
Comments by trapdoor

  • discussion #84831
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    I've met Shadow a few times and he's always been funny and a great person to hang with! Hope you are enjoying time to relax and get some much needed rest. The club will always be there when you're ready to have fun!
  • review #407935
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    VIP prices are $20/song??? Is this confirmed? Did they reduce the price?
  • discussion #83635
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    Avoid the downtown clubs if possible. I always liked Platinum 84 which is North of Denver or Shotgun Willie's which is South of Denver. If you're staying in downtown Denver, Larimer Street used to have a lot of nice restaurants and bars in that area. I haven't been since before COVID and heard the city is a mess. Used to go to Union Station which had nice bars/restaurants as well, but a friend said it was overrun with homeless. Same with 16th Street.
  • discussion #83583
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    I remember Arizona used to have highway speeding cameras. However, my understanding is you didn't have to pay them since it wasn't issued by law enforcement, but by a third party contractor. There is a bill pending in CA to pilot speeding cameras, but I think it's BS. The dangerous drivers are the ones speeding in residential areas where kids are playing and not on the busy expressways.
  • discussion #83574
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    I think bringing back the FAQ would be helpful. I was always under the impression that a club couldn't be reviewed for VIP credit if you last wrote a review 6 months ago. Now, it appears as though you can write a review each month for the same club? I've also held off on writing reviews since submitting 2 or 3 separate reviews would be redundant and instead submitted a single review covering all of those visits. I'm not sure if that's more or less helpful, but it did make the review extra long. I think having clear criteria for VIP access for club reviews should be published on the site, in general.
  • discussion #83474
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    First off, nobody calls it San Fran...we call it SF. Second, wine country isn't near SF. It's probably over an hour drive to get into the city. Third, the clubs in SF are expensive and generally not worth it. Don't leave luggage in your rental car as it'll get bipped. Also, shailynn recommended Paso Robles...that's 3hrs south of the Bay along the central coast. Beautiful area, but absolutely pitiful nightlife there. caseyx is right...won't find anything in terms of bang for buck in SF. Enjoy the weather and don't leave belongings in your rental (second time I mention because it always happens).
  • discussion #83454
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    I read a report that said neighbors used Snapchat maps to view Snapchat stories that used geo-tagged data. First, I didn't know that this was possible! Second, I did this and found Fressh's stories in which he records the dances doing pole work. Some stories show girls topless. Crazy how that evidence can't be used against him.
  • review #397566
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    My apologies, gents...this was supposed to be for The Crazy Horse SF. @founder, please move this review if possible. Thanks!
  • discussion #82534
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    I've always found desertscrub to be very friendly and helpful. We used to chat a lot over PM and he would give me the lowdown on PHX clubs, especially during COVID. I'm still in contact with him and will continue to meet up with him at clubs whenever I'm back in PHX. I've met many members here through my travels and all have been very friendly and open to sharing info. Clubbing began as a means to entertain my customers after taking them out to dinner, to becoming an actual hobby filled with enjoyable encounters and making friends who share a common interest. Regardless of how you felt about desertscrub, you will undoubtedly admit that this forum will be different without his comments and contributions. I don't know if I can even say that about myself. His presence will be missed and I wish him all the best!
  • review #395549
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    Anytime you encounter a ROB, please make sure to list their name so others can avoid. I have a feeling this dancer was from out of town.
  • review #392020
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    Great call out of the ROBs! This needs to be a thing that gets normalized more is outting the ROBs!
  • review #391949
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    @desertscrub was probably very obvious. The dancer and the bouncer were arguing (almost yelling) at each other and him telling her to get dressed and go home. They were even saying over the radio, "here comes the guy wearing (physical description of attire)" as the PL left the club. Super awkward moment which killed my vibe and any chance of decent two-way contact since the dancer I was going back to VIP with was shook.
  • review #389349
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    There was a pho restaurant and another place in the corner, but I wasn't paying close attention.
  • review #387687
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    Cover charge of $68??? Just curious if you arrived by taxi/Uber? I remember if you drove and self parked that cover was much cheaper (if not, free).
