
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 49)

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Lone wolf
    The Best Chicago Club
    Scores and Polekatz are ideal clubs for a certain kind of customer: The guy who wants super hot companionship, is willing to pay a little more for it, and is OK living without VIP rooms or extras. If you stick to the lappers and are OK with $35/per, I find most dancers let you get a little handsy and give a good grind. If you're there for cheap drinks or extras, you'll be disappointed. But if you want to have a super hot lady in your lap, Scores is a good option.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Walks, talks and smells like a shill
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    This club in Milwaukee is the...
    Low on details and seemingly a little too complimentary.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    High mileage lap
    Pretty concise assessment.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Pleasantly Surprised
    TNT and Hardware Store are basically in direct competition in terms of clubs where a little more fun than the standard can be had. Hardware Store is a little more of a consistent and sure thing if you're looking for above and beyond, not to mention that the rooms there can be had for $100 for 15 minutes, which is often enough time to have fun but half the price of a room at TNT. However, TNT tends to have better talent on the whole, whereas there are only two or three girls who make Hardware Store worth the time, and a lot of others who make it annoying. I had a very similar experience to this reviewer in a recent trip to TNT where I got pleasantly surprised by a menu once in a room. It can be a bit of a risk doing rooms there. I have had talent sell me a room with hints of extras, then be strict to the rules once we've started. I've also had talent be vague about rooms simply being "a lot of fun" (which might mean anything) that have then surprised me with a menu of opportunities. You buy your ticket, you take your chances.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Dancers Galore
    Generally spot-on review. Note that past reviews have indicated street parking can get you ticketed, so it might be best to just swallow the $6.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Friday evening
    I don't blame you for feeling intruded upon, but know also that your behavior, oddly enough, was strange for TNT. That's not your fault, nor was it wrong. It's just kind of a strange club that way. Seems like there are two kinds of guy that go there: Locals & dancer friends just there to drink, and guys out for, well, "more fun" in the lapper/VIP rooms. I really don't remember ever seeing lots of guys sitting at the rail for too long. Generally, it seems like guys there hit the rail to meet a particular dancer, then find her later for different kinds of fun. So yeah, you probably stuck out a little like a sore thumb some and that might have drawn attention for an odd reason. In no way excusing what happened, just kind of maybe trying to explain, based on what I've seen.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Sweet chocolate at the CB
    Well done. Thorough. In my experience at CB, yes, cameras, but not always well-watched, particularly during the day. Some of the veterans there, who know what they're doing, can turn that into a fun time.
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Still not there
    I had a similar experience in my one trip up there. I think the place survives on bachelor parties, hunters and other groups of guys who only go to strip clubs every so often and don't think to read reviews or know what real millage can be, or like winning the "lap dance lottery," as it were, when they raffle off dances. I have never tried to land OTC here, but at clubs this restrictive, it can be a possibility since such girls know they'll only make so much money in the club. If you have the time and gas, real mileage can be found at TNT or the Hardware Store about 60-90 min. away (or so I've heard).
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Prices up with mixed results
    Thorough, good review. Silk Madison is a "safe" choice in that you know there will probably be a few halfway hot dancers there and you won't feel like the place is skeezy, but you also are guaranteed fairly limited mileage. Disappointing to hear about the lapper price going up.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    On The Border
    Good to know the dayshift is good. I might have to check it out sometime. For the critical propper, while this reviewer sounds like a truck driver who might get around more, those of us who aren't only have so many options around MIlwaukee. Compared to those other options, OTB is often better than the rest. The market here just ain't all that great.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    sinclair's Review
    Good to see someone with national experience reviewing the club. But yeah, most Milwaukee clubs give relatively little bang for the buck.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    Not Overly Impressed
    I visited Brad's in its heyday. The end of (great) $10 dances did a number on the place's previous legacy.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    If you live in Chicago and...
    Good point with the dancers. OTB dancers do have a bad habit of doing a lot of sitting, particularly those who work more shifts.
