
Comments by Irish1072

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    www.urbandictionary.com Great resource for this kind of information. DSL being one of my favorites, check it out.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    If you are at a club that you frequent often, then I recommend being diplomatic so she doesn't make it harder for you with the other girls. Having said that, I agree with the previous reply, "no thank you" should suffice. At my regular club there is one girl that just won't take a hint that I'm not interested, when I see her coming I just shake my head NO and she has finally gotten the hint, fortunately, most of the other girls know me and like me so it has worked out.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Money Customers Spend (how much is too much)
    I've spent about 5,000 since Oct, I shouldn't have but I'd do it again because...................
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Ever had a Stripper live with you?
    Ask me in a few months,
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Questions??? Answered honestly by a stripper
    How far will you go to retain a customer? Would you pretend its more than business?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    We're men, we can be the brightest most intellegent around, yet put us in a room full of half naked/sexy women in 8" platform shoes and we turn to jello, well at least I do. Mine is..........special, no doubt, and could have her way with me anytime. Eventually I'll wake up and we'll end up together (1% chance of that) or I'll return to my normal life without SCs.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hints for dancers
    I don't think you have to wait too long, but I also understand that it is competitive with the other girls, so I guess there is no set answer. One option is to sit down and say hello without blurting out "do you want a dance sugar?" I understand time is money, but a softer approach makes it less like a business transaction, at least for me. You can always crank it up when appropriate. And most of all don't look angry if we say not now or sorry I'm waiting for someone else, that's human nature. Even if we say no thank you, as in we aren't attracted to you, common courtesy might still get you a tip. Good luck
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    14 years ago
    How I got played by a stripper
    How many guys have been played to the hilt, where the girl reveals her life, family, kids, home life, school everything, and you have done the same and opened up to the girl? I went overboard with one, I knew better but this girl cried on my shoulder, kissed me and did all of the things you would expect in a relationship except date outside of the club and I bought it, hook, line and sinker. We seemed to make a connection on the first visit and I told her that I wasn't interested in a typical strip club client/dancer relationship. I didn't treat her like a stripper but in the end, she sure treated me like a client. I didn't want to believe it because she was such a sweet person that I couldn't believe anyone could be that evil. In the end I'm not sure she's evil but she didn't seem to be able to accept being treated as well as I was treating her and she left with some gansta wanna be piece of shit loser. What the fuck is with these girls that they would rather be slapped around and treated like crap from some loser than to be treated like the good person that most of them really are? I just don't get it.
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    14 years ago
    When the Music Stopped
    Do you wake up in the morning and feel good about; the person you are, how you treat others, how they think of you? If you can look in the mirror and answer yes to all 3 questions then you've done good. If even one person was changed because of that story, then it was worth sharing, even in this forum. Moral of the story? Guys and girls, lets play nice (as my dad used to say) and enjoy the time we have.
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Hints for first time visitors to a club.
    I somewhat agree, as for what kind of clubs to start with, there are clubs with reputation for a less desirable element. I'm a business man who would prefer to be around a better class of clientele. For the Phoenix area that is Christie's, I prefer Tempe but Phoenix is good as well. Usually a good selection accept on the rare days when there are only the younger dancers. I prefer the more mature woman. I never feel uncomfortable in this environment and that is the point isn't it.