How Serious is the Coronavirus?

avatar for NJBalla
Great insight from the Joe Rogan Experience.…

PS, this guy is exactly what I think having a convo with SJG at a bar would be like.


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
PS, this guy is exactly what I think having a convo with SJG at a bar would be like.

Could well be.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
I'm not being an alarmist for telling the truth. I hate people who can't acknowledge obvious truths. My conclusion from this thread is either A. You guys are even more afraid than I am but lack the courage to admit that this is a serious virus so you want me to shut up. B. You genuinely have a severe cognitive deficiency that cripples your ability to make accurate threat assessments. Or C. You didn't read anything I posted or watched any of those videos and just scrolled to the bottom of the page to be like "Haha! HySteRical PaNicKing PuSSy!" 🙄

Another post from Reddit...

"Been living in China for 7 years. People in the rest of the world do not understand face. China will always, always focus on maintaining a good image even when the underlying reality is shit. For China to admit to the world that they lost control of the situation and for them to humble themselves as they did means the reality of this virus is worse than we can imagine. Because if it wasn't bad, the government would have covered it up and dealt with the problem quietly. They risked international and domestic humiliation because they feared the virus more than they feared losing face. This might seem obvious and logical to us, but to the Chinese it isn't always so. For them to do what they do, means the virus must have scared the ever living shit out of them, we should respect that and take similar pre-cautions. I wish the world tried to understand the basics of Chinese culture, for if they did they would realize this is not a drill..."

Why do I need to get through to these people's thick heads? Because of shit like this...

Its true that we won't precisely know the mortality rate until five years from now. Because there is likely long term damage that can be caused by a hospitalization. COVID 19 can cause lung fibrosis that a person may survive the initial infection but die from 5 years later. There are reports of people getting reinfected and dying in Wuhan after being considered "a recovery."

But the most compelling evidence of all is just fucking common sense which people in this thread don't seem to have. Why in the hell would China lock down their entire country for something similar to the flu? I mean for God's sake people use your fucking brains. Its like you guys think this needs to be the next smallpox or bubonic plague and anything less serious than that and you'll call it "just the flu bro."
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 years ago
Deadly serious...
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Panicking overreaction. NBA just suspended the season.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Joe Rogan is an idiot who thinks he's smart
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Bill de Blasio, today, getting close to 100 NYC cases, expecting 1000 cases by next week. Conducting "War Gaming"…

Why Only Rebellion Can Save Mankind From Climate Breakdown (w/ Roger Hallam)…

Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse…

Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home…

Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population…

One official Corona case in Portland
Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?…


Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus resource center:
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Those that don’t believe better start reading the news.…
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Dow Drops More Than 2,300 Points Amid Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News 15 min ago, DOW ~= 21,200. Better if it can go lower. Preposterous idea that lack of consumption has caused this drop. And underlying economy is horrible.…

Coronavirus: The next three months | THE BIG STORY……

John's Hopkins U experts brief Capitol Hill…

Ontario, baby boy case…

Coronavirus: Trump suspends travel from Europe to US - BBC News…

Stocks Plunge Following Trump’s Response To Coronavirus Pandemic | NBC News (stock market deflation is a very positive thing) (getting close to tripping 7% circuit breaker, suspending trading)…

President Trump Announces Europe Travel Ban in Error-Laden Oval Office Speech…

Bernie Sanders: We Are Winning “Ideological” & “Generational” Debate, Now Need to Win “Electability”…

Is Over Population A Threat To The Planet?…

Bill de Blasio, today, getting close to 100 NYC cases, expecting 1000 cases by next week. Conducting "War Gaming", always using a war analogy now!…

Why Only Rebellion Can Save Mankind From Climate Breakdown (w/ Roger Hallam)…

Trump Calls COVID-19 “Foreign Virus” as Lack of Universal Healthcare Makes the Pandemic Worse…

Lack of Paid Sick Leave Makes It Difficult for Many Workers to Comply with CDC Advice to Stay Home…

Coronavirus Poses Higher Risk For Homeless Population…

One official Corona case in Portland
Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?…


Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…

10", strapped on, 5 colors…

TJ Street…
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
We've all read the details ad nauseum. It is a virus with a structure in the SARS family, but it behaves more like the flu in terms of symptoms. It is transmitted by contact and droplets expelled from the mouth and nose. About 80% of people experience mild symptoms. Like the flu, it is more dangerous to old folks and those with other serious medical conditions. The WHO pegs the mortality rate at 3%, but experts in the U.S. believe that the final mortality rate will clock in at about .2%, which is about twice that of the common flu.

