
Do you kiss and tell in a club?

NNJ/NY getting extras cause I'm soooo good looking
Monday, October 1, 2018 1:09 PM
We all want to talk about our sexual conquests and compare notes, that's why we are on this site. But what about in the club? Do you tell the other guys what went down in the LD or VIP, let them know how much it cost and how far it went? What about the other dancers, I've had a few make me promise not to discuss the specifics with the other girls? Does that mean they don't talk about us either?


  • TrapBaby304
    6 years ago
    Dancers know everything that goes on for the most part. The thing is bitches always brag about how much they make, whether its a lie or not.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If I mention any activity there is no mention of anything that could be used to identify the dancer. If I identify the dancer I don't give details on the experience, other than saying it was great.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Full disclosure -- okay, almost full disclosure -- to my buddies who SC with me. Hell, sharing that kind of intel is one of the many big plusses for SCing in a group. Do not share with anyone else including here.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    No, I don’t mention what I’ve done in the club to other patrons. This is similar to the discussions we’ve had about naming the names of dancers who provide extras here. It’s best to keep it quiet.
  • wellhungsac420
    6 years ago
    Trap you think they all "know" or they really tell each another. If they were talking it wouldn't matter what I said. I wonder what the dancers talk about when they jabber to each other in whatever language they use, I assumed it was about me and all the kinky shit I do to them, but I guess not. I'm not worried about a dancer reading about herself on this site but I don't use dancer names just the same. These reviews are just for identifying clubs with extras although I've had some extras at clubs that don't fit that bill so remember YMMV!
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    There are a couple of other mongers I’ve met in person, and with those guys I share info, both in the club and in texts. As for other patrons in the club, no.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I do with known TUSCL members that I trust. Any one else nope.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I know they swap intel about us. If you aren't an ass it probably works to your favor. Telling one dancer what services another dancer provides is strictly taboo, or those services will often soon become unavailable.
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    In the past I've had other customers see something happen and want to talk about it. I always thought that was strange myself, but my ATF was like a force of nature (with almost no inhibitions) so I got a lot of chatter from one club in particular. I would just shrug when they would confusedly ask why an obviously willing dancer sent them packing.
  • boomer79
    6 years ago
    No. The only exception being a close friend I’ve gone to clubs with. I have given vague recommendations to people I meet though. I’ve also told people that if they want to know they should ask the girl. If I know they’re generally honest or not I might say that. I do not give play by plays of VIP experiences though only hints of who they might like.
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