
Comments by joebr (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit dayshift
    I think a good alternative day shift is Cricket. About 10-15 girls in my experience, free parking, and satisfying dances. I still prefer Flight Club overall as the best in Detroit, but for a change of pace Cricket is good
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Poll: should I road trip to Detroit during vacation?
    I just came back from a 2 day trip to Detroit. It is totally worth it. Flight Club is great. I happened to like the Cricket a lot as well. Like every other state some girls shouldn’t be dancing. But there are many 8’s and higher as well. And yes, you can get what you want from most girls at most of the clubs. Totally worth a trip
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How to judge her excitement
    In my experience creamers vastly outnumber squirters. Of course my experience is not large.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Reasons i love SA
    My experience is that you can literally find women for whatever type of arrangement you want. Some will say platonic, but the vast majority expect an intimate relationship. Some want to be wined and dined, some expect just an hour or two. Mostly what I'm finding is that they don't want somebody weird or creepy. It takes some effort but it is easy to find someone you will like
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Potential issues with OTC
    I gotta believe being robbed is rare, especially if the dancer sees the monger as a good financial source of ongoing revenue. What about the lady potentially outing you? Have any of you had this situation and how did you handle.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    I guess it's all about comfort level. If I have one real good trip to club and spend a good amount of time with a lady, I can feel comfortable enough for next meeting to be OTC. In other cases, I may need a second ITC meeting before suggesting OTC.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    So far with my approach I have never gone beyond 2 to 3 visits to try to turn ITC to OTC. I assume it could happen but I feel like I don't want to make that bet.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In search of OTC
    My batting average for otc is far from 100 percent but with the approach I use it seems respectable. Worst case is i waste a couple visits and a couple 100....but at least it is usually enjoyable even if it does not go to otc. I don't chase any woman forever. If it doesn't happen after a couple visits I move on. But as I think most mongers will tell you, it is not rare.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Hotel logistics
    Has anyone ever had a girl agree to come to the room, and then try to extort you the next day or even weeks later by threatening to claim she was victimized by you, unless you pay her to keep her quiet. I never heard of this but some of these ladies are unstable and capable of all sort of things. Anyone else ever hear of this actually happening?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit Visit
    Thanks...it seems like from the reviews going from Bogarts to fc, or visa versa, would be like going up, or down, 30 flights in 2 seconds. They seem like two totally different worlds, though I guess I can find what I want at each. Are the girls at bogarts or for that matter henry8 at all attractive? I really prefer spinners or near spinners. I don't need a 10, but prefer a 6 at least. A gnd look is good as well. If I had to choose began Bogarts or henry8, what is the best bet for what I seek?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit Visit
    Thanks for the comments. Maybe 500-600 is a little low for my goal. I know i want to sample more than one club and have fun more than once. I guess if I went to Bogarts and then bt I likely could do this within my budget. But you are likely right that fc and ph will blow ( no pun intended) my budget. that is why I was wondering about cricket. Seems like a safe neighborhood, and seems to have less cost than others. I have read many of the reviews and cricket seems to have possibilities, maybe not as good as others but maybe not so expensive either. Does anyone think it is a worthwhile place to try?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit Visit
    I agree, I don't want to spend that either. But I plan to visit at least two clubs - and want to get some satisfaction at each. So it seems to me between valet, drinks, some exploratory dances to find a willing and cute dancer, and then a fulfilling VIP- and then doing this all again at a second club, I may not get away with a lot less. That is why I may want to try the cricket as it apears cheaper than fc, but does not seem as basic as Bogarts and henry 8. I really like the sound of ht, as it seems there would be a lot of spinners. If I strike out there, I will go to fc. I am saving, for an emergency if I need a last minute thing, Bogarts or henry8.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit Visit
    Good commetnt so far. Is there any reason to consider lower clubs on the southern itinerary such a s Bogarts or henry 8? I didn't plan on visiting these as I figured I could get what I want at fc, ht, etc. But, let's say I am somehow striking out at other clubs and it is 1am and I want (need) satisfaction before going home. What club would be most likely to deliver in this situation. I would still rather stay at the nicer clubs, but need a back up plan just in case.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Old reliable
    I have never underestood how cayennes finishing touch actually works. I don't get how she is positioned if you are kneeling on the bench.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Making it sprinkle
    Honey has never done anything for me either