
Comments by Subraman (page 97)

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    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    -->"at the end of the day." ... you're at home, alone, friendless and miserable. Every study of internet trolls comes to the same, pitiful conclusion on what trolls are like in real life. Enjoy!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    Well thanks! for teaching me that I should beat strippers ... for teaching me I should manipulate strippers with drugs and their feelings ... for teaching me to call them bitches and I should manipulate them because they feel bad about themselves ... for teaching me to objectify people instead, I'll continue to treat them as people, and let misogynistic women-objectifying trolls troll... and fake pimps, fake pimp walk LOL
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    And it was 100% about strippers, not hoes, starting with the title, in all caps. You don't like being caught in your contradictions. And treating prostitutes this way is no better htan treating strippers in any case -- only the mind of a warped, miserable troll could come up with that post.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    No, you didn't say any of those things. You even clarified in later replies on drugs -- control her with them, get her hooked, not "control so she takes as little as possible".. And went into detail to manipulate them emotionally. And no, you clearly did not say "if she hits you hit her back". All of those are lies -- the lies of a troll who looks at women as non-human objects. Again, the rest of us, who actually like strippers, are here to call out your lies, contradictions, and misogyny. See, when your entire knowledge of pimping is by watching Pimps Up Hoes Down, you get all kinds of confused and write the wrong thing on the internet.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    -->"What I said is very true of hoes." Lie. That was not about "hoes" -- who are people too, BTW -- but very specifically and clearly about strippers. But in thise case, The title of the thread you wrote was "If you really want to date/manage strippers". These are all statement about strippers, how to hook them on drugs, intimidate them, advocating beating them, how to manipulate them, and generalities such as them being unhappy with themselves. Disgusting objectification. Luckily we here who enjoy strippers are here to set you straight. "The number one thing you need to do to fulfill her needs is to make her dependent on you for as much as possible. You basically have to manage her life. Its what these bitches crave"
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    He never gets embarrassed no matter how much he gets slam dunked. I continue to insist this is a troll from our past. No way an actually stripper is spending this much time, for so many weeks, getting slam dunked so badly, and sticking around. Of course, some might argue that the hysteria and non-stop contradictions read female. Not me though. Not me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Iceyslim pimp walkin' the argument!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    Not seeing them as human beings: troll who pretends to be a pimp, advocating drugging them and beating them Seeing them as human beings: person who sees them as people, has actually gotten to know them, well enough to appreciate them for who they are, and who sees some commonality between them, just like all groups have commonalities. E.g., many software engineers are nerds. the majority of internet trolls are miserable lonely people. "Its in your best interest to take control of her drug use from the start. Make sure she does the minimum to get fucked up." "Never ask her to do shit. Tell her to do it." "Its about control." "Don’t be afraid to discipline her. Eventually you’ll have to. Be manipulative with her feelings." "She’s not happy with herself and never satisfied, she’s always looking for a quick fix and fast satisfaction." -- the definition of someone who doesn't see someone else as a person lol Wait, what's that last one again? "She’s not happy with herself and never satisfied, she’s always looking for a quick fix and fast satisfaction." LOL!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    CC: anyway, apologize for going non-linear on you, I addressed some points you weren't arguing at all. Anyway! This thread is in DEFENSE of strippers. And I'll say it again, I fkn love them. At their best, they're Fun, interesting, beautiful, sexy, seductive, funny, complex, challenging, hard partying, and passionate. Whatever their downsides, I love their upsides. And backsides. And frontsides.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    Cc: I agree, people are complex. And strippers are people. Well, most of them :) I do agree college girls can be hard partiers -- I've met a few like that on SA. Not surprisingly, when I do go for non-strippers, I'll pick a partygirl college girl over a serious college girl every time. No disrespect to the guys who choose otherwise, like I said, I 1000% understand it. But partygirls scratch my itch these days, love strippers but any partygirl'll do in a pinch
