
Comments by Subraman (page 98)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I put your ATF on a winning team
    Your Favorite Cities for Strip Clubs...
    ski: Vegas, SF, and Reno are the worst SC cities going, at least by tuscl PL standards. that's why he picked them
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    We as a group need to do a better job of recruiting dancers
    Sometimes I'll see a hot chick, offer her some drugs, then offer her my management services
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    5 years ago
    New York
    hardcore PL binges?
    Since we often drink pretty hard, really epic trips are not common, WTF can drink for that long, if they're not in their 20s? My one epic story, my buddy and I headed up at noon, went to a club, had lunch, went to 2 other clubs, had dinner, went back to clubs #1 and #2 to check out nightshift, then got a hotel room next to the last SC and crashed around 2am. So 14 hours, 3 clubs (2 of them twice), day shift and night shift, lunch and dinner.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    @Papi, okay, I literally LOL'ed
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    5 years ago
    We as a group need to do a better job of recruiting dancers
    That's some karmic debt I don't want on my balance sheet, man! It's already fucked up enough I've known some strippers who are amazing recruiters. One from around 200 who easily pulled at least 10 very attractive girls into the club
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->"^ there you go - if it makes sense to Icey it should make sense to the rest of you" You may need to take a moment and think about that statement Paps :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    That's the point Jimmy: I don't think there's any rules here either. I go to see my CF, and I continue seeing her if we have a great time together, and I find someone else if I'm not having a great time. Evidently, that's coercion lol... Go pursue whatever kind of fun you want, is a fine rule to me
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    CC: sometimes I call them Cinnamon too :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    The set of behaviors Papi describes are the windmills at which Papi tilts. No one on this thread makes explicit threats to the strippers. The girls choose to provide the level of service they feel comfortable with, freely refusing that service or firing regulars. PLs choose whether that service meets their expectations.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    a2: you understand that and I understand that. But anyone desperately trying to find ways to rationalize "whatever makes me sad must be bad" doesn't seem to understand that. And the ironic thing is, strippers exercise their right to withdraw service all the time. I know strippers who have fired their regulars, I know strippers who limit the number of regulars they have, and strippers who just don't like regulars at all (e.g., nicespice). No, "if I can't get the service I'd like, I'll find someone who does provide me that service" is not coercion... just like for the extras guys, "if you don't provide me full service at $xxx, I'll find someone who does" is not coercion, it's provider and consumer choice.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Rick: and a question -- why isn't this "lockdown" ethic applied everywhere? I mean, if I pay for a first class airline ticket, I expect first class treatment. If I fly United and get shit firstclass service, I'm either going to 1. fly first class on a different airline that knows how to treat their first class passengers, or 2. when I fly United, not buy a first class ticket, since the extra $ isn't buying me what I think of as the standard class of service. Why isn't this coercion? By this insanity, every act of consumer choice is coercion. It's not... service providers are free to provide any class of service they'd like, consumers are free to pursue any class of service they'd like and can afford. There's no stripper exception.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->"**Scenario 2** Let's assume all the same facts as in Scenario 1, with the added twist that she knows that I get bored easily and might be prone to accepting the attentions of another if she leaves for too long. In fact, if she starts working the crowd, I will consider myself a free agent and play as I like, which could include re-diirecting both my ITC and OTC money for the night. Now once again, I've never once threatened her or done any of the whiny bitch stuff because that's not my gig. But at the same time, nobody owns me either and if another girl wants to entertain me more than she does, then that other girl might get her shot." I was going to phrase this a different way, but same general principle. Porsche goes off to do dances for other guys. Which is true? 1. While Porsche is gone, I'm free to find another dancer to sit with. And if I like the new stripper, I'm free to continue sitting with her the rest of the day. 2. I can sit around and wait for Porsche, or I can get another dancer for a while, but when Porsche comes back, I should be forced to go back to her -- because if I don't, that's "locking" and coercion. Porsche must be guaranteed that she can get however many dances she wants with anyone else, and still come back whenever she wants. Which is it? If she gets dances with another customer, I can get dances with another stripper? Or you guys are proposing that I be forced to go back and sit with her again? That's really all that's happening. There's no verbal "you must come back or I'm dropping you", not a single guy in this thread has said that he needs to say this. The girls know that if they leave, so can their regular; they are making the smart, if inconvenient for Papi, call on prioritizing their regular.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->" Especially with the SF COL." Nicespice, I spend $200-$300 on VIPs. I usually SC in a group, and some days, when they don't have anyone, it's easily possible for her to make 2x-3x that from my buddies, at those times. I'm always thrilled that my buddies dance with her too -- she makes out, and I seem like a more valuable customer :) But even ignoring that, the dayshift SC scene in SF is brutally slow (with one club excepted). It's not uncommon that over the course of time I'm there, say Monday 1pm-4pm dayshift, few other girls have even done a single VIP, much less multiple. From what I can tell, most dayshift girls make the majority of money during the lunch rush and after 4pm as people drift in after work. So yes, even in the worst case, a regular $200-$300 when most girls have maybe done 2 or 3 $20 lap dances, is pretty good -- and I'm happy to leave her just as the club starts getting crowded at 4pm. It is not hard at all to find takers, especially since they can occasionally make $600-$900 from the entire table.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    lol... what I'm shocked about is, no one has changed their opinion
