Last Minute Trip to Vegas

avatar for Warrenboy75
I've known for some time I might be headed to Vegas this month and at the last minute everything came together so that I am flying out tomorrow.

Never been to any of the Vegas clubs although I do know a few people who work at Sapphire and Crazy Horse ( although I probably will stay away from CH)

Any info would be appreciated. ( private message if preferred) Thank-you in advance.


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Vegas is one of those places where I typically don't go SCing, unless it's with buddies who normally don't go SCing and are just going because "Vegas! Woooooo!!!". The clubs are definitely not geared to a PL experience, but rather the same "all sizzle/no steak, separate suckers from their money as quickly as possible while doing as little as possible". I'm sure the Vegas natives have things dialed in better than that, just like I have SF dialed in, but for most outsiders, don't plan on the type of experience PLs enjoy. If you just want to see eye candy and get some lap dances, then it can be fun. Generally speaking, what you should expect is an insane amount of hustle (at least during night shift), very beautiful women, 15% upcharge on the ATM (not $15 -- 15%. Bring all the cash you need with you), etc.

At places like Sapphire and Spearmint Rhino, at least on night shift, I tend to just get lapdances and drink and sit at stage. Last time I went I took a trip to Palomino -- all nude, with alcohol -- and had a pretty good time there. I haven't been to a Vegas dayshift in a while, but back years ago, mileage was a lot better, with far far lower hustle. Par for the course I guess
avatar for a21985
6 years ago
In my younger years, I had a mentor in debauchery so to speak. This was a guy I worked with for a bit who had managed to blow through 600K in less than a year living in Vegas. He had a knack for start businesses, selling them off, having fun with the profits, working a normal job for a bit and doing it all over again. He did this a few times over in the time I knew him. This dude's hidden life was awesome and he taught me how to gamble and other things of the sort.

When it came to ladies, he was more of an escort hobbyist than an SC monger, but in Vegas he didn't indulge in either unless it was casual group entertainment at a club. He swore by getting in the Deuce at night, and riding it up and down the strip until he picked someone up. The guy wasn't ideally attractive by any means, but this strategy of his would pretty much always work to get him someone much hotter than he deserved for just the cost of a bus ride.

Anyways, moral of the story is Vegas is probably the place for picking up civvies rather overspending on only low to moderate mileage with a dancer.
I've done SA twice on my last two trips out and I have no complaints. Actually I'm probably a bit nuts for not going that route again and I've been a civilian and had decent luck in my younger days--not so sure I will at my age now. Escorts at least for me are a DC and NYC thing. Vegas always had a less than reliable rep at least when the monger boards were active and I was a member on them.

And this trip is weird in that I knew it was coming but up until last Friday it appeared I was going to need to cancel out and then Sunday everything fell back into place again. So no pre-planning.

I'll take the advice into consideration and I appreciate it.…

There are just all kinds of naughty things to do in Vegas. Just take a big wad of cash with you.
As a Vegas local, we pretty much have the town wired. I’ve developed several OTC relationships here but it takes patience and time. Visitors can’t unless they want to part with huge sums of cash.

Advice is to enjoy the show, get some dances and try to score a civvie at your hotel.
avatar for 3131
6 years ago
I bet you can find good talent on SA with short notice.
Wouldn't put anyone off trying out the Vegas clubs. Some are different to elsewhere due to the sheer scale and throughput of girls. Enjoy for what they are. Low expectations. Maybe you find a little niche. I quite like the rail at Palomino with a regular supply of JacknCoke for chill viewing evenings. Mileage can be found on occasion in several of the clubs but $$$ don't go so far for the most part. Little D's has just swung back out of my favor again from my last trip a week ago.
Weekends I've randomly bumped into fun civvies in the lifts of my hotel or the food courts, odd place sometimes!
Never been to Vegas but FWIW from prior discussions:

- Spearmint Rhino for best talent - many say one should call for the club limo to avoid the $50+ cover-charge

- Palomino seems to be less Vegas-y than the avg Vegas SC while still providing a pretty-good experience and seems to be the preferred spot for a bit less hustle and a decent experience (one TUSCLer used to pull OTC from there but he was a semi-regular although he was an out-of-towner; but seems OTC may be a bit more of an option at this place vs the more glitsy more tourist-trap clubs)

- in the past posters have stated certain hotels/casinos have a good # of independent girls working which may offer a better bang for the buck

Report back when you can on how it went!
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