So what do you melodramatic types think you are sharing with us that is so incredibly novel?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
I think we are all just waiting to see it peak in the US, then we will calm down.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Sure, Dugan, Johns Hopkins -- the finest medical in the US -- is publishing updates because they're melodramatic snowflakes. The WHO declared a global pandemic because they're also melodramatic snowflakes. The experts are saying that Covid is on the order of 10 times more deadly than the flu. The best estimate is that cases are doubling every 6 days. Infection stats grow exponentially if you know what that means. If nothing is done something like half the US population will get the virus. The mortality rate overall is one-percent-ish which means that over a million people could die. Yes, the mortality rate is greater depending on your age.

Post your reference showing that the mortality rate is expected to be 0.2%.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
*medical school
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"So what do you melodramatic types think you are sharing with us that is so incredibly novel?"
I posted the Johns Hopkins link because of the respect I have for their MDs and scientists.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The WHO is an UN agency and as such is all political. Johns Hopkins is a good hospital, but in the end, what is going on in this country will be looked back upon by future generations with no civil rights as the day Americans panicked and traded their freedom for "safety". Only 18 people in a 15x15 square foot room tonight. if I stop posting here means I caught corona virus and died .......or I am skiing in Colorado.......Have fun panicking over the flu; next time it will be a cold; then an allerg.......
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Skibum609 is leading the charge to turn this into a police state.

Skibum609, come to CA. We have some resources for you, Memory Assistance Communities. One in Fremont and one in San Francisco:……

avatar for joker44
5 years ago
>Only 18 people in a 15x15 square foot room tonight. if I stop posting here means I caught corona virus and died<

The first optimistic comment you've posted.........ages /s
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
So I take it none of you know any old people or are in contact with old people? People like you would be the carrier that spreads. I.e. the New Hampshire idiot that went out.

And if you’re a smoker, you’re also more susceptible which I suspect quite a few on here are.

So you can be melodramatic when you or some other fool gets in contact with it and brings it to your parents, friends, or loved ones. It’s not only about protecting yourself, it’s also for those around you.

Personally don’t care if you believe it but this is becoming real. Just my two cents. Better do your research before discounting someone’s warnings.
avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
Ski bum - your logic makes no sense

Rickdugan - You would be have a Pats picture as your icon. More reason not to read your crap.

Reading both of your posts kills brain cells.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ Welcome to TUSCL Kudabra.

avatar for neon44
5 years ago
Scary shit. Been waiting 3 months for my fav club to to reopen , this Chinese virus fucked everything up. Now it looks like the whole country is collapsing.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ So your club has been closed, and for three months?

avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Future generations are going to look back on this year and the test questions are going to be something like...

1. How did the people in 2020 lose control of the COVID 19 virus?

And a kid will raise their hand in school and say.

"Were people back then just stupid? Why didn't they shut down the borders and prevent people in infected countries from coming in? Why did nobody else do what South Korea did?"

And the teacher will reply.

"Well at the time, people were saying it was just like another flu virus."

And the student will respond...

"How could they have possibly thought that when China shut down their entire country because of it?"

And the teacher will respond.

"I don't know. People are very strange."
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ CC99, are you sure it will be this bad?

SARS was projected to be real bad, but in the US it was not.

avatar for CC99
5 years ago
It is already significantly worse than SARS.
avatar for neon44
5 years ago
XXXV35 was supposed to re-open this month after being burned down in December. I guess no more "fun house" for the forseable future.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Oh, I remember about that burn down.