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    PMs from not listed people.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    None of this is trying to be mean, or pose to look cool, or whatever. But there's a reason, across multiple unconnected groups like stripper boyfriends (actual stripper boyfriends, not pretend ones), sugar daddies, etc., we all tell practically identical stories.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    -->"I've talked to guys with stripper boyfriends" Obviously a freudian slip. Guys with stripper GIRLfriends. Big fella.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    CC: One of the stories I like to tell: I had slept over my ATF's place, and when I woke up, I heard her stripper roommate arguing with her boyfriend. I don't remember exactly what it was over, but the BF was angry over something she (the roommate stripper) had done. She either cheated on him, or partied with other guys and put it on her snapchat, or something. She hangs up the phone, looks at us, and says, "He's dating a stripper, he knew I was a stripper. If he wanted someone who just stayed home, he should get some soccer mom. I'm a stripper, what does he expect". That, truthfully, summed up all my experience with strippers -- actual experience, not pretending to pimp them or get them hooked on drugs or beat them, not pretending to be "bout dat life", not being on a forum at 22 and pretending I know about strippers. I've hung out with my ATF -- she stopped both stripping and charging me money, some years ago -- and her stripper friends a zillion times. They are, unlike what Icey claims, exactly how I described, and that is a fundamental part of their personality, and frankly, it's why they chose stripping in the first place. Yes, of course, they are very different than their SC personas, but that part -- the poor decisions, the low EQ, the heavy partying, the flakiness etc. -- that's a constant, and real. They're constantly bitching about each others' flakiness. And also why, despite being so gorgeous and desirable, they aren't all getting trophy husbands/boyfriends. I've had multiple FWB, I've seen all the SDs with experience with strippers as SBs, I've talked to guys with stripper boyfriends -- across a whole bunch of groups who are unconnected, this is all consistent. No one who hasn't had such experience should be trying to lecture otherwise. Yes, of course, there are other party girls besides strippers. And, of course, it's just a generality -- I'm sure that just like not all software engineers are nerdy, not all strippers are as I described. Not hard to believe nicespice his higher EQ and isn't a flake, it's just a generality. But I have to tell you, it's true there are a LOT of nerdy software engineers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    IT's a troll, who has always loved causing confusion and disrupting threads -- the disruption is the point, not whatever argument he's trying to make
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    If you look, the clear pattern is: IceyLoco looks at whatever the thread opinion is, and picks the opposite side, 100% of the time. Witness his "my favorite SC cities are Vegas and SF" thread, and about a zillion others. It's always predictable, opposite of whatever the majority is, unless it's SJG or CC talking (since he knows they're not popular). Which is why I continue to believe this is an infamous troll from our past still messing with us, not some stripper -- besides nicespice, what stripper has time for this nonsense?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    ... and I'm willing to put up w/ stripper flakiness, etc., those downsides are well worth the upsides for me. Arrangement with a stripper is a pretty fun ride :)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    lol @ "iceberg slim" !!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    In Defense of Strippers
    -->"@subra I have to say, having had some experience with non-stripper SA girls, the quality of the experience with a stripper OTC is usually not nearly as good. Strippers, even the not off-puttingly high-hustle (by stripper standards) ones, are too steeped in the culture of hustle to really fuck a customer like a normal girl." Just: I 100% understand having those feelings. In fact, as I've said, the rap strippers get on SA forums is identical to the one they get here. And for get reason: we're all experiencing the same thing, even when it's a stripper trying to put on an SB facade. Low-EQ, heavy hustle, poor judgement, etc, is a generalization, but as generalizations go, that picture is painted across various groups, even SA SDs who have no preconceived notions. All of that said, I like OTC better .. or, as I've said in the past, my SA experience has taught me that what I was doing with my ATFs is pretty much identical to an arrangement. She's my ATF because she's not in super hustle mode, and while I enjoy the stability, intelligence, education, and freshness of the classic college SB, that just doesn't seem to scratch my itch -- I like the impulsiveness, partygirl vibe, seduction abilities, lean-all-the-way-into-her-sexuality, and contagious energy of a stripper. Not that there's any reason to choose, I've been indulging in SA and OTC for the past several years.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    Just -- she doesn't know that you're willing to spend that much, of course, so for her it's a risk to leave her guaranteed regular for a rando (your imperfect economic knowledge point in action, to my benefit :). On top of that, even if she knew you were going to match the regular's pay -- for just 30 minutes instead of 3 hours -- what she has to play off is the fact that the comes in 6 times a month, so she's risking 6x the income for one quick payoff (although, she's a stripper, and sometimes doesn't think long term. "Sometimes"). In my case, I specifically make appointments during her slowest shifts, and my ATFs routinely have orders from me, "if the shift is dead, text me and I'll come in if I can". The combination of regular who comes in on her slowest shifts is pretty appealing to them, from my experience
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    Favorite phrases said by other TUSCLers?