  • review #387032
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    Some of these spots in the Bay area slightly prejudice and if you're Caucasian and/or look like LE, they cover up and show's over. Also, some spots are female friendly and others aren't. So don't always assume you can bring a female. In SJ, that's instant show's over at my favorite café and the girls get upset since no hand tipping occurs when they're covered.
  • review #387032
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    @Papi_Chulo Probably the most famous coffee shop is/was Café Lu which seems to have gotten the reputation of featuring the hottest waitresses, but I think other coffee shops started sprouting up that feature nudity (since Café Lu didn't, but I heard some waitresses will). In terms of talent, you can view the girls on the club's IG @cafe.269, but expect there to be Asians that are petite. There are a few that are enhanced (both up top and the occasional BBL) and during my visit I saw Latinas and Caucasian waitresses. In my experience, you'll see just about anything which also includes larger BBW type ladies (which are less common, but still they exist). If you've ever been to a Bone Daddy's or another breasteraunt, that's that type of girls you'd imagine seeing here, but with more emphasis on Asians. Think when I was there, I counted about 8 waitresses, so plenty of variety. It's not necessary to tip them each time they refill your drink, but tip them a dollar if you like what you see. I emphasize the dollar tipping as that's customary there in the OC. In the Bay, it's more expensive, but there's contact involved (at least at the coffee shops I frequent in SJ).
  • discussion #79650
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    Hope the new site gets ride of the searching by county as opposed to the older style of searching by major city. Although, it has made me more educated on which county these cities are in, but when traveling for work and trying to find a nearby club, it makes it a total guessing game unless I do a Google search and find out which county I'm in. In terms of the troll accounts, I simply ignore them. Are they annoying? Yes! But as long as it isn't getting too far out of control, I don't really care.
  • review #383655
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    Did not see her and actually never seen her at the club. Think she only works evenings
  • review #383617
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    VIP was more fun than it's been recently, but still not like HL of old. Could be a case of familiarity leading to more friendly dances, but overall didn't get the sense that fun times are a thing of the past.
  • review #382481
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    They had curtains ever since I started coming (after they reopened from COVID lockdown). But the curtains were only for the corner VIP booths/benches.
  • discussion #78274
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    Happy Birthday, Shadow! Didn't know you were a fellow Capricorn (my birthday is the 10th). Won't be there physically, but will be there in spirit. Wondering what shirt he'll wear on this occasion???
  • review #380019
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    @Lone_Wolf you talking about Angie from HL? She's no longer there, but I do see her post that she's at HL from time to time.
  • review #380020
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    @623 the Cuban dancers at this club earned this reputation due to their ROB tendencies. Some of them aren't, but that's not a chance I'm going to take. It's been well documented in past reviews, as well. Now, if that has changed, I'd be more than happy to give them a try as some of them are seriously good looking, but they all hang out together, so I just prefer not to associate with any of them unless I hear/know otherwise.
  • review #379197
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    Can you describe more of her physical appearance? Color hair? Natural/fake tits? Tattoos? Body type? Height? Wanna make sure to out the ROBs!
  • review #379197
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    +1000 to CP! The bouncers keep dance count. Can always confirm with them how many and how much is owed.
  • review #379197
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    Any better description of the ROB? Please share with the community as the VIP pricing is well known. Was this dancer a traveler from out of town? As soon as they tell me they're from out of town, red flags go off and I decline dances cause they're known to pull this stunt.
  • discussion #76937
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    Is there a way to delete individual messages or are you saying you delete the entire chat history?
  • discussion #76685
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    Idk why, but I felt like she was Maverick from "Top Gun" when he lost his confidence and called it in. Her vault was not good and could've ended up so much worse (resulting in injury) and that poor performance really shook her confidence (i.e. mental health). While there have been two differing opinions on her dropping from competition, I will say that "The Best" athletes have superior mental focus and confidence that allows them to consistently perform at a high level. In fact, some of the best athletes train their mind as well as their body, which is what makes them great! Persevering in the face of adversity is a skill. Gymnastics is both physically and mentally grueling as you're always in search of perfection. It's not only the "what" but also the "how" that you're scored on. She could perform all the moves, but if her form is off or her toes aren't pointed or elbows are bent wrong, they deduct points. That sounds extremely demanding and especially difficult from a mental perspective. I just hope she's able to get the help she needs and maybe this will serve as a turning point in sport that athletes are human, even though we look at them as superhuman.
