
Comments by Dave_Anderson (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your opinion on the economy
    Take away people's EBT, welfare, and credit cards and the US would collapse into Summer 2020 type anarchy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your opinion on the economy
    Keep telling yourself that. The "west" will never be "back to normal" like it was a few generations ago. The very rich criminal elite class will get richer while the middle class will continue to disappear. This trend has been going on for generations now. Look at "prosperous" California. People now are either rich or struggling to make ends meet. The middle class has shrunk and is vanishing. Short-term economic trends miss the overall point. The US sucks today whether the brainwashed sheep realize it or not. This is not our grandparents USA. The sheep want to be happy so they don't want to see it. This country sucks now. Neither party can save it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
    Let's talk about Krasny Liman. The "western" media is having its daily orgasm about "Russia losing." Alexander Mercouris on YouTube has been covering the battle for this town for a while now. The Ukrainians were literally putting almost all remaining effort before the autumn rains in their counter-offensive into taking this small town. As Alex has pointed out for days, taking this town seemed to become a singular obsession for Zelinsky and/or the Ukrainian leadership but the reason for this isn't clear. Despite what the "western" media is saying the strategic value of this town is questionable. Unlike in Izium where Russia barely had any troops and literally ceeded the city, Russia was making some effort to defend Liman. However, one would expect the massive Ukrainian counter-offensive to yield some victories. Russia is always willing to cede less strategic areas, pull back, regroup and focus on more important targets. Slow, methodical artillery based fighting is the general Russian strategy. Losing Krasny Liman is not good for Russia but its not really a big deal in the overall picture. One would expect Ukraine to have some successes in its counteroffensive with billions of dollars in US weapons and support. The Kherson offensive was a disaster for Ukraine and the they continue to slowly lose ground around Donestsk City so these small victories in the North need to be looked at in perspective. The "western" media is once again misleading its listeners.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your opinion on the economy
    Obviously horrible. Complete collapse coming. The only reason people don't seem bothered by the disastrous economy is post-Covid euphoria. They are so happy to be back to normal they aren't yet noticing how big a disaster we're in. They will.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Way OT
    Between B and C. Not in many years though. Like horses but don't miss that smell you can't get out of nostrils.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
    Those who claim that "Russia has lost" because it "only got 20%" of Ukraine miss the point. The strategic value of these regions rejoining Russia cannot be understated. Putting aside the mineral wealth of these territories including significant lithium mines, these areas provide both a land connection, water supply, and strategic buffer for Crimea. Crimea has been strategically and hydrologically isolated from the rest of the Russian Federation since it rejoined Russia in 2014. Crimea is critically and strategically important for Russia and is what they have always cared about. They have achieved this goal.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Unusual turn-ons and fetishes.
    Miss Piggy cosplay costume.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines damaged or sabotaged
    Well, this settles it. No US involvement in the attack. Spokesman at the Pentagon said so... https://summit.news/2022/09/29/no-evidence-us-involved-in-nord-stream-pipeline-attack-because-pentagon-says-so/
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Congratulations to the people of Donbas and Novorossiya on their vote to rejoin
    Russia is getting bigger while Ukraine getting smaller. Explain again how "Russia is losing"? Gaining four new regions doesn't seem to be "losing" to me. The US and the so-called "west" have been humiliated after provoking and backing this conflict. Thry just refuse to own the "l" and admit it. Thats why they are reporting to desperate terrorist acts.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian Nord Stream gas pipelines damaged or sabotaged
    WHY THE FUCK WOULD RUSSIA ATTACK ITS OWN PIPELINES??? It could just shut them off whenever it wanted to. And why would it do this on the day it concluded referendums in the 4 regions in Donbas and Novrossiya rejoing Russia? The only country with motive, means and opportunity, including ships in the area at the time was the US. Russia literally had no motive and is the primary victim of this terrorist act. In fact the suggestion is literally ludicrous even by discredited US media and the US State department standards.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Lap Dance Parties in Los Angeles
    If you're talking about Asian hostess clubs maybe there are more but for the traditional American style hostess clubs as far as I know only LA Grand, Starlight, and possibly Tropical are still open. To explain, you pick a girl and dance or sit on a couch and talk or cuddle. Extra mileage is between you and the girl and what you can get away with without security noticing. LA Grand is known as the grinding club on the dance floor, Starlight has less mileage but its easy to arrange OTC, and I have no clue about Tropical since it was raided years ago but at one time it was basically a brothel with people openly having sex on the couches. Fantasy was the nicer of the bunch, cleaner, classier, moderate to high mileage, but its gone now. These clubs were the remnant of early 20th century taxi dance clubs which disappeared everywhere except in LA. In the early 2000s there were probably a dozen of them still operating mostly in downtown LA with one or two in COI. Asian hostess clubs may or may not be similar but I do know some of them won't even let non-Asians in, and they are extremely pricey. Would recommend trying LA Grand once if you get the chance. Its a little rough in terms of the customers but safe inside. Not as nice as Fantasy was though.
