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Comments by LMN

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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
Mikey Stop embarrassing yourself. Please.
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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
@jester214 I am terrified of DUI's as any intelligent person should be. The distance from Walgreens to my crash pad is less than 5 miles. Thus I took my car without much worry. The only other time I posted about driving extremely drunk, I specifically said taking my car was a mistake. Sorry, try again.
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11 years ago
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bikini clubs - wtf?
Mikey I realize that working in the mail room and barely making 30k/year, you've never seen a ferrari in real life, but you really should stop embarrassing yourself. I don't think you're a bad guy, so I'm honestly giving you my genuine advice so you don't look so foolish here.
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11 years ago
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Treasures Steakhouse in Las Vegas- Dining with a Dancer questions
If you pay a stripper to eat strip club food with you, you may as well commit suicide.
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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
Mdma and viagra is bad too. Stimulants greatly raise your blood pressure. I do it all the time and I'm "fine" but it isn't healthy.
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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
Dougster Maybe. I'm sure that has an effect too but cocaine causes vasoconstriction regardless. Mixing viagra and cocaine is actually really bad for you due to the blood pressure issues.
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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
Jerikson I understand you don't like my lifestyle. Don't read my threads? FYI - I don't party and do drugs with strippers at my actual home that I own. I rent a room at a hotel/residence in the vicinity which is where we go. No way I want these hookers knowing where I live.
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11 years ago
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weekend recap: coronas and coke dick
Dougster Cocaine is vasoconstrictive so it should, on paper, impede any male's ability to get and maintain an erection. I've had sex on coke many many times but the erection is rarely as hard as if there was no cocaine in the mix. Conversely, methamphetamine has a very opposite effect. I party with adderall and desoxyn on occasion and I can and have fucked for hours with a great hard on and no viagra on that stuff. As far as mdma goes...sex really isn't my number one priority when rolling. touching feels good but it's an emotional experience not really a sexual one.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
@dougster I'd need a specific post graduate degree (not the one I have) to work in his business. He had wanted me to do that, and really encouraged me to, but I ended up pursuing degrees in the field of finance. Truthfully I think I just did that to spite him.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
Thanks for the helpful feedback. I'd like to say it will make a difference but the truth is I have heard the same from therapists since I was 13. I have often been asked "what do I like to do" - and the answer is not much. I find life mostly pretty dull and boring. That's why I like doing drugs, it's an intermission of light between the grey dull drums that make up our day to day. Even sex is boring. So I fuck strippers. Then that's boring so I fuck strippers who like to be hit, choked, gagged, etc. In prep school, I actually used to sell coke. How fucked is that? I don't even know why I did it, it's certainly not like I needed the money. I'd drive around in the Mercedes my father bought me selling coke to all the prep school kids. @ Dougster You asked a good question about therapy with my dad. No, he's never participated. Nor would he be open to it. Nor would i, really. I used to go to therapy a lot with my mother (we had our own issues). After a while I just figured "fuck it" and stopped. As I mentioned, I haven't even spoke to her in a few years. Her entire life is living off rich men. She reminds me of the sycophant strippers I fuck.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
Oh surprise, when someone cannot relate or disagrees with my POV they resort to saying I'm a troll. Give me a break. While I appreciated everything you said, Bullwinkle, I don't agree with it all. Doesn't make me a troll. Hopefully I'll have more intelligent responses when I check this thread again.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
FYI I struggle with the concept that because I was born wealthy I have an obligation to give away my money to other people or give of my time. Thats a really odd, nonsensical belief that so many people just seem to blindly accept. If I am going to piss away money, its going to be on something for myself that I enjoy - like a car or drugs or pussy - then on some nameless, faceless, "less fortunate" people. Sorry that isn't the most politically correct thing but its the truth. My deepest fear is that after my father dies, he will put some clause in his will that I cannot assume his estate without some ridiculous contingency. The career in private equity seemed to make him happy but I just fucking hated it so much I couldn't keep up the charade. I'm an only child and my father isn't remarried so I need to maintain some sort of career he approves of. That is my issue. I just have no fucking idea what I can tolerate to do day in and day out. I want to blow my brains out when I am part of the rat race.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
@bullwinkle I have a girlfriend. She is actually from a similar family situation. But she mostly lives in Venezuela, which is how I am able to so frequently spend time with strippers. Unfortunately, lately, she is so high on cocaine all the time that the last time we got into an argument she literally tried to stab me with a steak knife.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
@ gawker for $1,000/day you better have big tits and know how to deepthroat. @ Bullwinkle On the topic of nurture...while I do not blame my parents, I essentially had none growing up. My family money comes from my grandfather's patent on some very important medical technology. My father took that and the massive money it yielded and spent the bulk of his 30s and 40s building his gigantic company and his corresponding net worth. In his late 40s, he was reaping the benefits of his success but it also had some down sides. He had numerous, obvious affairs which caused a pretty nasty divorce. My mother got basically nothing thanks to the pre-nup, but she ended up remarrying a guy whose grandfather invented something that we use everyday. Point in case, shes set. i initially was in a very prestigious private school in New England. living with my mom and her new husband. I got kicked out at age 13 for repeatedly getting caught on campus with drugs (mostly just pot and pills). Then I was sent to live with my dad in Miami. My father started expanding the company overseas when I was a teenager and so from the age 13-18, I lived with my father, but he was in Asia and South America probably 3 weeks out of every month non stop. I tried cocaine for the first time when I was 13 or 14, tried heroin for the first time when i was 15, etc. The 8 figure beach front property we lived in basically become a flop house for myself and all my drug addled private school friends. My father got involved in my life for the first time when I was 17 years old and one of my friends overdosed and went into cardiac arrest at his house. By "involved" I mean I was shipped off to a rehab center on the West Coast for a while. I came back to prep school to finish my senior year. I had atrocious grades as I spent the last 4 years stoned out of my mind but my father made a donation to the ivy league school he went to and sent me over there. Spent the next 6 years (4 of college, 2 of grad school) back in the North East, alternating between skipping class, getting high, getting arrested by campus police, my father making a donation or an appearance to get me out of trouble, repeat. Haven't spoke to my mother in a few years. So nurture? Dont know it.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
@toomuchcover *sigh* I go through this idiocy with a few posters every time. What inconsistencies? Its difficult for me to be inconsistent when I am detailing my life. Feel free to list anything I have ever said that contradicts itself and I'd be happy to clarify. Just because you struggle to believe it, doesn't make it untrue. There are people from all different walks of life on the internet. also, I have no idea what your second point even meant.