    -->"Ever since hearing this phrase here, I cannot count how many times I have thought it to myself to stop myself from chasing some GPS tail in a SC" That aphorism has literally made me a better person. Well, at least a better PL, and thus a happier person
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->"Still, I am baffled regarding the nature of your conversations. And I'm 45, dammit!" It is likely the case that much of what I think of as a fantastically entertaining conversation, will make you fall asleep at your keyboard! Keep in mind here that these conversations are liberally lubricated with alcohol. Things we talk about: club gossip (this is HUGE for me; I can't get enough of it), whatever drama is going on in their lives, sex talk of various kinds, swapping crazy drinking & partying stories, discussion of where we like to drink and party the most, sex, local sports teams (if she's into any of them), and on and on. This is all punctuated by the frequent arrival of food and more shots.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    I imagine they can set policies at those clubs where the girls are employees. Probably not a smart business move, but hey, just like the strippers and other customers, management and ownership should cater to a small subset of ornery variety guys For ICs, something like justaguy's more-perfect-economic-knowledge system could, in theory, change stripper behavior away from regulars and towards randos. I've heard of that club in NJ that does something like this. Obviously enough, *if* it resulted in a different experience for me, I (and I imagine many regular types) would avoid that club; if it didn't change anything for me, it's a don't care
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Should PL’s be allowed to lock down a particular stripper all night
    -->" It's kind of amusing to see all these regulars pretending they don't care what their favs do, and it's strictly business, when "Regular butt-hurt over perceived slight from fav, how should I retaliate?" is an extremely frequent thread topic here, and there are always lots of creative suggestions." One of the many ironies of tuscl :) I think most guys who are regulars, go through a butthurt phase; I'll admit I did. It has been years since I've felt that way. Most of the "perceived slight/retaliation" threads are not from the forum regulars who are SC regulars, but from guys just popping in who haven't been ejumacated by us lol. Ironically, the most "butthurt regular" advice I've seen in a long time -- "go with a different stripper while she's there, to make her jealous" -- came from none other than Icey, in a thread within the last week. -->"Also, regs, I think you should acknowledge that you're exploiting the girl's uncertainty about how much money might be out there, to underpay her for her time" "Exploiting" is a butt-hurty term in itself. Nearly every business ever has made the smart choice to trade off certainty for a discount. You variety guys have to stop categorizing smart business decisions, as exploitation or coercion. Or take an economics class on coursera or something :) This is nothing but a smart business decision, but both the service provider and consumer, that works out for us both. I also am on a monthly rather than pay-per-visit contract at my gym because they give me a discount for short-term certainty which can turn long-term; no, I am not "exploiting" those meatheats (nor am I "coercing" them by leaving if their service isn't up to par). -->"Finally, to end on a positive note, I'm honestly curious what you talk about with them for hours. In 20+ years of SCing, I can count the strippers I've actually enjoyed talking to on the fingers of one hand, and not drop my beer. Is it just you telling "funny stories," and her "laughing?"" Don't be silly. I also send her "dick pics", followed by her "laughing" :) :) I have to admit, I'm the opposite of you. I fkn love talking to strippers. I can talk to them for hours. Aside from multi-hour ITC visits, I've done very long OTCs including overnights. This is one of those things that I kinda understand that some older guys don't have patience for their nonsense; but I can always find fun conversation with them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    We as a group need to do a better job of recruiting dancers
    For you tricks it ain't. Me, if I forget to turn my swag down as I enter the club, I end up all covered in bitches by the time I get to my table.