An Excellent Review

avatar for bigstevebull
I travel around a lot for business. I move in a variety of different circle while I am in a new city. However, one important thing always reamins the same: I need to get to get to a club. Strip clubs for me in unfamiliar cities provide a needed escape into something I know from my home. Keeping this fact in mind, I rely on the information from members on TUSCL to provide an accurate and detailed account of a local club. Local's insights into clubs are very unique and give me a chance to understand the "culture" of a club, i.e. dancers,drinks, prices, nights to go, extras, OTC. More than any feature on TUSCL, I use the reviews to gage what club will work for me in a new city. I am wondering for other people on this site, how they use the reviews? Does it make you want to go to a club? Are you put off by the language used by the author? Without the reviews, I would fee lost in my pursuit of finding the hottest women, with the most to offer in a profession I hold in a very high regard. Moving forward, I would like to see reviews that focus on the details and the culture and why I should spend my money at a place i am unfamiliar with and why it matters. All clubs are different. I need to know why I need to visit the ones that matter.


last comment
Seems more appropriate on the discussion board than as an article.
Agree with gmd that this piece is more a db writing. It would be more interesting if pc provided an example of a specific city, and the thought process he went through in narrowing his choices, and how his research jibed with his actual club experience.

For me, I pick the top rated clubs with a meaningful number of reviews (3 in many cities, maybe 6-8 it club dense areas like Vegas, Dallas, etc). I read the reviews in selected clubs, often reading between the lines to get a real feel for club. I also try to orient myself as to which clubs would be close to hotel I'm staying, and whether or not further away prospects would be worth the cab fare.

As for content/style of review: By now, I have enough of a feel to seperate BS from useful reviews, recognizing at times that reviewers focus may be different from mine.
avatar for edepsiz
14 years ago
Use the reviews as a rough guide. I have been to clubs where the TUSCL reviews of the girl quality were terrible yet I thought most of the girls were wonderful. Also, keep in mind that if you are travelling a lot your experience as a "tourist" will be much different than the review written by a regular of the club.
avatar for lvlap123
14 years ago
I use reviews so i can make a educated guess. It is hard since it is all a individual experience between the dancer and the individual so i try to see if at least the club overall gives me the vibe i am looking for. Age plays a big factor too, i think, since what used to excite me years ago is no longer a key. Meaning my own old reviews would be useless guide at this point except as a reviver of good memories. I just read reviews and use my intuition so that at least i have an idea and at the end of the day it is going to be my exprience.
I'm with you, pollychukk. You can't really take the reviews at face value because you never know what's in the mind of the reviewer, or whether the review is bogus to begin with. So I read at least a dozen reviews, throwing out the best and worst like a professor grading exams, and just try to get a general consensus. Even so, at the end of the day you just have to roll the dice. <p>
It might be a good idea for some of us traveling business types to create a conclave of sorts, sharing the inside scoop within a trustworthy circle.
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