
Comments by Kudabra (page 2)

  • review comment
    4 years ago
    big red fucking harem
    Thanks SnD. Friday seemed like a good crowd was coming in and would get packed soon as there were groups making their way in. As for Monday, that was my first time on a Monday and it was definitely less crowded in terms of customers. Not sure if that was the norm.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    big red fucking harem
    Hope this shit is over soon. @TFP - "being black is good for something" lol He popped out of nowhere too and I'm very vigilant after growing up in the ghetto. Kickboxing is my forte but didn't want to start trouble in another country by whipping my shin against the side of his knee cap and elbow to the temple Don't think if i said "well, he started it" would work with policia. I'm still planning something again with a jacuzzi per @tahoecruz, maybe a girl and all her gossipy friends, bottle of tequila, a new bottle of maxifort, and a backpack full of condoms.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    big red fucking harem
    I'm wondering if Asians are targeted as higher spenders
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    big red fucking harem
    Ok. I sounded stupid. I was more amazed by how fast the news traveled and the prices dropped 30 minutes after i said it. Could have been a coincidence. @tahoecruz - thanks for your responses
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    You’re a retard too.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Damn spring breakers are there? Those fuckers are annoying
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    So you know when this is going to end? And you know how much tp people need! What if they have massive diarrhea or eat a lot of beans?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Keepin' it đź’Ż
    The Hoarding of Toilet Paper
    Hahaha why are people hating the hoarders? They got ahead of this and they prepared and you’re too late. In Cali, bars are closed, 50+ gatherings are a no no, guess what’s next? Restaurants then supermarkets. Hoarders have done it right while people were mocking them. Now you’re mad at them? Hahaha
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    They better not close the fucking border cause I just found heaven!
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    How Serious is the Coronavirus?
    Ski bum - your logic makes no sense Rickdugan - You would be have a Pats picture as your icon. More reason not to read your crap. Reading both of your posts kills brain cells.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    How Serious is the Coronavirus?
    So I take it none of you know any old people or are in contact with old people? People like you would be the carrier that spreads. I.e. the New Hampshire idiot that went out. And if you’re a smoker, you’re also more susceptible which I suspect quite a few on here are. So you can be melodramatic when you or some other fool gets in contact with it and brings it to your parents, friends, or loved ones. It’s not only about protecting yourself, it’s also for those around you. Personally don’t care if you believe it but this is becoming real. Just my two cents. Better do your research before discounting someone’s warnings.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CoronaV is going to haunt some of you soon
    Hahaha Amen
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    This sucks I have the Corna................
    More like the corny-virus
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    CJKent (Banned)
    “The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
    “Democrats can't beat President Trump on his policies or his stellar record of a
    Dems can’t win cause they’re idiots that fight amongst themselves and don’t understand how to win the electoral votes for counties other than the young idealistic groups.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?
    12 hours. Was picking up a buddy from the airport and it got delayed so I stayed at the club the whole time. Day was slow so bonded with a hot chick the whole time. She pulled a double shift so she came by often to keep me company.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    How Serious is the Coronavirus?
    Those that don’t believe better start reading the news. https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5e69233ac5b60557280fbfce
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Thanks Cristobal! Might do a quick scouting day run for a couple of hours then plan a longer 2 day trip.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Thanks gents for this helpful information. Was trying to get a 25mg dosage in advance to see if I get hit with any side effects.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    @Warrior15 - thanks! Any way I can get it online without prescription?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Also I went to the doctor recently and they didn’t notice any high blood pressure
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Have not had it checked recently but I’m 40 and exercise regularly
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Couple more questions. I usually travel with a book bag, do they check it in if I don’t have a room? Or should I not bring one as I would stand out as a target. Viagra - is there a pharmacy close to hk? What mg dosage do you use? I’ve never used it before. Thanks
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    hotel cascades questions
    Thanks gents. This was very helpful as I’m thinking of a day trip and not stay overnight.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Good warm up for HK
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    It’s changed for the better!
    Jacej - kiss my ass