Comments by Mate27 (page 38)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    LeBron Surpasses Kareem All-Time Leading Scorer
    I saw Lebron encouraged the hype after he scored by jumping into the crowd. If he was a true professional he would have carried that enthusiasm over to help his team defeat a fledgling below .500 opponent. I guess he blew his load celebrating his individual accomplishments at the expense to his team suffering another loss. The west is down this year, so they can make the playoffs. I doubt it tho.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    “This Is What Woman Want?”- Jordan Peterson
    I neglected to summate his point what women want. They want a man who is capable of aggressive destruction at the same time able to be tamed to control that level of tyranny. This explains why strippers love simps and married men so much at the club. Funny how it usually ends up they hook up with the psychopath in their home life. Confusing reading the signals to what constitutes quality characteristics.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anything like Tootsies or Dean's Gold (Miami FL) in Vegas Strip area.
    Deans Gold sucks the 3 times I’ve been there, so I’d say go to Play It Again Sam in Vegas for a similar club.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL on StripperWeb
    ^^^ this!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Chicom Balloon?
    Docsavage, did you know that in China it’s not called Chinese food? It’s just called food.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    The Chicom Balloon?
    I was surprised to see a report that the base of the balloon is as large as two and a half busses, not including the inflatable part! That was the main reason for letting it float on by, even in the sparsely populated area. Not sure if they got any Intel out of it, apparently not any more than satellite imaging.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL on StripperWeb
    Kinda like asking a guy how things went down in a girl’s locker room. Totally different experience and generally the only way you’d be accepted would be to pander to their beliefs and opinions. I think it’s why Dugan was so opposed by their members.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Trans woman faces indecent exposure charge for being naked in YMCA Ladies Locker
    Yes. The humor was all in proper perspective. It’s everyone’s right to act as goofy as they can, but it’s not anyone’s right for the world to accept it. The MASH show affirmed that point.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Trans woman faces indecent exposure charge for being naked in YMCA Ladies Locker
    ^^ sarcasm in case I wasn’t clear.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Trans woman faces indecent exposure charge for being naked in YMCA Ladies Locker
    Anyone remember that guy from the 70’s sitcom MASH, the cross dresser? I blame that show for the start of normalizing this mental behavior as an excuse to get out of day to day obligations.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: LaGuardia Airport
    I’ve always avoided LaGuardia when flying east. JFK at least had some restaurants during layovers. Now maybe this will add another option.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Trans woman faces indecent exposure charge for being naked in YMCA Ladies Locker
    Skibum just described what Icee tried to do when he wrote “A Strip Club Saved My Life”.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    My only option on a Thursday night, kind of a bummer.
    Wow, can’t believe this place is still open. Sounds like it’s barely hanging in by a string. I went once, got to the front door and never walked in. Turned around at the sight from the door. Thanks for the report!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The voice of truth and reason
    Saint tyre
    ^^ more ritarded statements from SkiDumb. His comments always has to center around something political or racial. Can’t Just take something for what it is, a human mistake centered around something he knows too much about, stupidity and ignorance.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^ hey SkiDumb, just because you’re lifelong dream of becoming a clown failed once you dropped out of clown school forces you to become a lawyer, don’t go projecting your failures onto others. I’m sure the sting of Yucko and Bozo tye clown sending you your walking papers still resonates deeply onto your fragile ego. The fact is, I was right this whole time, and you were rong. Projecting your failures once again as you’re the true whiny little cuck. Get sober for once. Attorney is probably the only job you can do high. Read more of your client’s statements for your leading economic indicator….smh!! Rolmfao!!!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    The dugan’s wisest words yet
    Something must be in the water of the northeast New England if you for a Dugan and SkiDumb hanging out with a lion dressed in a suit. Skifredo should be wildebeested by your BSC repeatedly.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^ yiu know how we know how stupid you really are? I never ever have mentioned how much money I have or what amount of wealth I’ve accumulated, yet when I comment on things related to personal finance your primate mind automatically assumed I was making a boast about my wealth. Considering I know how big of a lazy ass bullshit artist of a loser lawyer you are, I can guarantee you will never find a post where I made any kind of statement I made about “brag about it on this board.” This is just another stupid baseless claim by one of the stupidest members ever to comment on this board. In fact SkiDumb, I’d put you in the category of being dumber than Icee. That’s how pathetic you are yiu lazy ass lying thieving cuck of a “lawyer”. Yeah lawyer is in quotes because I doubt you got your degree at any credible university. I bet you failed out of clown school because Bozo told you that you’d never amount to anything so you decided to get a law degree.