up at meet@greets, but I've never had any event that I consider a serious danger.
discussion comment
9 years ago
layin low but staying high
Dear John,
Can I use your magnificently cool avatar when you're gone? The one that appears to be designed by an autistic 14-yr-old boy? Thnx, that would be so cool.
Don't let the door...
discussion comment
9 years ago
@Call-Me: "I didn't come here expecting a Mensa Society cocktail party."
I've been lurking a long time. You might not find any budding Melvilles here, but it's a group of dudes with enough disposable income to piss it away on strippers. If you spend enough time here, you'll find that some the dudes on the troll list are the smartest and most original. Funny how that works.
discussion comment
9 years ago
layin low but staying high
^^^lighten up, micro. John is at that delicate age between manhood and dotage, which makes him an endless source of amusement.