  • discussion #76656
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    My policy with texting is purely business related. I'm not looking for a pen pal and don't want them texting me all day/night about nonsense or BF troubles. I only text to see if they're working or if they're in town. Being respectful of their time and also straight to the point has led to dancers being very responsive to my messages. However, doesn't mean I won't text them a Happy Birthday or something personal when it's warranted. But I've never had one ask me to tip them for a conversation because I'm not having conversations. And if they stop replying, then their loss as I won't be spending money on them at the club.
  • discussion #76235
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    I may have to make a trip just to see "nochin" out in the wild!
  • discussion #76235
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    Hey desertscrub, is HL the worst culprit of this trend? As always, out the ROBs! Cannot stress this enough!
  • review #374486
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    Any Summer sightings? She was the tall light skinned AA dancer completely natural and used to be day shift. And does anyone know where Ariel is at? She was also light skin AA with perky C cups and beautiful face.
  • discussion #75687
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    Are Vegas clubs not allowed to do any contact or does that only apply to the main floor? Had thought I read reviews talking about VIP lap dances being available, but floor dances were suspended?
  • discussion #75518
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    Not a flex, but I've helped my ATF cover rent and CC debt a few times. Totalled in the thousands for sure. She paid me back every penny and even made sure to thank me whenever I was back in town and visited her at the club. I'll probably never do something as stupid or reckless as that ever again. Consider myself lucky that I got repair, but would've never loaned that kind of money to someone I didn't trust. All the more reason why she was my ATF.
  • discussion #75091
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    I think club details are important as I've came across some reviews that were clearly submitted for the wrong club. Also, this does help prevent shill reviews if someone gives generic details that could be describing any club or dancer that doesn't provide value. While I don't think it's necessary for a reviewer to echo a layout that's been covered hundreds of times, it does help add legitimacy to the review showing that it is accurate (or recent, especially with COVID restrictions/modifications).
  • review #372894
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    This has been a concern of mine with clubs reopening (ROBs accusing customers of owing more than they do). It's an easy way to get additional money from customers they don't have any history with. They also won't care about ruining a potential relationship since they need the money NOW and are not thinking long-term. Also, could be the clubs are asking for more fees and this is a way the dancers are trying to punt those fees to the customers. Please provide name or better description of this ROB for others to avoid.
  • discussion #74786
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    Is Dave_Anderson a troll account? Been a member since 2012 with 0 reviews. And the censorship argument is laughable. You realize censorship is only illegal when it is the government performing it, right? If Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever social media company/app wants to censor content, they can. It's part of the Terms and Agreement you abide by whenever you sign-up for an account. Censorship even happens here on TUSCL whenever Founder decides a troll account has gone too far. If you don't agree with what they are doing, then just stop using their platform.
  • discussion #74717
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    Reason why California is seeing so many cases is directly related to the shutdowns. While in theory the shutdowns seem to make sense (limit the amount of people out in public), in practice it fails due to the government's trust in people to stay at home. The high risk events that account for majority of recent cases are gatherings at home and not dining in public. I can't tell you how many people I know who's parents cancelled Thanksgiving/Christmas dinner, so they decided to hold a "Friendsgiving" or other gathering in which someone later tested positive and all of the people in attendance must now self-quarantine and get tested. The spirit of the shutdown is to limit your exposure to others, but I think you can't underestimate the human factor of people being social creatures. Back to the topic...the word I feel that has lost all meaning this year is what twentyfive mentioned: compromise. Regardless where you stand politically, socially, or even racially, I feel that no one is willing to listen to the other side and have an intelligent discussion. People are doubling-down and are unwilling to admit whether their ideas/beliefs may not be the best/correct. Generally, this type of behavior is not only divisive, but characteristic of people with who lack intelligence. We really took a step backwards this year and need to do better in 2021.
