This sucks I have the Corna................

avatar for skibum609
Lite in the fridge. Oh, the humanity.


last comment
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
You are gaining so many points in funny and useful categories by dedicating so much time to posting about this topic. We are so blessed.

TUSCL is the 2020 election with old white men over 70 spamming their thoughts when we are here for the thots.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
I'm not being an alarmist for telling the truth. I hate people who can't acknowledge obvious truths. My conclusion from this thread is either A. You guys are even more afraid than I am but lack the courage to admit that this is a serious virus so you want me to shut up. B. You genuinely have a severe cognitive deficiency that cripples your ability to make accurate threat assessments. Or C. You didn't read anything I posted or watched any of those videos and just scrolled to the bottom of the page to be like "Haha! HySteRical PaNicKing PuSSy!" 🙄

Another post from Reddit...

"Been living in China for 7 years. People in the rest of the world do not understand face. China will always, always focus on maintaining a good image even when the underlying reality is shit. For China to admit to the world that they lost control of the situation and for them to humble themselves as they did means the reality of this virus is worse than we can imagine. Because if it wasn't bad, the government would have covered it up and dealt with the problem quietly. They risked international and domestic humiliation because they feared the virus more than they feared losing face. This might seem obvious and logical to us, but to the Chinese it isn't always so. For them to do what they do, means the virus must have scared the ever living shit out of them, we should respect that and take similar pre-cautions. I wish the world tried to understand the basics of Chinese culture, for if they did they would realize this is not a drill..."

Why do I need to get through to these people's thick heads? Because of shit like this...

Its true that we won't precisely know the mortality rate until five years from now. Because there is likely long term damage that can be caused by a hospitalization. COVID 19 can cause lung fibrosis that a person may survive the initial infection but die from 5 years later. There are reports of people getting reinfected and dying in Wuhan after being considered "a recovery."

But the most compelling evidence of all is just fucking common sense which people in this thread don't seem to have. Why in the hell would China lock down their entire country for something similar to the flu? I mean for God's sake people use your fucking brains. Its like you guys think this needs to be the next smallpox or bubonic plague and anything less serious than that and you'll call it "just the flu bro."
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
Flame Warriors of the Internet:
>Troglodyte seems to have emerged from the mists of time untouched by human evolution. Devoid of a single progressive idea and lacking the slightest awareness of social and cultural advances, Troglodyte has developed an incoherent political philosophy that he characterizes as "conservative" or "libertarian", but which could be more accurately described as "bigoted narcissism".<
avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
I hear Corona lite goes really well with bat soup
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Progressive whiners are hysterical. Panic, ridiculous fear of aging, a desire to be told what to think, wow. In 1848, you were women and now you're men.
avatar for ricktheturtle
5 years ago
I’m not going to criticize skifredo for being a conservative because we ricks are sort of conservative.

I am going to criticize skifredo for repeatedly whining about his personal bête noire in a way that brings politics into the front room. People come here to discuss strip clubs and get good rickvice, not to listen to Fredos whine like the little bitches they are.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Poor usedcondoms of Ricks are still on ignore.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
TXTITTYFAG has been on ignore far longer than the usedcondomsofRicks and I had forgotten she even existed until just now. Kind of funny that the name shows up as having posted on the thread, but you don't have to read what the useless losers posted. Must suck to be you lol.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Sadly, skibum is the flawless personification of the flame warrior's Troglodyte. I say "sadly" because liberal hacks like 25iq and RandomLoser will hold him up as a typical Conservative or Republican voter, which he is definitely not. Skibum seems to be forfing mew territory somewhere to the right of David Duke.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Too bad you're a typical pussy, @GammaNu, for putting me on ignore and continuing to spew horseshit behind the ignore button. @Skibum's not a pussy and he has a good sense of humor. My image of the typical conservative would be someone like you or @Mark94 -- pretentious and humorless fools who live in conspiracy theories and beat-off to Fox News all day long.

...and you have a lot of gall mentioning David Duke given the fact that you're known for calling other members "porch monkeys" and telling one of the dancers that she's well on her way to being a "welfare queen" and making references to blackface.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Congrats on "forfing mew" territory
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Lol Gam. As a registered Republican since 1975, I can assure you that you are entitled to your incorrect opinion. I'm a Rockefeller Republican, not a Trumpet fan. Your David Duke comment simply identifies you as a dope. Random and I beef all the time, but I would hang out with him any time and be happy to buy him a few cold ones and even chat politics face to face. He gets it. You never will. As far as 25? We hung out last year and I plan on getting together with him again next month. Great guy. Very real. Has my respect. By the way: forfing mew yourself.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Nelson Rockefeller was instrumental in setting up the harsh drug laws, and it is intended to result in a two tier society, largely along racial lines, and also to promote a racially based foreign policy.

Remember the surfaced tapes of Richard Nixon talking to Governor Rockefeller about the Attica Prison Uprising:…


Devadip Carlos Santana & Turiya Alice Coltrane - Illuminations (1974 - Album)…
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The riots in Attica were properly terminated. Inmates were treated properly and 29 no longer had to serve any more time.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^ And in Skibum's world, America is a Police State, and racism is official domestic policy and official foreign policy.

Yes indeed Skibum is a Rockefeller Republican.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
In Skibum609 land we have poker tonight, swinging Friday and cleaning all the windows Sunday. The useless cretins in California can look at the homeless and feel superior.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
We have lots of people in CA. It does drive up real estate prices. But the reason for it is that we are more enlightened than at least some of the people in some other places.

avatar for Kudabra
5 years ago
More like the corny-virus
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
They say corona came from bats, in Wuhan China.

Usually this virulent viruses are ones that have first crossed the species barrier.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
Future generations are going to look back on this year and the test questions are going to be something like...

1. How did the people in 2020 lose control of the COVID 19 virus?

And a kid will raise their hand in school and say.

"Were people back then just stupid? Why didn't they shut down the borders and prevent people in infected countries from coming in? Why did nobody else do what South Korea did?"

And the teacher will reply.

"Well at the time, people were saying it was just like another flu virus."

And the student will respond...

"How could they have possibly thought that when China shut down their entire country because of it?"

And the teacher will respond.

"I don't know. People are very strange."
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Corona lite is a good beer. Fuck all the bearded hipsters that say otherwise.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Those willing to give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety, deserve neither. That describes some of you weaklings to a T.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
All of continental Europe has now been designated with the same widespread, uncontrolled transmission that Iran and China have had. The travel ban is a common sense measure to prevent additional infected persons from fleeing their countries to ours.

Skibum, I fully believe that you would happily associate with ignorant scum like 25iq and randomloser as you, also, are too stupid to bother with.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ So says the moron with the IQ lower than 24
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Hey Gam lol. You're a pussy. A little whiny pussy.
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