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    2 years ago
    Phoenix “ Human Trafficking”
    I'm sure there are a tiny number of "forced" hookers somewhere but I know for a fact that there are plenty of voluntary whores out there. I have known quite a few. I'm hardly a "social "anything goes" liberal" but this entire "trafficking" thing seems questionable to me. Its not like there aren't lots of young "ladies" from various cultures who are not above peistituting themselves for a quick buck these days.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: 0.999... = 1
    Fuck off poopey breath
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Lap Dance Parties in Los Angeles
    You fuckers tricked me into responding to a thread from 2021 lol. Seriously though I was in DTLA last Saturday and it has nut come back at all. Adult entertainment specifically most of the "hostess clubs" went out of business during Covid.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Lap Dance Parties in Los Angeles
    Um, LA still hasn't really "re-opened" in the sense that it was before Covid. I was there last Saturday with a friend in downtown. It becomes a ghost town by 10pm. I haven't been to a strip club in almost two years but regular clubs don't seem to have come back at all yet in the LA area. I could be wrong though. Just basing this on downtown.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    It was me. (An open letter to Founder)
    I support censoring speech ONLY in cases where children are exposed to age inappropriate materials. Or in a few very limited cases of actual defamation or realistic threat if violence.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    An argument for reparations
    I was listening to a Haitian evangelical preacher on Poop Tube a few hours ago. I speK French not for any reason I'm proud of but but simply due to coincidence as I have lived in both France and Quebec in earlier years. Its completely useless where I live and don't tell anyone. Anyway this Haitian dude is speaking Creole but when he is quoting Bible verses I understand everything. These concepts do translate well. I think it may have been John 3:16.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    An argument for reparations
    Whites deserve a collective "thank you" from the rest of "humanity" for spreading modern technology, human rights, and civilized ideas throughout the world. Make no mistake I am no fan of the Godless secular "humanist" pseudo-values that the anti-white globalist pseudo-"elite" are peddling
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    An argument for reparations
    "Reparations" to whom for what?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Inflation is much worse this time
    The Russian economy has actually moved out of recession. Russia, despite all the BS "sanctions," is better than ever. Europe and the US not so much. The "western" media will make up 101 excuses as to why. The truth is God is on Russia's side. Fact.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: 0.999... = 1
    And some of you wonder why you have to go to strip clubs to meet women? Just kidding. Well maybe.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: 0.999... = 1
    Any field that tries to make things more difficult to understand is questionable. Thats why many people hate "mathematicians." How about trying to make things more understandable instead of more esoteric?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian troop numbers in Ukraine far lower than western media imply
    Thise pro-Russians who say President Putin isn't being serious enough in Ukraine and needs to excelerate the Special Military Operation miss the brilliance of President Putin. He is acutely aware of youth sentiment. He knows most youth don't want to be forced to join the military or fight in Ukraine. He is sensible to keep this a low grade conflict.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Russian troop numbers in Ukraine far lower than western media imply
    Oh and one more demoralizing tidbit to the Russophobes, they just had local and regional elections in Russia a few days ago and United Russia, President Putin's party, significantly increased its shard of the vote. Meanwhile the expected Russian economic collapse never happened but western Europe is facing a severe energy crisis and the US stock market has turned to crap.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is “picking up” a stripper harder than picking up civvies?
    Most women don't like sex with men. At least men under 6 feet tall. That seems to be the biggest criteria today. Tall, tall, tall. Otherwise they prefer to be lesbian with other girls. Yes there are a few morally decent women who don't fall into either of these categories but they become fewer and fewer with each passing year. I actually started to observe this by the late 1990s. Seeing all these girls at clubs go crazy for each other and ignore all the men all around them including good looking men. Yet they do still throw themselves for free at a small percentage of men. That was when I realized there is nothing wrong with "sweetening the deal" with a few bucks. Its a shame it came to this as a civilization but when we abandoned patriarchy this was the inevitable result. Sad times we live in,but that's been the reality for several decades and keeps getting worse.