  • review #371974
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    Got a text from a dancer I used to visit with at Follies and she informed me this AM of the club reopening. Was caught of guard since I got a text from a number I didn't have listed, but she confirmed it was her. Didn't get any idea of the mileage one can receive, but this review makes it sound like things may be as usual unless the city cracks down.
  • discussion #74465
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    To be honest, I probably won't be among the first to get a vaccine until there has been more studies performed. I do plan on getting vaccinated, but until then, I don't mind shelter in place protocols and working from home. Soon things will return back to normal and traveling for work will pick back up. Supposed to return to AZ for work in Jan/Feb now since cases began to spike (was supposed to be back Nov/Dec).
  • discussion #74477
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    Was at "The Ritz" in Houston years ago and my coworker emerged from a hidden door which I presumed was the exit of the VIP. Told my other coworker about it and it became a running joke that our buddy emerged from a trapdoor. That soon became our codename for "strip club" and we made a pact that if we ever opened a bar/club, we would name it "The Trapdoor". My avatar is just something I found online and unrelated.
  • discussion #74465
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    Way too optimistic. Plenty of anti-vaxxers out there who probably have no intention on getting a vaccine treatment for a virus that is a "hoax". If people aren't willing to wear a mask, you really think they will opt for a vaccine?
  • discussion #73350
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    While they're at it, they need to close down Bones in Scottsdale or wherever that place was. Awful! The girls are all ROBs and the club is terrible.
  • discussion #74149
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    Please don't refer to San Francisco as "San Fran"...it's like calling Atlanta "Hotlanta"
  • discussion #74167
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    Founder, how do we expand the reviews from "Quick View" to "Full View" as we have been able to before? I like to scroll through a club's reviews and read each in their entirety by simply scrolling. Currently, I have to click on each review to Read More and then click back to see the next review. TD
  • review #371297
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    ^DH700, the review was from a visit on 10/15. I just heard that they were temporarily closed until further notice, but I get my info from one of the dancers, so not entirely sure how reliable that is.
  • discussion #73350
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    Last I had heard she was dancing in Vegas, but they didn't mention which club. No idea if she is still dancing there since that was reported a year or so ago.
  • review #371152
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    Lol! Right?!?!
  • discussion #73981
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    All her photos are heavily photoshopped, plus, she never posts pics of her stomach since it looks really bad due to her pregnancies. Like really bad.
  • discussion #73981
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    She used to be a cam model on MFC. Her username was EVA_Kitten or something like that. She also goes by pamyeezy. Looks like she's gotten into real estate and probably is just a pretty face for them.
  • discussion #73350
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    Appreciate the update, CP! Feels like my enthusiasm for this upcoming trip is slowly declining. Regardless, I haven't seen the inside of a club in months and the PL in me has reached epic proportions. Will be sure to adjust my expectations.
  • discussion #73350
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    Plan on hitting up all the clubs I can including S44, BSC, Candy Store, and HL. With the SF Bay Area still shutdown, I have nothing for my wandering eyes other than the San Jose Viet Coffee shops which are no match for an actual strip club.
  • discussion #73350
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    Is HL still opening at 11a? Or are their hours changed during the pandemic? Few more days and I'll be stepping foot back inside a club for the first time since COVID shutdown! Do I sound excited? (The answer is YES!)
  • #5690
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    She used to dance at BSC in Phoenix!
  • discussion #73350
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    Bumping this up as I'll be back in PHX for work in a couple weeks. Interested in hearing about which clubs are still doing lapdances/VIP and dancers to see/ROBs to avoid.
  • discussion #73812
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    Southwest has to be last in this department...always older women, but they tend to have personality and not just something nice to look at. Helps me not get distracted when I do work on the plane.