  • article comment
    8 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Traveler's Guide to OTC
    One of the things about the age range piece is that ladies 18-22 are less a little -- not much, just a little -- less apt to have kids. OTC is a lot tougher for the single mom who has to get back home to take care of the little ones. I once had an OTC experience with a dancer who had a teenage daughter. She looked much younger than her age. By that point, she could let her daughter be at home on her own. Great article. I actually wrote a similar one just today without reading down to see you had posted one like this. I promise, I wasn't trying to plagiarize, but I think I'll end up saying a lot of the same things you will. The big thing to keep in mind is that, even with this very good advice, you still have a baseball-like batting average of .300. Guys should remember, that means you'll still fail 7 times out of 10. You can do everything right and the girl still won't do it, just because. That's OK.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    What was going on here?
    alabegonz: To answer your question, yes. And no, she didn't seem to "get it," so yeah, I gave up. Phantom: Maybe. That was part of why I said, "I can be from wherever you want me to be," in the hope of letting her know that just because I'm from around the area doesn't mean I'm unable to secure a room. I try to be subtle about securing OTC — out-and-out asking the wrong girl seems like it could result in a bouncer visit and a hasty ejection from the club — but I might have been too subtle, and she was just ... who knows. I will be back at that club eventually. If I see her again, I might take another whack. If not ... onto the next one.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Pathetic Losers Anonymous
    I'll preface this with a disclaimer: I'm more naive than I should be. So yeah, this could be SS, combined with BTS (bartender sh..), DJS (DJ sh..), etc. This could be the entire hierarchy of the club combining to play you. That being said, let's look at the facts. They saw you and started laughing. This is not a good way to retain customers, which makes me think that was a real reaction, in part, to her real emotions about whatever went on behind the scenes. She clearly was willing to go places with you that she didn't go with others. And she clearly seemed to get emotional about the situation when she was confronted with it and, given there was laughing-at going on, she was obviously pissed with the laughers. Keep in mind, while we won't know what was said to her backstage and how hurtful it was to her, if she's got a REAL connection to you, she won't take kindly to you being laughed at, either. Long story short, I think PLs are ones who believe what is blatantly SS. They're the ones who really believe they're cute, handsome, successful, etc., when the dancers tell them they are, even though they look like Stephen Hawking and are spending money from Mom at the club. They're the ones who aren't remotely bright enough to identify SS. Thing is, there are enough things going on here that aren't the types of things that are "faked" to keep business coming in such that I can see how you would feel, reasonably, that this isn't SS anymore but is a girl who actually likes you beyond what you pay her. Keep in mind, while a lot of sex workers can turn off the emotions most of the time, they're still women and they're still wired like women, too. Furthermore, a PL backs down when things get "real." Yeah, I am a loser. Yeah, I shouldn't be here with you. Yeah, you're way out of my league. Yeah, I'm can't get a girl for real. Yeah, I probably could change that, but it just seems to be my destiny. That's how a loser acts. You stood up for her, followed her out and made sure she was OK. If it's not SS, that's not loserly. That's doing what's right for someone who's given you what you want for a long time. Sure, it could all be an elaborate scheme. But there's enough going on here that it doesn't seem like it, at least to me. Don't think of yourself as a loser. Just understand, too, that a girl, particularly a dancer (and one who might have just lost her club income) who gloms onto you comes with her own set of challenges. Just face them like the club rockstar you are ... not a PL, because you're not.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Pros and Cons of Being a Strip Club Regular
    As someone who generally hits the clubs once or twice a month, I'm kind of on the borderline about the whole "regular" thing. On the one hand, I think it hurts you. If the girls know you've been there, they also know you'll probably come back and probably won't care if you get a crappy dance or a weak act when it comes to her seeming interested in you. That's not good. If she thinks you're fresh blood, then she might try harder. On the other hand, if bouncers know you're trustworthy and will spend, they might let you get away with more in the club. And if a dancer knows you've got a reputation of spending and tipping well, she might do more to try and get you to do exactly that. Plus, if you're a regular and known, then I think OTC opportunities are more likely because of that trust. However, this can be a two-way street. I recently had an odd experience I'm kind of embarrassed about. It was my first time with a particular girl from a club I visit regularly and we went from the club to a casino, which is something I never do. We both played on my dime. I knew, as a non-gambler, I might make mistakes and lose. I did. She also lost, though she was convinced she would win, and blamed me for us not winning more while also getting flustered. Now I don't want to go back to that club since I have a feeling she probably told the other dancers the next night I was dumb from the casino experience. Way to make your customer feel good about his "purchase." Furthermore, it's tough if you've been going to a club for a long time and you have a reputation for one thing, then you start wanting something else. I was a lapdance guy for a long time. Now that I'm thinking OTC, I'm guessing the girls I've done lapdances with for a long time will think, "Why should I do that? Can't I get the money the way I always have?" So yeah. I guess it all depends.