TJ and Mexico in general has the lowest instance of the virus. Likely because there are not a lot of Mexicans who can afford travel.
I was in TJ last week. Crossing the border as a pedestrian was fast and easy. OTOH, Out of an abundance of panic (typical of this administration), six lanes of the auto crossing were closed. About all that did was slow the crossing. And the reason had nothing to do with the virus; it was because they were expecting a rush of attempted immigration due to a court ruling striking down the "stay in Mexico" policy. The Supreme Court shortly thereafter overturned that decision.
In addition, US citizens are not restricted from returning to the United States.
Read/watch the news and make decisions for yourself.
Thanks for the update Tahoecruz. I have a trip coming up on the 22nd and was concerned. I’m actually thinking of avoiding the busier clubs and just calling some of my favorites. Any suggestions?
mf92802, Not sure what to tell you as things are changing hourly.
The idea of calling favorites is good and similar to what I did on the last trip. The girl I TLNed works the club six days a week, but she is young and typically healthy, I am typically healthy as well, despite being over 60. Also, it might be due to a lack of testing, but TJ is not a hotbed of virus...yet. Indeed, one of the reasons for the timing of my trip is to get ahead of the curve; visit TJ before the virus becomes a bigger issue. I have another trip planned in May, but I have not bought my airplane tickets. FYI, the aircraft on my return flight holds 147 people. There were 49 people on the flight. Typically the aircraft is completely full.
For the first time, I did bring wipes and hand sanitizer. Also washed my hands more frequently.
I doubt the border returning to the USA will ever be closed to US citizens. Example, no travel restrictions for citizens returning from Europe or China. If/when there is a peak in TJ, there might be a delay, so you want to monitor the border on a running basis if you have a restriction, such as a flight schedule. OTOH, when I returned to the USA, there was the shortest line I have ever experienced.
It is a bit of a gamble, but if you are feeling good and are typically healthy, it might be a good time to go, considering the monger competition will be lower than it was during the financial crisis.
I traveled to Querétaro and Monterrey(reviews up). Just got back Saturday. I gotta say in mex the COVID-19 hasn’t hit as hard as here in US. BUT a reason for that MIGHT be the cost and ease of hospitals access. The airports took a little longer to screen, but agree with @tahoecruz - generally emptier than a “normal” travel. I had the whole aisle to myself. Saw just about everyone wiping down and wearing masks. All the airline crew that work on cleaning the cabin had gloves, face mask and googles. In CA the big metros are getting hit a bit, LA and SF. And coming back to USA shouldn’t be a problem for US citizens.
Keep us posted. TJ gets some long range air travelers from other continents. To me, that seems like a major force in spreading pandemics, long range air travel.
@SEEKnDESTROY. “Funny, the click bait title says "ALL BORDERS TO CLOSE IMMEDIATELY" yet they are still wide open. No?”
First realize that @nemesisk7 is and always has been a complete and total moron. That said on the other side of the border is President AMLO who is also an ass-clown. Realistically he should close the border if there is any possibility that COVID is a real life contagion but that would be a huge economic hit and he is better able to be an outside whiner about those in power than he is a leader who is responsible for leading.
Note that most Central American countries have closed their borders to foreigners today and South American countries are or will soon follow suit.
Today’s exchange rate for the Mexican Peso is 23 to 1 US dollar. That is about a 25% gain for the dollar’s purchasing power since this began. Hurry to take advantage as long as you realize that it is a possibility that you may get stuck on the other side with no notice.
@Tahoecruz Thank you for your wisdom. I will be down there from the 22nd through the 26th. My ATF who will be TLN with me each night is just returning from Sinaloa on the 19th so she should be fairly safe and I will have just completed a home quarantine on the 21st. I'm still not sure if I will "roll the dice" with any new girls. Then again when I get there and see all of the beautiful Latin chickas I will loose all willpower and dive in.
I actually think that the community in TJ is safer with respect to the COVID-19 virus than here in the bay area. It was a trip through a bay area airport that exposed me on the 7th leading to my home quarantine. I have changed my flight from the bay area to the central valley due to the shelter in place order for the Bay Area.
nemesisk - what notice? You're posting some nonsensical shit. The title says borders are closed immediately but are clearcly open. Get your shit straight!
Well... It's true now. It was announced today that the southern border will be closed tonight at midnight to all but essential crossings. I personally believe that TJ mongering should qualify as essential.
Everything I am reading points to limitations entering the US. US citizens and legal residents will still be allowed. Is there any info on entering Mexico?
My understanding is that Mexico has adopted the same policy as the USA and closed their border to all of essential travel; crossing into Mexico is restricted. As mf92802 said, I support the notion that travel for mongering is essential.