CC99, but how many people in the US died from SARS, and how much disruption of our lives was there. As I remember, it turned out to very very little.

avatar for minnow
5 years ago
This whole c-virus thing has yet to play out, but on the tuscl front, I've noticed a drop off in reviews. As of 915p EDT, with less than 6 hours to go in day (I think Tuscl calendar flips at midnight Pacific Time), there's only 7 new reviews up. SEVEN!!
Total daily tally for last 7 days looking back, starting 11 March: 13, 17, 31, 25, 20, 18, 20. That's a noticeable drop off. I suspect that has more to do with some companies clamping down on business travel and conferences and no fan sporting events than members fear of catching virus in strip club visit. If you don't think that the ripple effect fallout isn't drastic, check out the Dow drop earlier today.
In the meantime, stay healthy, enjoy your local club, and the cheap gas prices.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Well yes, I would assume that SC's and AMP's are pretty much dead.

But this might not go on that much longer. At some point we will see what is to happen, and how bad it is, and we will see then that it has peaked.

I still don't feel that I know how bad this peak will be.

avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Nobody died from SARS in the US. We had 23 cases and no deaths.

As it stands now we have confirmed 1,725 cases of COVID 19 and there have been 41 deaths.

Seattle and perhaps Washington in general as well as New York needs to be put on lockdown.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
@neon that made me laugh. The only thing that could temporarily close 35 club is a fire. If there was a shooting they'd wipe the chairs down and reopen in 3 hours.
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
and charge you extra to sit in the "Ventilated" seats
avatar for bman77
5 years ago
It looks like the mortality rate is still in question but the notion of cases doubling every 6 days seems to not be accurate. It has been slowing down in China, South Korea and Japan. I am hoping that will happen in Europe and the US as they get more aggressive with the quarrantines and stopping of public gatherings. Unresolved issues include what happens when it get's warmer, will this behave like the flu and lessen in some areas, but then blow up in say Brazil, Africa, etc. And then if so, does it come back again in the fall/ winter and we go through this garbage all over again? At some point incredibly hard choices may need to be made, goo back to normal and accept that millions may die or stay in quarrantine forever and watch the economy crumble to levels that make the great depression seem like child's play.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
Future generations are going to look back on this year and the test questions are going to be something like...

1. How did the people in 2020 lose control of the COVID 19 virus?

And a kid will raise their hand in school and say.

"Were people back then just stupid? Why didn't they shut down the borders and prevent people in infected countries from coming in? Why did nobody else do what South Korea did?"

And the teacher will reply.

"Well at the time, people were saying it was just like another flu virus."

And the student will respond...

"How could they have possibly thought that when China shut down their entire country because of it?"

And the teacher will respond.

"I don't know. People are very strange."
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I think it’s serious enough that Fox Spews has instituted a bunch of policies that run contrary to the pronouncents of Hannity, Pirro etal:
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If you read anything on mainstream news, like cnn, assume it's a lie.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
So what do you believe Skibum? Even Gammanu who was making fun of me last week has admitted that the NCAA wouldn't miss out on billions of dollars for something that was "mild." If medical experts telling us this is at least 10 times deadlier than the flu, crematorium workers in China saying that they've been burning 4-5 times the number of bodies they usually do, and Iran creating mass graves the size of football fields isn't enough to convince you, then what the hell will? I've never seen someone fight so hard to stay stuck inside their bubble of delusion.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Gamma nut job has those white robes to protect him, and his idol David Duke
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Thanks for the info CC99. SARS was predicted to be devastating, but in fact zero US deaths. So how serious will Corona be?

We do have to take this seriously. Take the curve flattening measures.

Eventually we will see how it peaks, and then we will finally know and people can then start to relax some.

avatar for CC99
5 years ago

The best case scenario which I hope for is that the warm weather will kill it. The news I've heard says that if this happens we may only get a death toll in the hundreds. A worst case scenario situation puts the death toll at over a million people but I'd like to think we can contain it and prevent its spread enough that that doesn't happen.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Well for how long can you live under quarantine? Whats the breaking point for the chinese and/or US people untill they go back out in public? Do you really want to live in a civilization where social distance and virtual reality is the norm?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Well, then we just have to make preparations and see.