  • discussion #73629
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    Due to this reason, I ALWAYS go to the bar and grab a drink there to survey the talent and to enjoy my drink. When that is not possible, I'll still get a drink at the bar and stand for a bit to get a feel for the club/dancers. I've told girls before that I was there to relax and enjoy a drink first and most of them never come back, even though I truly mean that. It's the ugly dancers who will come back cause they know you haven't outright rejected them. What I've done, especially if the girl is really my type (and if I want to enjoy my drink), I will offer to buy her a drink as well. This will show her a few things: 1. I'm not necessarily cheap and am willing to spend money on her. 2. I'm not wasting her time having her sit with me for free. 3. That I meant what I said that I wanted to enjoy a drink and relax. If things go well, I will offer to buy a second drink as I finish mine and get a floor dance while waiting for the waitress to return. This will also give you time to scout the talent. You can always dismiss her after your first dance to enjoy your second drink. Everyone has their own style, but I've found this works out pretty well for me.
  • #5452
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    Janice Griffith 🔥🔥🔥
  • discussion #73468
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    Outside of meeting up with a fellow TUSCL forum member, or while I'm sitting at the bar, I generally don't want to be bothered by anyone while I'm sitting at my own table or talking to a dancer. It's also disrespectful if I'm having a conversation with someone sitting at my table and you invite yourself to sit with us. Strip club or not, just certain etiquette and personal space that should be observed (especially during COVID). I am absolutely surprised how tolerant you were with this guy. I wouldn't have been so kind (and I'm a nice guy), but inviting yourself to my table, then following me around, and finally trying to share a private dance? Wtf!
  • discussion #73411
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    What about oiling up your body so it's glistening? I don't believe you've done that. Would be nice to see that or even sweating. I love videos where the woman is sweating cause she's working so hard. That's effort! Especially, tittie sweat or where your upper chest is wet from maybe riding a dildo. Those are always hot looks! Keep up the great work!
  • discussion #71628
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    This falls inline with what I've been told by a dancer I've been helping through this time. Figured it was all BS, but starting to sound like she's telling the truth. I didn't think independent contractors or even sex workers would qualify, but she reassured me that only applied for those who didn't pay taxes. Still don't feel comfortable paying her every week until the checks come in.
  • discussion #71475
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    Actually met him when I went to the Bunny Ranch. Didn't partake in any activities (prices were quite expensive and none of the girls were to my liking). Was in Tahoe and decided to drive there and check it out. Sat at the bar and he walked past. I complimented him on his establishment and thanked him. He told the bartender to hook me up with free drinks! Sat there and had another drink and then took off. Dude seemed like a nice guy.
  • discussion #71356
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    Heard from a dancer friend that HiLiter in PHX is going to close tonight at 8p
  • review #368684
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    Thanks, Salty! Was a good thing my schedule worked out the way it did. DS, does Daisy work dayshift at HL? If she's a ROB, even a quick description of her appearance to alert other PLs.
  • discussion #71174
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    +1 to skibum. I will always push my straw through my napkin (or use a coaster) to cover my drink. If I'm sitting at the bar, I'll notify the bartender or someone sitting next to me that I'm taking a piss and will be right back.
  • review #367837
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    ^she was one of my ATF's friends at the club. I remember her being absent for a while. Glad to hear she's back!
  • review #367837
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    The Summer mentioned is the tall light-skinned AA that used to be dayshift?
  • discussion #69976
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    Agree with everyone's thoughts on Vegas. It has a reputation among outsiders as "Sin City" but make no mistake, strip clubs are purely clean entertainment. Not to mention how expensive it can be. They do, however, have plenty of incredibly beautiful women who work at these clubs, but if you're looking for extras, you're wasting your time. I've never asked about casino girls or escorts, but if that's your fantasy, they'll easy to spot and (although less expensive than strip clubs in Vegas) are still quite expensive. There are many articles on casino girls and escorts on the web that you can research. I've never been to TJ for a few reasons, but that seems to be the holy grail among the mongers here. Detroit was a lot of fun when I last visited in 2014 but I think about Florida and Atlanta (Follies) being two destinations that at least are comparable to Detroit and the fun that can be had. Best of luck and sorry to hear about your soon to be ex...
  • discussion #70206
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    My ATF got pregnant and retired from stripping. Doubtful she will make a return after the child is born. 2019 was full of incredible memories and experiences, but like the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end...cheers to 2020!