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^ angry old cuck who thinks this is an Apple News article because he can’t stand to believe he is rong! If you had my money you’d burn yours just to warm your old saggy balls iced over from walking out of a New England dive club. You never get tired of how stupid you show yourself, be aside as they say tye stupid don’t know they’re stupid. Kind of like a mongoloid walking around all smiling, except you don’t even know why you’re so angry, other than you were bullied so much you’ve hit that permanent dent in your forehead from furrowing your eyes all day. Jajajajajajaja!! God you’re dumb. Just go ahead and die already. You killing yourself would be the greatest accomplishment in an otherwise pathetic life. Can’t wait for the final summer inflation print of 2023 to remind you “I told you so!”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^totally correct assessment, however we know that’s a BIG IF considering the type of jobs being created are low paid part time gigs without benefits. Anyhow, wages were up slightly less than 5% yoy at the end of 2022, so real wages actually fell compared to inflation. Spending is falling therefore leading to less demand for goods (deflation) and services (partially inflated). Fed rate increases aren’t showing up in the backwards looking flawed gauges. Warrior, some prices are continuing to go up, but overall prices are not. Cars, commodities, and shelter are dropping. Food and some service are up, along with some service sectors. Again, parsing of the data. Glad you chimed in, because overall the whole point of my peak inflation call last summer wasn’t to say “look at me, I’m smart”. It was simply to point out the flaws the fed uses to read the indicators which will eventually pull us into a recession.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    .^^ Parsed words “it’s all about wages and the labor market”. Spoken like Larry Summers and the federal reserve, which this article addressed. FYI: the recent rise in gasoline is absolutely a “momentary blip” and conducts a small portion of inflation picture. Additionally, the only reason why has prices have momentarily lifters is due to refinery outages from the freezing weather we experienced during the holidays. Capacity is being brought back up and prices will soon be dropping again, adding to another round of “I told you so”! Ha ha. You just can’t stand it that I am right and you’re blatantly rong, hurting that fragile ego of yours.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^ wow Dugan, 6 consecutive months to you computed to a momentary dip? SMH, I know you’re old and stuck in your ways, but of course anyone with a fragile ego can’t admit they’re rong, right? Keep in mind, my call inflation peaked August of ‘22 was met with resounding resistance, and somehow even with all evidence pointing to me being right, confirmation bias sticks with the curmudgeons on this board. Maybe Mark should stick to conspiracy theories and you stick with single mothers needing a cash infusion.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    ^^ jeez, I thought you had more intelligence than that, butkibhuess that’s what yiu get when you’re a software engineer. If you had decent reading Comprehension, summer was only 6 months ago so we got another 6 months to go to say it was a year ago when I made my prediction. See you in 6 months Marky Mark, and then when August comes the readings will show 2% inflation, 3% tops. I get it Mark, your fragile ego won’t allow you to admit you’re rong. Yawn. I told you so! I am right and you aren’t.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    Still want to call me names SkiDumb who was quarried as easing his clients statements as a gauge of economic indicators from a pool of people who clearly don’t have their shit together? now. “Inflation in December is likely to have run at around a 2.3 percent annualized pace on a 3- and 6-month basis, as compared with 5.1 percent on a 12-month basis.” Still, Brainard’s speech was full of classic bureaucratic swagger: “Inflation is high,” she assured her audience, “and it will take time and resolve to get it back down to 2 percent. We are determined to stay the course… Policy will need to be sufficiently restrictive for some time to make sure inflation returns to 2 percent on a sustained basis.”
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Forbes Article:A Deflation Alert Hidden in the Latest CPI Indicators
    In conclusion….. other than I told you so!! The Lessons From All This It is becoming clear (except apparently to the folks at the Federal Reserve, and Larry Summers) that the weather has changed. The post-pandemic inflation surge, which began at the beginning of 2021 and peaked in he first half of 2022, has passed. The inflationary episode was transitory after all. The Fed’s official inflation target of 2% has already been achieved. The prospect for deflation is real and should be heeded. The Federal Reserve needs a new approach to measuring the price trends in the economy. The existing methods have become obsolete, and are producing inaccurate and misleading results. The Fed’s response so far to this has been to search for new ways to parse the existing data, to justify preserving the illusion that inflation is still the most serious threat we face. Chairman Powell and others have taken to talking about Core and now “Super-Core” inflation (which excludes food, energy and housing costs), inflation for “non-housing services” as opposed to goods (most physical goods are showing clear deflation trends so ignoring them is a way to keep the heat on), wage inflation (which reflects labor market “tightness” — the pseudo-problem of the moment), etc. etc.