Shields and Brooks, today, talking about corona.…

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ "This is what happens when you elect a socio-path has President", David Brooks

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
So it was Trump who ordered the Grand Princess anchored 100 miles off of the California coast, rather than bringing them ashore.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago

It's really quite simple. Limit exposure to others to buy time for the vaccine and production ramp up. It WILL happen but just a question of when. I suspect in the next month or two.

There really is nothing to do but chill and wait.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
SJG providing nothing of value as usual
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
Mr Uprightcitizen, a vaccine is not a cure. is the flu shot the cure for the flu? of course not, Theres no cure we have to accept this, the only way to contain the wuhuan virus is to quarantine and hope it does not multiple. Spikes and valleys expect to quarantine in the future if things ever go back to normal.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
5 years ago
The only thing that can be done is invest in healthcare infastructure and not rely on other countries so much for medical supplies.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
"Do you really want to live in a civilization where social distance and virtual reality is the norm?"

I suspect this comment may have been directed at me. This isn't entirely on the topic of COVID 19, but I suppose I will answer because its a good question and it should be answered.

Before recently, food was not widely available. People could not take it for granted, people still can't in a lot of areas of the world. We have a society now where everyone can be fed according to their need.

I want to see the same thing happen to sex. I want to see a civilization where everyone can have sex according to their need. As far as I can tell right now, the only ethical way for this to happen is for artificial sex technologies to be widely available and accepted.

I do not wish to see a decrease in human to human sexual activity because of virtual reality becoming predominant. I simply wish to see an expansion of artificial forms of sex so that nobody has to rely on the arbitrary whims of humans anymore to get it. I want competition for sexual pleasure to end. As long as competition for sex exists, this means there will be people who need it that aren't getting it. Again, artificial technologies are the only way that this is going to happen. Once anybody can have the girl/boy of their dreams, nobody will need to compete with each other anymore in order to get sex.

Right now, 28% of young men aged 22-35 did not have sex in the previous year. I do not consider this issue to be resolved until that number drops down to 0%. After tirelessly analyzing all the potential solutions that might hopefully bring this number down to 0%, I decided that the only one which is ethically feasible is sex robots. Sex robots will change sex from a limited resource into an abundant resource that everyone can have.

The amount of issues that could be solved as a result of this are astonishing. Rape will likely be significantly reduced. Misogyny/misandry will probably largely disappear as well because there's no special power anyone can hold over the opposite sex anymore. Suicide rates will likely drop dramatically. Everyone will grow up in a world where sex is easily available, something as simple as ordering online. Subcultures will form among people who prefer digital/artificial sex or people who prefer traditional human sex.

This doesn't mean everyone will live in virtual reality and have no contact with one another. Human on human sex may actually increase because robots will put an end to a lot of the resentment that men and women feel towards one another right now. It simply means that we will live in a civilization where nobody has to live with their needs unmet. I want to see the 2020s become the decade we see this become our reality.
avatar for McNaffles
5 years ago
Its very serious. Factors would be: Spreads very quickly and easily; Little immunity or resistance in the general population (unlike flu); serious complications requiring specialist healthcare in 10%-20% of cases. Add to that its already taken hold in 100+ countries.
Some of those things play to the fear brigade and poor/slow responses from many governments.
I'm in Europe right now. The quick learning and counter-measures are poorly done. One example is transmission will occur prior to symptoms presenting (POTUS and Brazilian meeting I think may also be an example); yet counter measures in many countries simply ignore this learning.
On the positive side around 80%, and nudging 85% if measures properly implemented, cases will be the milder form and of minor inconvenience / illness to the individual. Getting it through that cohort without unduly exposing the in-danger remainder looks to me like the acid test to Leaders and Governments .... shutting borders, banning travel, adding screening, closing NBA etc doesn't address the acid test; but, of course, plays out as being seen to be doing something.
But, yes, the important point is SCs are a bit quieter and $$ go further.
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