  • discussion #69999
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    Allow me to clarify...the Full Mode view is not selectable via mobile
  • discussion #69999
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    Hi Founder, is there a way we can change the default view so that we can scroll through all the reviews of a club? It's not very functional to have to click on each individual review then hit back to view the list of reviews. Thanks!
  • review #365260
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    I thought this was a bikini bar? Didn't think they were topless (or even allowed to be topless)
  • discussion #69428
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    And as I posted my comment, the "please wait" progress circle froze and when I refreshed my browser, the previous message had posted. Guess there's still some bugs to work out, after all.
  • discussion #69428
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    +1 had issues and couldn't even send Founder a message since that, too, was experiencing problems. Seems to be stable and working for me, lately.
  • discussion #69405
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    Also, there are those who will go on an excursion and take a ton of pictures, but upload them strategically. It gives their followers the impression that they're always traveling when in fact, they're posting old photos taken from the same trip, but spaced weeks/months apart.
  • discussion #69159
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    Inline with what my CF told me. They already are making the necessary changes with the clear portion on the upper part of the walls and the cameras now installed outside of VIP.
  • review #363317
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    I believe the partitions will still be there, but yes, the booths will be rotated and pushed against the walls. Don't think the walls will be removed to expose like BSC.
  • review #362653
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    I don't know if it's the same girl, but there's a Missy-Detroit that I hear from time-to-time. Is she the same girl?
  • review #361571
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    Yup! If you sit near the bar, you can see dances taking place in the left VIP. The bouncers can stand outside the VIP and look up and see if anyone is back there. Not sure it's to enforce policies, but feel like it's more to tell if a dancer is occupying the booth.
  • review #361759
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    Accurate account of what I noticed during my visits this week. Lots of new-ish girls and not many being reviewed on here that I read about. Thankfully, my CF's are still around and have no intention to leave for greener pastures.
  • review #361571
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    Asked the bouncers about this today as I noticed that they were blocking off the right-side VIP. They told me they do this to keep VIP dances on the left (probably because of the mirrors that look down), making it easier to monitor the VIP. But if it got busy, then they would allow dances on the right.
  • review #361571
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    Saw the stanchions in the VIP this afternoon, but they were set aside and the left VIP area was open.
  • review #361029
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    ^shill review doesn't necessarily mean it was from that club...could be a competing club that wanted to scare away patrons
  • review #361029
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    How about providing the name of the ROB so others know to avoid her?
  • discussion #68236
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    Aren't prices for cover (day/night), drinks, and dances specified on the clubs listing page? There's a "Details" section that also includes dancer ethnicity. I admit I reject some reviews here and there, but those that I do don't add any value. I've seen some reviews where people are speaking in such general terms that there's no actual evidence that the reviewer actually visited the club. Other reviews I have rejected are the types where they write about the club in general terms and not highlight their specific visit. Those usually are like, "been coming to this club for years and they always are nice. Never had a bad visit in the past. Hope they never change a thing about the club as it's perfect the way it is!" However, I don't feel like each review needs to follow a specific format. I believe if the review includes information that would help me decide whether or not to visit the club, like going into detail about a new dancer they met and had a great time with, or commenting on a new policy (no more contact during floor dances or dances in VIP being by time and not song count) then those details are welcome and should be accepted. We don't need to always know how much a drink cost or the general layout of the club. Especially if the club is well reviewed and details like that have been covered in previous reviews.
  • review #356856
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    I may be misremembering, but I could swear it was more than $280.
  • discussion #65829
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    $2 Tuesdays at Bucks Ft. Worth?
  • discussion #65294
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    You mean to tell me those peanut butter crackers were free??? I think I got charged for one while sitting at the bar...
  • discussion #65195
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    I don't think you can completely negate physical appearance. I have had negative experiences with dancers who don't remember that, but do remember me from my beard. They may even approach me as if I am happy to see them, but I would politely reject their offer for dances.
  • discussion #65106
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    As someone who only views TUSCL via smartphone, I hold my phone vertical with my right-hand. For this reason, I do appreciate the menu button at the top right of my screen.