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->"- if she's on stage and a PL approaches her for a dance, say what? Of course she can't go - well she can go, butnl she shouldn't bother coming back, he will not be disrespected that way (doesn't she know who he is)" Papi,as multiple guys have said throughout this thread, these kinds of things are usually not even discussed. I've never told a stripper "you're not allowed to dance for anyone but me". They just don't do it -- like anyone in just about any other business, they just raise their service level for good regulars, no discussion needed. Sometimes, someone will approach her at the stage or send the bouncer over -- most of the time, she says "I'm with a customer", and that's that. Once in a while, she'll ask me if I"m okay with her doing a couple of lap dances for someone, and I don't think I've ever said "no it's not okay". You are going through contortions to try to frame this all as customer control when in fact it is the strippers doing the smart thing and raising their service level to what is basically the standard of care in this business. And hey, if she did take off for a half hour to do dances for someone else, well yes of course, there's no Papi Rule that requires me to sit around and wait for her. If she's gone for a half hour, I get to do whatever I want to have fun; that may involve finding another stripper, and sticking with that stripper instead, because that stripper is giving me the experience I'm looking for. You can call it "locking" all you want, and blame it on the customer; in the end, it's always that stripper's choice. And since it's patently absurd to think that I, as a customer, am for some reason required to wait around for a stripper when I could easily just get a dance with someone else, that's a tradeoff the stripper makes. I realize that's inconvenient for you, but this is all stripper choice, and she is absolutely entitled to up her service level for regulars.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    Last Minute Trip to Vegas
    Vegas is one of those places where I typically don't go SCing, unless it's with buddies who normally don't go SCing and are just going because "Vegas! Woooooo!!!". The clubs are definitely not geared to a PL experience, but rather the same "all sizzle/no steak, separate suckers from their money as quickly as possible while doing as little as possible". I'm sure the Vegas natives have things dialed in better than that, just like I have SF dialed in, but for most outsiders, don't plan on the type of experience PLs enjoy. If you just want to see eye candy and get some lap dances, then it can be fun. Generally speaking, what you should expect is an insane amount of hustle (at least during night shift), very beautiful women, 15% upcharge on the ATM (not $15 -- 15%. Bring all the cash you need with you), etc. At places like Sapphire and Spearmint Rhino, at least on night shift, I tend to just get lapdances and drink and sit at stage. Last time I went I took a trip to Palomino -- all nude, with alcohol -- and had a pretty good time there. I haven't been to a Vegas dayshift in a while, but back years ago, mileage was a lot better, with far far lower hustle. Par for the course I guess
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    lol... original question was "Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night?" Since PLs have no real leverage here but the money they are free to spend however they like, the real question seems to be "should strippers be allowed to make their own decisions as to who they spend their time with and how they maximize (or not) their income?". Evidently not -- they should be forced to leave regulars to get $20 dances with randos :). I don't know how that would even be enforced -- the club, going against their own economic interests, should set up rules enforcing this, in order to cater to some PLs with hurt feelings that there's a girl they might not be able to get dances with this trip? The whole thing is wacky.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    a21985-->"Whenever my I used to see my ATF in the club, she would be by my side for as long as I wished to be there. Even if she was hanging out with someone else, she would drop them and come hang out with me as soon as she saw me come in. ...snip... My mongering approach with her had nothing to do with any other PL and was not intended to lock her down or slight anyone else. It was her decision everytime, and it was based on the rapport (and money invested) that I had with her. Those are the perks of having a good regular relationship with a dancer, and I earned that choice of hers more than anyone regular PL who comes in off the street looking for a dance." So well stated it's worth repeating. All of that goes for me, exactly. From the use of the term "locked down" to the general air of entitlement and outrage, it seems like some of the variety guys are justifying their feelings by inventing this theory that regulars are doing this specifically to screw over the other PLs (as if we even notice them), and/or we're "locking them down" with threats. For the most part, the girls are making the smartest choices for them; and like every other business in the world, many (but not all) believe higher-spending regulars deserve different services than randos. As if there's some inherent injustice to that. I understand that it's frustrating not to get the girl you want when you want her, but just own your feelings and move on rather than invent this whole contrived theory
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    5 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Eye Candy AND High Mileage?