In a more realistic note, you can go into Mexico for medical reasons. An article in today's paper cited the example of a woman who goes to Mexico to get vitamin shots to address a deficiency. The cost of the shots is 75% less in Mexico. Need a little dental work or to administer an oral exam to a puta? Is Blue Balls a medical condition?
No I wouldn't do the same thing. I'm not even doing the same things in my normal day to day life. In a global pandemic I am more concerned about my family staying healthy and hoping for the world to recover so everything can go back to normal. Yes I hope the ability to do go to TJ as easily as before will return soon. If folks abide by the three week shelter in place that has a chance of happening faster. Surely you can go just three weeks without going to HK, right? Or are you so addicted that you can't do it?
I am addicted, but TFP is right; following the rules/guidelines will put this in the rear view faster and everyone will be the better for it. ATF1, a healthy 20-something, sent me a message that she is staying home until May 1. Her birthday is in April, so that has to be a little bit dull/disappointing for her.
I think you’re kidding yourself if you think this will just be over soon and things will bounce back to where they were. They won’t any more than they did after 9/11 and that was a pretty localized incident. I expect we will be looking at at least a decade of financial recovery and that is assuming that the virus doesn’t mutate too much next year (like the flu bug does almost every year).
According to their IG Page, HK and its other companies remains open during the crisis and "your safety and health are our top priority during your visit."
I had so many great times at HK but this just reeks of greed and their customers' safety and health is the least of their concern.
Also, it shows what little regard the management has for the staff and BGs, putting them in harms way just to make a few more pesos.
If you speak with nurses and doctors, you know this isn't going to blow over in 3 weeks. Try 3 months minimum and that's only with the hope that summer weather will keep it at bay. That also hasn't been conclusive yet. Another discovery is that simple breathing spreads it while most people are being vigilant only against coughing. Human stupidity of spreading it rather than containing themselves is the big issue in the US where people can't see the dangers of another Italy. For example, the group of Florida spring breakers that all have it. Who knows how many they came in contact with who are now asymptomatic and spreading it. Our government's stupidity doesn't help either. if you they tell us the truth that we're not prepared and people need to stay at home, then people would be more inclined to stay at home. Now half of the dumb sheep are listening to President Turnip and thinking it' nothing...
Anyone notice that progressive areas are giving us a glimpse into their plans for a future soviet style state? Until everyone gets it and develops a herd immunity all we're doing is killing the economy.
Founder added a political group expressly for political discussions so I will refrain from adding my political "two cents" here. I can confirm that the border is open. I traversed the ped west border last night at approximately 9pm and there was no issue entering into Tijuana. The officer did not even ask where I was going. She simply processed my visa and waived me through. Reentering the US this morning at 7am was no problem either. They did ask additional questions regarding any travel outside of Mexico but the whole interaction with customs lasted approximately 30 seconds.
I decided to keep this trip to interactions with my ATF who flew in from Sinaloa to meet with me and will be returning home on Sunday. Although fairly empty, there were too many people in HK to keep a health distance. Tropical was all ladies and few mongers. Chavelas had approximately 25 ladies and a few old locals dancing and groping.
There was a new 18 year old who looked like a San Fernando Valley Girl working her second day at Chavelas. I am seriously considering going back for her on Tuesday.
As of last Thursday, I can attest the border at nogales was open. It was not heavily manned, and waits for long but had no difficulty crossing both ways.
The borders never close, you can go to Mex by driving in or walk in with fee money or buy the 6 mon visa, and return to US always open for passport. TJ still have hot girls for the weekends. Hotels still open. Who's going this Fri? See you in Cascadas.
I thought the border was closed to non-essential business - are you saying one can cross back-and-forth w/o being seriously questioned by border-patrol about why they are crossing?
When I crossed in Nogales, I expected questions but got none coming or going. But I did bring a prescription that I was going to fill over there in case I was challenged.
Having a fake doctor appointment/prescription paper is very easy in TJ, so you can cross back in US if they ask why. But you shouldn't do it so often, once per week is ok. Last week I stayed in TJ a whole week and got so tired that I needed a break, and to go check on my car parked on a busy street in front of apartments, it's all good. I'm ready to go back for another week soon hehe.
I admire your approach, but it'll probably only work for people close enough to drive to the border. For those of us who would also need to justify flying as well there's added complications. Add to that the virus risk from flying and it doesn't look worth it to me (YMMV). I have local options that, right now, are safer and easier.
On top of that, Mexico isn't exactly doing a great job on containment and I've read a couple of articles talking about a backlash against gringos because they see them as a transmission risk, justifiably so IMO. I'm content to wait and save my money for a Christobal-style YOLO weekend once the dust settles and we figure out what the new "normal" is. :-)
last commentTJ and Mexico in general has the lowest instance of the virus. Likely because there are not a lot of Mexicans who can afford travel.
