
Comments by edepsiz

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Going by yourself
    I also go in the afternoons and it's a more relaxed atmosphere dominated by single customers, the wolfpacks arrive later during the evening and dominate the weekends. I don't think you should feel weird at all. And seriously.... you're concerned about what strippers think about you???? Then don't go to a strip joint!
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    14 years ago
    A new ploy, for me.
    What's the best way to turn down the girls that you're not interested in? I usually say I am waiting for someone (even if it's a lie) or "maybe later" which is also a lie. If I like the girl, I'll tell them to sit with me. The problem is that, there's a club that I visit regularly (once a week or so) and some girls that I have turned down tens of times still come up to me every time and try to sell me dances.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    We need a mileage / OTC list.
    Is that really a smart idea? What if there are cops monitoring this site and they find out so and so girl offers BJs at whatever club?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Great Blog from a former Strip Club Manager.
    No I can't answer for the other first timers :) but whoever that blogger is, he sounds like he knows his shit or he's a really good story teller. No matter...go encourage him so that we can hear more stories, real or not. I am looking forward to his column on "where to come"...that should be a real gem..LOL
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Great Blog from a former Strip Club Manager.
    troop...cause maybe I just joined the site and have better things to do then post 657 times within one year. How about that for your curiosity...
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Great Blog from a former Strip Club Manager.
    Visit his blog to support this guy, his columns are entertaining, spread the word :)
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    It's easier to shake off a dancer you don't know,but how do you deal with the girls who know you and with whom you have gone to VIP but you're not interested anymore? They just assume that once you get dances from them you'll always do so in the future...it's harder to shake those off...
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Getting a Stripper's Number
    "if you attend strip clubs alone something is wrong" Really Freud, do explain, I am sure the thousands of guys who attend SCs alone would like to know what's wrong with them...
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    Working the Pole: A Disappearing Art?
    Dancing on the stage and using the pole is becoming a lost art for sure. Most dancers just slowly strip and show off their goodies without really dancing at all. I love it when I see a dancer who knows how to use the poll!
  • article comment
    14 years ago
    An Excellent Review
    Use the reviews as a rough guide. I have been to clubs where the TUSCL reviews of the girl quality were terrible yet I thought most of the girls were wonderful. Also, keep in mind that if you are travelling a lot your experience as a "tourist" will be much different than the review written by a regular of the club.