
Comments by anthonyu

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    AMP’s outnumber Starbucks 2-1 in New York City
    I think "human trafficking" is way, way overworked. The next step is "All sex workers are slaves." I've known many, many of these women. For the most part, sex work is a rational economic choice. Better than selling drugs, larceny, burglary, robbery and a whole lot of other jobs. Better money, flexible work hours, interesting, sometimes exciting and pleasurable. Not that there aren't addicts, mentally ill, desperate people doing sex work. But such people are in all walks of life. There are over 30,000 suicides in the US per year. Not many of them are sex workers.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Omg love her boobs
    Very nice - boobs and tits Thanks for sharing and giving all of us a pleasant moment
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Kraft situation should increase attendance at SC
    Kraft - 77. Good for him.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Article by the Madam
    Heidi makes sense. But I do wish she wouldn't contribute to the sex trafficking myth. Kraft at 77. Good for him.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    don't sweat the petty things-pet the sweaty things
    teacher is horny
    Thirteen is a little young. But by the time I was 15 - if only.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Reactions to the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings
    I guess Mark's "Game. Set. Match" didn't quite work out. I don't buy "It doesn't matter because whatever happened was 36 years ago." We sentence 14 year olds to life in prison; 17 year olds who have consensual sex with 15 year olds to a lifetime as a registered sex offender." I've seen the latter happen in a trial in my home county. I vehemently disagree with such excessive punishments of young people. But, Kavanaugh is not being sent to prison for life; he just may get one of the most prestigious jobs in the world - for life. In the meantime I sure wouldn't hire him to baby sit my grand kids. I also don't buy all the blather about Democrats and the FBI conspiring, I can see and hear what's taking place with my own eyes. A thorough investigation can find the date, the house, the driver(s), jar Judge's memory, and maybe others. Even then, things will still be murky, although I'm not inclined to believe that Brett was an angel. He probably did some stupid things. What really bothers me was his performance at the hearing. I don't think he portrayed a judicial temperament. Talking about Clinton vengeance seemed off the deep end. I didn't buy his tears. And he lied about stuff. Like the Renate woman. The kids were obviously bragging they'd had their way with her, but Kavanaugh said they were all just good friends. My ass. I don't think I'd want him judging my case.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Sucking nipples during lapdance in MD and PA
    In VIP I almost always suck on titties. The exception is when the girl is lactating.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    “You Remind Me of My Daughter” — Trump to Stormy Daniels
    I think these two deserve each other. First, Trump should NEVER have paid her off. The legal issues about campaign finance, etc. are just too messy and dangerous. Besides, practically nobody would care, and even fewer would vote differently. Second, when Trump asked Stormy to deny the affair, she should have got a lawyer and told them she needed more money. And the dummies would have paid her off again – win-win. Now Trump's got bad press and all kinds of legal problems. And I wouldn't want to be in Stormy's position; she'll never be able to lead a normal life, and Trump and his lawyers may make her life a living hell.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mortgage rates and home prices
    From twentyfve: "^^^Really seems to me that GHWBush presided over that one with the Republican Congress, speaking as a true centrist who has actually voted both D & R numerous times. Let’s have an honest discussion, without the attempted rewriting of history or twisting of facts." +1
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How do you ask a stripper politely if you can grab her boobs?
    What 25 said.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The very latest on which clubs are open in NOLA.
    Nice to know the police have nothing better to do than keep the clothes on some beautiful, and some not so beautiful, women.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    gothamyte wrote: "be wary about visiting a stripper's place because she knows you're coming with money. Exactly when and how much. Be wary of being ambushed or robbed at her place either by her setting it up..." Why on Earth would she set up a robbery? Sure she knows you're coming with money. But she also knows she going to get that money after about an hour that could be fun for her as well as you. It makes no sense to screw up what could be on-going lucrative business arrangement. Not the strippers, or any other group, are always sensible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    I've arranged to see dancer's OTC a number of times, always at hotels. Mostly they don't show up. But a few times they did and it was good. But, I've seen escorts at their place (in-call) dozens of times. I never had any problem. Seems to me it would be safer to meet a stripper that you know and know something about at her place than in-call with an unknown escort.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Here we go again with another strip club tax to help sex trafficking victims.
    Sex trafficking is largely a myth. In Arizona, sex for pay between consenting adults is prosecuted as "trafficking." If a minor is involved (provider or customer, real or sting), it's "extreme trafficking." The idea that any substantial number of women are enticed to come to the US and are then forced into sex slavery against their will is just delusional. I've heard this nonsense about AMPs in California. While the "trafficked" girl drives up in her BMW.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sex OTC - prostitute??
    Cashman has it mostly right: "prostitution is a legitimate profession - that’s only kept illegal due to political" nonsense. Many of the girls I know who sell sex for money "are hard workers, focused on keeping customers happy. They are basically entrepreneurs - and small business owners." The same goes double for madams and men who organize brothels and escort services. But both "whore" and "prostitute" do have negative connotations, the same way "honky," "faggot" and hundreds of other words do. So I don't call my friends who are gay "faggots." And I don't call my friends and (dare I say) vendors who sell sex for money "whores." Sex worker is a little better, but not much and it's a bit awkward. We don't have a good word for this wonderful profession.