I was in TJ last week. Crossing the border as a pedestrian was fast and easy. OTOH, Out of an abundance of panic (typical of this administration), six lanes of the auto crossing were closed. About all that did was slow the crossing. And the reason had nothing to do with the virus; it was because they were expecting a rush of attempted immigration due to a court ruling striking down the "stay in Mexico" policy. The Supreme Court shortly thereafter overturned that decision.
In addition, US citizens are not restricted from returning to the United States.
Read/watch the news and make decisions for yourself.
Any suggestions?
The idea of calling favorites is good and similar to what I did on the last trip. The girl I TLNed works the club six days a week, but she is young and typically healthy, I am typically healthy as well, despite being over 60. Also, it might be due to a lack of testing, but TJ is not a hotbed of virus...yet. Indeed, one of the reasons for the timing of my trip is to get ahead of the curve; visit TJ before the virus becomes a bigger issue. I have another trip planned in May, but I have not bought my airplane tickets. FYI, the aircraft on my return flight holds 147 people. There were 49 people on the flight. Typically the aircraft is completely full.
For the first time, I did bring wipes and hand sanitizer. Also washed my hands more frequently.
I doubt the border returning to the USA will ever be closed to US citizens. Example, no travel restrictions for citizens returning from Europe or China. If/when there is a peak in TJ, there might be a delay, so you want to monitor the border on a running basis if you have a restriction, such as a flight schedule. OTOH, when I returned to the USA, there was the shortest line I have ever experienced.
It is a bit of a gamble, but if you are feeling good and are typically healthy, it might be a good time to go, considering the monger competition will be lower than it was during the financial crisis.
3/23, I will be looking for your report.
The airports took a little longer to screen, but agree with @tahoecruz - generally emptier than a “normal” travel. I had the whole aisle to myself. Saw just about everyone wiping down and wearing masks. All the airline crew that work on cleaning the cabin had gloves, face mask and googles.
In CA the big metros are getting hit a bit, LA and SF. And coming back to USA shouldn’t be a problem for US citizens.
First realize that @nemesisk7 is and always has been a complete and total moron. That said on the other side of the border is President AMLO who is also an ass-clown. Realistically he should close the border if there is any possibility that COVID is a real life contagion but that would be a huge economic hit and he is better able to be an outside whiner about those in power than he is a leader who is responsible for leading.
Note that most Central American countries have closed their borders to foreigners today and South American countries are or will soon follow suit.
Today’s exchange rate for the Mexican Peso is 23 to 1 US dollar. That is about a 25% gain for the dollar’s purchasing power since this began. Hurry to take advantage as long as you realize that it is a possibility that you may get stuck on the other side with no notice.
Thank you for your wisdom. I will be down there from the 22nd through the 26th. My ATF who will be TLN with me each night is just returning from Sinaloa on the 19th so she should be fairly safe and I will have just completed a home quarantine on the 21st. I'm still not sure if I will "roll the dice" with any new girls. Then again when I get there and see all of the beautiful Latin chickas I will loose all willpower and dive in.
I actually think that the community in TJ is safer with respect to the COVID-19 virus than here in the bay area. It was a trip through a bay area airport that exposed me on the 7th leading to my home quarantine. I have changed my flight from the bay area to the central valley due to the shelter in place order for the Bay Area.
As long as the border is open, fun will be had!
In a more realistic note, you can go into Mexico for medical reasons. An article in today's paper cited the example of a woman who goes to Mexico to get vitamin shots to address a deficiency. The cost of the shots is 75% less in Mexico. Need a little dental work or to administer an oral exam to a puta? Is Blue Balls a medical condition?
I had so many great times at HK but this just reeks of greed and their customers' safety and health is the least of their concern.
Also, it shows what little regard the management has for the staff and BGs, putting them in harms way just to make a few more pesos.
(cough... cough...)
I decided to keep this trip to interactions with my ATF who flew in from Sinaloa to meet with me and will be returning home on Sunday. Although fairly empty, there were too many people in HK to keep a health distance. Tropical was all ladies and few mongers. Chavelas had approximately 25 ladies and a few old locals dancing and groping.
There was a new 18 year old who looked like a San Fernando Valley Girl working her second day at Chavelas. I am seriously considering going back for her on Tuesday.
Can you freely move across?
What’s essential aside from doctor, dental, medication?
On top of that, Mexico isn't exactly doing a great job on containment and I've read a couple of articles talking about a backlash against gringos because they see them as a transmission risk, justifiably so IMO. I'm content to wait and save my money for a Christobal-style YOLO weekend once the dust settles and we figure out what the new "normal" is. :-)