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11 years ago
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OT: Life Changes
Gawker My family has forced me to go to career counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, inpatient and outpatient treatment, etc. Point in case - i think i have exhausted the external support systems that are in place helping one to find a "career." Personally, I think its somewhat idiotic that I still have to jump through hoops for my father. There is more than enough money available that I would be unable to spend it all even if I tried my absolute hardest. I went to rehab for 27 months to humor my father. I went to college and grad school to humor him as well. Now I must have a job, when I do not even need the money? I do not understand the logic. I hope he does not continue to fuck me through his will after he passes, but at this rate I can only assume his estate attorneys will continue to sodomize me long after hes dead.
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11 years ago
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Slightly OT: Dancer transition to other work
An associates degree doesn't mean shit. An associates degree means you couldn't even finish a real 4 year college degree.
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11 years ago
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off topic: cars - daily driver
No Miami native would be impressed by a Porsche unless it's a crazy exotic model. Porsche are a dime a dozen here. Papi chulo can corroborate if he's a miami native. When I lived in Ocean Club on Key Biscayne, though, someone in the building had a Carrera GT. That was a very rare cool Porsche. My work parking lot has a matte black lambo aventador. That's another show stopping car. I'm looking for a comfortable daily driver, though, not an uncomfortable exotic. When I want to go somewhere and stop traffic I take my Dodge Viper ACR. Its a rare combination of snake skin green with black racing stripes and black wheels. The ferrari 612 is an impressive car too but much more understated.
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11 years ago
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off topic: cars - daily driver
"Jerkoffson" - pretty funny, I think that name fits this idiot more. So I become a man by giving away my money to other people? Lol so dumb.
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11 years ago
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off topic: cars - daily driver
Jerikson40 I could burn all my money if I wanted to. Its mine. Well, it's my parents' given to me through custodial trust accounts, but transitively it's mine. The idiotic assumption that the wealthy are expected to be martyrs simply because they are wealthy is illogical. Life's unfair, doesn't mean I should be penalized for being born into a rich family.
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11 years ago
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off topic: cars - daily driver
@jerikson40 Humor me - why exactly should I be expected to "devote my money and my life to helping others". Because I was born into a rich family I have to sacrifice myself my time and money to other people? I've never understood that ridiculous assumption. Life's not fair. We all have problems. I sure as hell have mine. I'm still going to enjoy my money and life how I see fit. Its mine.
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11 years ago
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physical fights with strippers - experiences?
@ime You have little idea what I do when I say I'm "in private equity". Forgive me for not wanting to say exactly what my job is or where I work. Though I have given some details about the specific sector we are in. FYI - lol @ the insinuation I'd work at a "garbage outfit". While my education has been admittedly funded and inflated by my family name and money, I have an ivy league degree in finance. Good try, though.
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11 years ago
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physical fights with strippers - experiences?
@papi_chulo It would be a dull show. I only post the "exciting" stuff about my life here. I have a 9-5 suit and tie job in private equity. I live in a very upscale, but very dull neighborhood. With the exception of my friday and saturday nights, my week is mostly spent like everyone else in the white collar high finance rat race.
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11 years ago
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physical fights with strippers - experiences?
@Dougster Lol that is funny. No pimp involved here. Though her boyfriend wants to kill me she claims. He beat the shit out of her because she fucks me for money. For a deadbeat drug dealer he has great quality cocaine and molly. Though every time she brings me some from his stash, I'm worried he laced it with rat poison or something.
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11 years ago
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stripper/civilian threesome
@gawker I think it would be slightly offputting to the average slutty gold digging bartender to have sex with a hooker. Maybe I'm wrong. @shailynn Never been a fan of video games.