    Up until 2007, when a consent decree that among other things, moved the strippers to employees, caused it to implode as a club, many of the girls to leave, etc., Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater was kinda sorta close. I've said many times it is likely the best SC that's ever existed on American soil. There was Vegas-level attractiveness (in fact, during this time, the stripper migration was FROM Vegas TO MBOT, rather than the reverse, first and only time I've ever seen that) in a full extras environment. It was kid-in-a-candy-store type playland, dayshift was as hot as nightshift (just fewer girls) and loaded with 8s,9s, and your occasional 10s, and I imagine I'll never see its likes again. -->"does such a paradise exist where there are 8's 9's and 10's that are also giving extras for something that is reasonably affordable?" Obviously, what I just described doesn't come cheap. It was affordable if you were an engineer or other highly paid professional; otherwise not so much. But it wasn't completely outrageous if you were making decent money, for what it was.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Agree with Rick, she's an adult who can make decisions on how she wants to make her money. In fact, she's in the best position to determine what that course of action is. Agree with 25, I doubt many regulars make a verbal threat to cut off dollars. The girls just know that regulars, especially big spenders, have expectations or they move on. The stripper can choose how she wants to go... though it's probably rarely a smart decision to risk a big-spending weekly regular in order to give a variety guy the chance to spend $40. But in the end, she's in the best position to decide.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Agree w/ Papi's first response; no one's going to change their mind, and people get irritated over this issue. I'm solidly on the lockdown side... I like to spend a few hours with the same stripper ITC. I don't care if you don't like it or you don't understand it or think I should get a SB instead, none of that matters to me. Just like, you shouldn't care that I don't understand or enjoy whatever experience you're going for. You don't need to change just because I don't get the fun in variety SCing. And I'm not going to change for you, believe me :) One note, we all have to deal with the fact that sometimes regulars come in and lock down the girl we wanted. When that happens, I just find a different girl, it's not a big deal, certainly not worth writing threads about. And, it's not uncommon that the girl isn't actually "locked down". Last time a stripper I wanted spent all her time at another table, I asked the stripper who was sitting with my buddy about her. "I don't think those guys she's sitting with are spending any money. Let me go get her for you." And she did -- that stripper wasn't really "locked down" after all, I just had to send a stripper to get her, and she stayed at my table the rest of the night (it was a rare night trip for me) because we were spending money.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Eye Candy OR High Mileage
    -->"So what happens when the one or two 7’s available are already preoccupied with their Whales before y’all came into the Strip Club..." We are the guys who lock the girls down all afternoon :) I'm not being evasive -- we've been going to the same few clubs for a decade, often at least one of the guys has his CF lined up (or in other words, there's at least one attractive girl waiting for us), we get to the club shortly after it opens on dayshift. The scenario you describe really doesn't happen, it's not something we need to deal with
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Eye Candy OR High Mileage
    --->"When a visit a new Strip Club & on arrival you’re disappointed with the talent on display {4’s, 5’s & 6’s} Do you exit the Strip Club after a while let say 30 minutes & call it a loss and waste of time for the night? OR Do you maybe grab a drink & sit for a couple of hours hoping that the talent improves significantly throughout the night to 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & possibly 10’s?" If I'm by myself: I usually sit through the entire lineup once, then if still not looking good, go to the next club. If I'm with my buddies: we decide on the fly. Sometimes we leave to the next club. But we're all firm believers in "the worst day at the strip club getting drunk with my buddies, is better than my best day of work"... there are times we just sit our asses down and drink together. It's rare at the SCs we go to, that there won't be at least one or two 7s, and we'll snatch them up
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Eye Candy OR High Mileage
    I can't imagine making the decision just on those things. For me, first of all, not interested in any club that doesn't have at least a good number of 7s, at minimum, no matter what the mileage. Beyond that: If I'm SCing with my buddies: I choose whatever club will be the most fun for the group, which means 1. alcohol, and 2. low hustle. The alcohol part means it's a lower-mileage club. The low hustle part usually (but not always) means it's not the club with the very hottest girls -- but since lower mileage clubs usually have hotter girls than higher mileage clubs, still pretty good looking girls. So, bit o' both. If I'm SCing alone, and I have a CF/ATF: Wherever my CF/ATF works, nothing else about the club matters If I'm SCing alone, and I'm hunting for a new CF/ATF: I personally have more luck getting OTC and other things I want from my ATF, at lower-mileage, higher eye candy clubs. But not exclusively. If I'm SCing alone, and just want to get my rocks off: high mileage club