  • discussion #64509
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    Just noticed this and yes, would like to see if founder could remove this feature
  • discussion #63283
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    Happy Birthday, Shadow! Mine was just a few days ago. Looking forward to another trip back to Atlanta!
  • discussion #57884
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    Much appreciated! Having to click and go back to view each individual review on the club wasn't as smooth as being able to scroll down.
  • discussion #55466
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    Was my first time sitting in those high tops. I'm usually at the bar whenever I go to a club. Nice meeting Hamster80, btw!
  • discussion #54157
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    Was leaving a club with a few buddies of mine in Seattle and these two cars goes racing down the street. One car was chasing down the other and overtakes that car, slamming on it's brakes to stop the other vehicle. The driver chasing the car gets out and pulls a gun on the guy and that car books it in reverse and pulls one of those controlled spinouts and raced away. We all hit the deck when we saw the gun. Once the car sped off, the driver got back in the car and proceeded to chase him. Was a truly sobering moment when you see a gun get pulled on someone while you're less than 20ft away. After that, I didn't even feel buzzed anymore (probably from the adrenaline) and we called it a night.
  • discussion #53783
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    I had always thought that they record ID's in the chance that you use a credit card and later decline all charges, claiming you didn't go to a strip club and that it was fraudulent activity.
  • review #353299
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    I believe the touch screen in the entrance to VIP only records time spent in VIP, then they use simple math (like 3 mins/song) to count dances. I've had a similar experience in VIP when someone comes back almost every song to take stock on who's still getting dances. Other times, I've had it where they just stop the time once we're leaving and they have to figure out dance count.
  • review #352603
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    From my experience there, I don't believe extras are possible due to the cameras above the VIP booths.
  • review #352578
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    By doing that do you avoid entry fee or something?
  • review #352578
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    Good to know. I was by myself, so not sure they would does free pickup and free admission
  • review #351391
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    Is Cherish the Latina that looks like Jayna Oso?
  • review #350257
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    I believe the ID scanning is to avoid CC fraud. Very easy for someone to claim their CC was stolen and to deny any charges on their statement, but an ID scan proves you were actually at the club.
  • review #348422
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    Noticed that dynamic duo on my last visit and agree that they put on quite a stage show!
  • review #331817
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    Nah, the Hiphugger was located near Mary St on El Camino. This is between Wolfe and Lawrence on El Camino.
  • review #334227
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    Love me some Toni! She's so sweet! Haven't been able to get a dance from Ariel, but I remember her from BML. Anyone who has knowledge of her VIP dances, please feel free to PM me!
  • review #332327
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    I have a feeling that these mirrors are more for looking to see if a booth is occupied, rather than to watch the activity in the VIP
  • review #325413
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    Why not Thursday or Friday? Gonna be back in town for Spring Training and would visit on either of those days.
  • review #325087
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    How fitting Papi_Chulo comments on my review as another fellow TUSCL'er was sitting next to us and upon making our acquaintances asked, "Are you Papi_Chulo?"
  • review #323574
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    GPS??? Had to look this up in the glossary. Glad I did! Nice review, as usual!
  • review #313935
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    Glad that I could clear that up for ya!
  • review #313684
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    Was there yesterday and during a floor dance, was scolded by a bouncer to keep my hands off of the women's tatas...even though she was the one who grabbed my hands and led them there! Sure doesn't feel the same
  • review #308338
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    Sportys isn't a strip club. Do they still do the tip parade after coming off stage?
  • review #307868
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    I had a similar experience, before, where the dancer wanted to "confirm" the number of dances (VIP) with the DJ...but I knew better and asked the bouncer and he set her straight. Believe it or not, the bouncers are honest and generally chill
  • review #304469
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    The bouncers always keep track of the number of songs any dancer performs in the VIP at HL. That's why they carry that clipboard. If your dancer doesn't approach a bouncer BEFORE entering the VIP, you may have an issue of proving how many dancers you did back there. They're supposed to notify a bouncer so that he can start counting songs until she returns.